Chapter 2093

hat these were armed helicopters specially used in the army."Why do people in the army suddenly appear"is also a member of the family who looks at each other and looks at each other. Even Ye Yuanjia f...Long after

Chapter 2093

, Shen Yu's phone rang and looked at the name on the phone screen. He frowned slightly, but pressed the answer button anyway. Across the street from

came Fang Haoqiu's indifferent voice: "Shen Shizi, I just got the news that your father is going to have a birthday party tonight. I wonder if you have enough hands"

obviously, Fang Haoqiu knows what Shen Yu wants.

Shen Yu's eyes twinkled slightly, and then said with a smile, "Fang Shao, I've heard that there's a little thing going on on the cruise ship. Why don't you go and deal with it first"

"as for my side, I can handle it myself."

the voice fell, and Shen Yu hung up the phone with a bang, flashing a trace of haze in her eyes.

A moment later, another phone call came in. As soon as it got through this time, Shen Zekai's cold voice was heard across the street: "Tonight is Father's birthday party. I will send someone to pick up the second sister and son."

"I don't know what you want to do, but if you mess around at the birthday party tonight, I'll be the first to kill you!"

in two words, Shen Zekai, the second-in-command of Mudu government opposite the phone, neatly hung up the phone.

Shen Yu held his phone, and the next moment he heard a click, and his phone fell to pieces.

and Shen Yu's face, a smile slowly blooming, no longer warm as jade, but wanton arrogance.


Xiangshan No. 1 villa, a delicate invitation was sent to Ye Hao.

when Ye Hao opened the invitation card, he saw that there were several big characters with dragon flying and Phoenix dancing in the head.

the content of the invitation is very simple, that is, to invite the president of Longmen Modufen to attend the birthday banquet in Shenjiacheng tonight.

Ye Hao knows that this is probably the work of Xia Yun after he goes back, and the purpose is to facilitate himself.

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pinched the invitation and looked at it for a moment, Ye Hao casually put the invitation away and then waited quietly.

before six o'clock in the evening, Ye Hao arrived at the Shen family compound, which was already magnificently decorated.

the courtyard is located on one side of the suburban park, where the parking lot is full and full of luxury cars because of the birthday banquet of Shen Jiacheng, the richest man in the south of the Yangtze River.

Ye Hao could only park his car a little further away, then swept a shared bike down the street and rode it to the gate.

at this time, I saw several Toyota cars stop domineering at the gate, and then more than a dozen men and women in fine clothes came down strutting down.

Ye Hao saw several old acquaintances at a glance, including Bian Shu and Zhao Linlin, as well as those so-called Internet celebrities before.

it's just that these people should have pulled out all their families today, and they all competed for splendor and dressed up brightly.

especially Zhao Linlin, she is wearing a small black Chanel dress and wearing a Bulgari snake necklace, giving her a strange sense of beauty.

and the side who walked beside her was now dressed in Givenchy's palace style suit.

this makes the temperament of the whole person closer to the aristocracy.

at this time, the edge is full of hands, the posture and expression of heroes who are adversaries in the world.

obviously, in his side, even if he didn't receive the invitation, since he was willing to come, it was enough to show that he gave Shen Jiacheng a lot of face.

as long as Shen Jiacheng hears his own name, he should come out and receive him warmly.

after all, these three words are invitations! directly in front of them.the square-faced man stopped drinking: "Kill him, quick!"before the voice fell, the knife in Ye Hao's hand flashed when he saw the four men flying out of their bodies, with...