Chapter 2095

n in the hands of the sword flash, a sword light flickered out!like an extraterrestrial meteor and like an antelope hanging horns, it quickly falls toward Ye Hao's throat."Pang--"Ye Hao looked indiffe...Chapter 2095

A group of Internet celebrities are full of mockery on their faces. Before Xia Yun was present, they were more or less afraid and wanted to give Xia Yun some face.

but now that Xia Yun is gone, why give face to a stranger

so their attitude towards Ye Hao is more unscrupulous.

as for Zhao Linlin, she is now disgusted with the poor relatives from the countryside and just wants to kick him back to Yangcheng as soon as possible.

waiting for Ye Hao to say something, Bian Fei already carried his hands on his back and said faintly, "well, Miss Zhao, there's no need to talk so much nonsense to a clown."

"the birthday party should start soon. Let's go."

when she heard the words, Zhao Linlin and her group nodded one after another, then looked at Ye Hao coldly and said, "Ye Hao, don't follow me any more!"

"otherwise, you will be the one who will be kicked out and lose face."

after saying this, they walked forward one by one with their chests raised, ignoring Ye Hao behind them.

Zhao Linlin and others were filled with pride when they saw the road full of luxury cars in the Shen family compound twice.

"I don't know how many high-end celebrities the Shen family invited tonight, but they were able to park all the parking lots nearby!"

"I heard that there are at least a thousand expensive customers, and these people are either rich or expensive!"

"Don Shen Jiacheng is the richest man in the south of the Yangtze River. He is the richest man in the south of the Yangtze River. Apart from us in the summer, even some foreign guests will come to participate!"

"it is said that Qingxu Dao, who is invincible all over the world, will also come!"

"Vice President Wang, president of Longmen Mudufen, is said to be coming!"

"it's not just them. I've heard that even Mr. Lin Bowen, the head of Mudu, who never likes to attend banquets, and his daughter Lin Yao will come in person!"

"I wonder if Fang Haoqiu and Fang Daxiao will show up!"

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"Shen Yu Shizi will definitely come!"

"I don't know if other members of the sixth generation of Mudu will show up."

A group of Internet celebrities talked as they looked at the luxury cars next to them.

it's a very long-faced thing to meet these bigwigs.

when she heard that these online celebrity girlfriends looked ignorant one by one, Zhao Linlin was very disdainful and said, "you guys, it's really rare and strange!"

"Fang Haoqiu Shen Yu The way of clearing emptiness is long Xie Shaocheng Wang Huaqing! "

"these people are nothing!"

"before, they were able to show off in Mordor because they didn't show up."

"now that Bian seldom appears in Modu and appears at the birthday banquet in Shenjiacheng, then these people will become stars and the moon!"

"even in Shenjiacheng, you have to welcome each other when you see a small number of people on the border!"

at the moment, Zhao Linlin is holding an invincible wrist, as if holding happiness close at hand.

Zhao Linlin's vanity has been greatly satisfied by the face brought by her identity and identity.

with a big wave of his hand at the moment, he had an air of pride in the world: "what's so great about me"

"the only great thing about me is that people just give me face."

"when I enter the Shen courtyard, you should be careful. Other people also want to save face, and they can't suppress everyone's brilliance because of me."

"this is not good, we should keep a low profile!"

while living up to his humble gesture, he immediately won the favor of several Internet celebrities.

other people have no strength to be humble, so they have to.

but Bian Shao is different. He is strong and low-key enough to make people admire him more and more.

:. : geomancy skills.Ye Hao smiled and looked up and down at Xing Hongyi. He was about to smile, but suddenly he frowned slightly.because there is a touch of death in Xing Hongyi's shiny an ord...