Chapter 2356: The Nose Is Too Smart

e impossible for people in other areas to know the news if they did not deliberately understand it.Fang Yu did not want to continue on this topic, but glanced at Zhao Zinan and said, "for the next per..."it's really a little weak, mainly because it's brainless." Fang Yu agreed.

"Alas, compared to the world after takeoff, I still miss the days when we were weak chickens on Earth." At that time, it was youth to fight wits and bravery with those old men of Zongmen. " Lin Batian sighed.

at the moment, there is a dead silence between heaven and earth.

many monks have been suppressed and the previous chaos has come to an end.

as for the two leaders of the super majority of this expedition. Duozhe and Chaoyuan were both taken by Fang Yu and Lin Batian.

War. It's over.

somewhere on the ground, Tiannan and others looked up at the location of the square feather in the air, their eyes wide open, and the shock on their faces could not be eliminated for a long time.

is mainly about. It's too fast!

it all happened so fast!

Fang Yu disappeared inexplicably and suddenly returned when the super majority came.

and after his return, the scene that seemed to be on the verge of extinction was immediately reversed.

everything is like a dream.

on the other side, eight Yuan also keeps his eyes wide open and his mouth open enough to fit a fist.

he expected the result.

but the process. He didn't expect it.

in front of Fang Yu and Lin Batian, Duozhe, the disciple of the tyrannical Thunder King, the leader of the eight stars and the super strong in the middle of the immortal period. I can't believe you just lost!

doesn't even have the slightest resistance!

this is too fast!

this is Duozhe, an eight-star leader, a higher-level existence than him.

exists to such an extent that the entire start-up alliance belongs to the top of the top.

further up, there are eight heavenly kings and leaders!

while Fang Yu and Lin Batian. So easy to get rid of Duozhe.

in this way... The two of them do have the strength to compete with the eight heavenly kings.

if we can get rid of the eight heavenly kings, there will be only one leader to deal with!

eight yuan heart pounding, thinking of some future possibilities, both hands clenched fists, nervous and excited.

start the mountain alliance. Is it really going to collapse

just fell into the hands of two previously unknown monks, Fang Yu and Lin Batian

just thinking about it makes me feel illusory.

high in the air.

Fang Yu looked at Duozhe, Chaoyuan and others in front of him, and his eyes twinkled slightly.

after this war, the start-up Alliance is bound to have a great reaction.

after all, Fang Yu not only came out of the land of death omen, but also took down Duozhe, the leader of the eight stars.

next. It must be the existence of the eight heavenly kings.

he has heard the names of the eight heavenly kings since he first arrived in Xuyuan.

in the eyes of ordinary monks, the eight Heavenly Kings are simply like reincarnated gods, high above and out of reach.

now, Fang Yu has a basic guess about the strength of the eight heavenly kings.

the realm of an eight-star leader like Duozhe is in the middle of the immortal period.

then the realm of the existence of the eight heavenly kings should be the later period of the earth immortals, that is, the three-source earth immortals mentioned by Lihuoyu.

it's just that Fang Yu's current way of fighting is efficiency first, so it's hard to figure out the specific strength of a certain realm.

for example, this Duozhe in front of him, he joined hands with Lin Batian and casually used a little magic to end the battle.

is just like what Lin Batian said.

it's really efficient, but it's not interesting.

"Lao Fang, what are we going to do with these guys" Lin Batian looked at Fang Yu and asked.

"take the prisoners first, and then let the leaders clean up the mess." Fang Yu glanced around and said.

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the whole third camp is a real mess at the moment.

all kinds of buildings on the ground were blown down and reduced to ruins, and there were a large number of potholes of different depths and sizes.

the wounded are everywhere, some from the super part, some from the third part, and some from the second part.

"Tian Nan, Qiu Liang, Ren Le. Come here, you three. " Fang Yu transmitted the sound with a blood bond, then looked at the eight yuan in another direction and said, "come here, too."

". Yes! "

the leaders came to their senses and flew over at once.


after ordering the leaders to deal with the final situation, Fang Yu and Lin Batian returned to an intact hall, and the two sat opposite each other.

"these people don't seem to drink tea"

Fang Yu looked for it, but couldn't find the teapot or tea. He frowned.

"most of them have opened up the valley, so what kind of tea should they drink" Lin Batian asked, "Lao Fang, you haven't built the valley to this day, have you"

Fang Yu was stupefied for a moment when he heard this question.

when he was on earth, when he was still in the gas refining period, he did not dig valleys.

need to eat, drink and sleep every day. After

can break through ten thousand layers of gas refining period, the feeling of hunger, thirst and tiredness seems to be rare.

of course, let Fang Yu eat, he is still willing to eat, but also can eat.

but hunger doesn't appear much anymore.

especially after flying up, two consecutive planes. Fang Yu hardly ate anything.

"it's time to break the valley." Fang Yu replied.

"should I" Lin Batian picked his eyebrows, but did not wrestle with the topic, but stood up, went to Fang Yu and asked, "Lao Fang, where is the little white dog" Let me see it. "


Fang Yu nodded and then called out Beibei.

hearing the sound, Beibei drilled a small head out of Fang Yu's chest and stared straight at Lin Batian without blinking an eye.

and Lin Batian also stared at Beibei and frowned, "Lao Fang, where did you get this little white dog" The smell is not simple. "

"actually, I don't know where she came from, because she came to me on her own initiative." Fang Yu replied.

then he told the story of his first meeting with Beibei.

"Oh! It took the initiative to swim to the feathering gate! " Lin Batian was even more surprised.

"Yes, this time after entering the sign of death, she has been showing the way, so that I can find you." As he said that, there was a look of doubt in Fang Yu's eyes. He looked at Beibei and frowned slightly. "I wonder what kind of breath Beibei uses to guide the direction," he said. The terrain of that ghost place in the land of death omen is so complicated. "

"Dogs have good noses, which you have to accept." Lin Batian said, his face close to Beibei, squinting, "but I was thinking, this little white dog has never seen me before, how does it know my breath"

"I have a wisp of mystery left by your will." Fang Yu said, "it is possible to find you through obscurity."

"it's possible, but mysterious." I've been hiding all the time, and under normal circumstances I can't feel it myself. Although the dog's nose is clever, isn't it a little too clever " Lin Batian's face was getting closer and closer.


at this moment, Beibei gave a slight bark and waved his paw forward, as if to slap Lin Batian.

Lin Batian reacted quickly and drew back his head immediately.

"it's pretty fierce, you little white dog, it's supposed to be female, isn't it" Lin Batian said with a smile.

"Woof! woof!" Beibei barked louder, flared her teeth and claws, and seemed unhappy. in the same place, there is no sign of vomiting blood.he can step up his efforts.but if it goes on like this, he won't necessarily vomit blood, but the old turtle will definitely vomit blood.he can b...