Chapter 2094

ill be no Jiang family." 33 novel networksaid here, this Jiang family master's face is all sighing.Jiang Chen just gave a look of disdain, but now she shivered and said, "Dad, you mean the Jiang famil...Chapter 2094

looking at these guys, Ye Hao sighed that he didn't bother to get in touch with them and was ready to leave in a different direction.

but unexpectedly, Zhao Linlin seemed to have a connection with him. At this moment, the afterglow of the corner of his eye swept him, and he was suddenly stupefied: "Ye Hao!"

"what are you doing in Shenfu courtyard"

"say it!" Have you been waiting for us here for a long time "

"you're not going to follow us in, are you"

Zhao Linlin is really on guard at the moment.

what is the occasion today

if Ye Hao is really mixed in by this guy, it will be really humiliating!

and those Internet celebrities are also looking at Ye Hao with a look of disgust at the moment. 33 Fiction Network

they are all upper-class figures, and it is simply humiliating to continue to let country folk like Ye Hao take credit.

he even frowned slightly when he didn't lose, as if it was humiliating to know Ye Hao.

Ye Hao had no choice but to lock his bike and said faintly, "Zhao Linlin, can you stop being so narcissistic I have nothing to do with you here!"

"what do you mean it has nothing to do with us" Zhao Linlin sneered, "you obviously want to take advantage of the lack of face to attend the birthday party!"

"what Didn't Xia Yun give you an invitation "

"but that's right! Xia Yun is just a marginal person in the Shen family, so how can he be qualified to give you an invitation "

"if you want to get in, is there any other way to get in besides touching our light"

Zhao Linlin sneers again and again.

"Ye Hao, it's not your fault to get along badly. We can understand if you want to be exposed to light."

"but the problem is, people have to be self-aware, you are already aware of your weight, and now all you have to do is beg us and ask for less, instead of pretending to be here, do you understand what I mean"

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Ye Hao looked cold and said faintly, "Don't you understand what I'm saying"

"then I repeat, my presence here has nothing to do with you!"

"yo! It has nothing to do with us. Did the Shen family send you an invitation " An Internet celebrity's face covered his mouth and smiled, and his eyes were full of disdain.

people like them didn't get the invitation. What qualifications does Ye Hao have as a countryman

Ye Hao looked at the crowd standing in front of him and said faintly, "you're right. I do have an invitation!"

Zhao Linlin sighed and said, "Ye Hao, don't pretend at this time!"

"this is a birthday feast in Shenjiacheng!"

"it is said that many invitations were written by the old man himself!"

"do you mean that the richest man in Jiangnan is going to write an invitation to your old man himself"

"think about your identity, your status!"

"you don't think that you are a figure in this circle when you get the No. 1 villa in Xiangshan by luck, do you"

"I'm telling you, I've asked, and you haven't even paid the property fee this month!"

"what are you pretending to be in front of us if you can't afford to pay a property fee"

"I'm telling you, stop putting on airs! Is it so difficult to admit that you have come to touch us "

"you, too, are strange. You have been waiting here for such a long time, but you still refuse to admit it even though it has been exposed!"

"be honest, maybe it will give you a chance if you don't feel soft."

"the way you are now, you won't be able to follow us in to eat and drink!"

:. :d a man in. Xiao Ruyi didn't ask any more questions.after listening to Ye Hao's simple instructions, her men first buckled Bai Shao up and threw them in the corner of the wall, then asked for a basin...