Chapter 2355: The tacit understanding is still there

an wanted him dead!A real snake and scorpion heart!if there is any medicine for regret in the world, the old man will not hesitate to go back to the day when he saved the woman, strangling the woman can it be Fang Yu

when did Fang Yu come back

didn't the tyrannical Thunder King teleport him to the sign of death

less than half a day has passed, how did Fang Yu appear in the third part

No way!

this is impossible!

the eyes of the hypersource are wide open, but they are only unbelievable.

when the tyrannical Thunder King changed the direction of the space channel, he watched it all the way, and there was absolutely no mistake.

and a big shot at the level of Tianjun. Must have been transported to the land of death omens.

but now Fang Yu does appear in front of her again.

the hypersource brain is blank and confused.

compared with him, Duozhe beside him is much calmer.

after being surprised, he looked at Fang Yu in front of him with a cold murderous look in his eyes.

No matter what happened, he only focused on the present.

the situation is very clear today.

No matter whether Fang Yu is real or not, there will be a fierce battle!


at this time, the light in the sky also gradually diminished.

the seal of Shengguang is still reflected in the sky, and the spiritual pressure is still strong.

but Lin Batian has quickly come to Fang Yu's side. When

saw the appearance of Lin Batian, Duozhe and others changed their faces again.

the smell that comes out of people from then on. They will know that now the spiritual pressure hanging over heaven and earth is emitted by this person!

and this man came to Fang Yu's side.

this means that.

now. Unexpectedly, there is an equally powerful companion!

Duozhe, Chaoyuan and the hearts of many monks. What I did was all right. I ended the war easily, and by the way, I also brought the king you wanted to capture. " Lin Batian laughed.

Fang Yu glanced at Lin Batian and nodded: "very good."

"what do I do now Or do you want to beat them up and force most of them to give in " Lin Batian asked.

"how you do it depends on their performance."

Fang Yu smiled and turned to look in the direction of Duozhe and Chaoyuan.

when he came into contact with Fang Yu's line of sight, the super-source body suddenly shook.

Duozhe frowned, paused and said in a quiet voice, "Fang Yu, do you really want to fight against the Kai Shan Alliance" With your strength, there is no need to do this at all. if you are willing to make friends with us, we can provide you with rich resources! "

"Oh Fang Yu smiled and said, "otherwise, how could you still say such soft words at such a time"

in the face of this relentless sarcasm, Duozhe looked cold and said in a cold voice, "I just want to avoid unnecessary struggle and sacrifice. If you insist on taking this kind of behavior as being soft, I have nothing to say."

"you can also consider it. Let's do this." You ask the leader of your alliance to give up his seat and let me sit down. Whenever I am tired of it, I will give it back to you. " Fang Yu said with a smile, "in that case, I will stop immediately."

hearing this, the faces of the other monks changed.

and Duozhe's face was darkened to the extreme. Is the highest power of their founding alliance, high above, not allowed to blaspheme existence!

what Fang Yu said. Not only humiliating them, but also humiliating the Kai Shan Alliance and their leaders!

"it seems that you must let us start the mountain alliance with you forever." Duozhe clenched his teeth and said in a cold voice.

"otherwise you think we are chatting and quarrelling with you"

at this time, a voice rang in Duozhe's ear.

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is very close!

Duozhe's heart suddenly shook and he turned his head and looked back.

and then his face changed!

I don't know when, the men behind him.

"do you know that I don't even want to talk to you for two more words" Fang Yu smiled sarcastically at the corners of his mouth and said, "the reason for saying those two more words is to let you stay in the fantasy land for a while."

Duozhe looked around hurriedly with shock and horror all over his face.

"Don't look at it again, old man. If you look at it again, you will lose yourself."

at this time, Lin Batian's playful voice once again rang from Duozhe's ears.


Duozhe is trying to release the breath of Xiu, but he feels a sharp pain in his abdomen!

A gray blade has penetrated his abdomen, and...

only half an inch away, it will hurt Sendai in Dantian!

although it is difficult for Sendai to be directly hurt by external forces, but …

"Uh, ah, ah."

Duozhe also wants to forcibly release Reiki.

but at the moment, the blade pierced his abdomen and gave off a special breath, which quickly spread from his wound.

soon, this smell also enveloped his Sendai.

the connection between Duozhe and himself.

he can't use another trace of aura!

he lost control over meridians, Reiki, and body!

for anyone, this is the ultimate blow!

"Ah, ah."

Duozhe let out a roar of disbelief and roared up to the sky.

then, no matter how much he yelled, he couldn't give off a trace of aura.

the whole person is useless!

how is this possible!

Fang Yu and Lin Ba Tian in front of me. Even with the repair of the immortals, he is confident that he can fight it!

after all, he is also a strong man in the middle of the immortal!

but now, in the face of Fang Yu and Lin Batian...

has been controlled even before anything has been done.

for a fairy, a strong man in the middle of the immortal. What a shame it is to lose in such a mess!

until now, Duozhe has not figured out when and where he entered Fang Yu's fantasy!

everything is so natural, and time is so short!

with such keen sensory abilities, how can he be unaware of illusions

Duozhe's heart was filled with unwillingness, anger, and slowly turned into fear and doubt.

and the severe pain in his body made him miserable.

as for Fang Yu and Lin Batian, they once again appeared in front of Duozhe.

Lin Ba Tian clapped his hands and said with a bad smile, "when we meet on the battlefield, are we still fighting for peace" You really take yourself seriously. "

Fang Yu looked at Duozhe and the monks in the rear who had been controlled by the same means, smiling.

although I haven't seen him for many years, he still has a tacit understanding with Lin Batian.

at that time on earth, they would often use a routine similar to diversion, playing with their opponents in the palm of their hands.

this trick still works.

"Uh, ah, ah."

at the moment, behind Duozhe, Chaoyuan and hundreds of monks were sobbing in pain.

he looked at Fang Yu and Lin Batian in front of him, as if he were afraid of two Swire evil spirits!

"boring." Lin Batian shook his head and said, "these guys."rely laugh at your lack of leadership or our Violet organization. " Clark, the sword demon, also said.Violet became impatient, frowned and said in a cold voice, "this is my decision.""my Lord, if you...