Chapter 2925

Ju rarely smiled, and then asked the other two colleagues to open the recorder and prepare to take a statement."President Ye Fen, please tell me what happened today!""We need to know the whole story,...Chapter 2925

accompanied by Ye Hao's command, he saw two LCD TVs hanging down in the field.

what appears on the LCD TV is the picture of Li Lington's bet before.

especially every time he clicks his fingers, the confused color in his opponent's eyes and the instructions to add cards are extremely clear in the video.

this scene is the biggest demonstration, because if you just see a picture, you can't see anything.

but now that there is so much picture comparison, every time Li Lington's action is the same, the fool understands that there is a problem.

then, a picture of Jason Lee's bet today appeared on the screen.

every time he clicked his fingers and every time he asked Ye Hao to add cards, he clearly appeared in front of everyone.

this scene makes people feel cool and terrified, but it is also full of disdain for Jason Lee and his party.

Li Jason's face was extremely ugly in an instant. He suddenly understood why he lost today. It turned out that Ye Hao had already seen through their methods today, and then took them step by step.

he gave Li Lington a cold look. If this loser hadn't been relying on this means to win, how could he have lost today

"Ye, don't embarrass yourself with this kind of thing!"

"with current technology, you can cut it any way you want!"

Jason Lee took a deep breath and sneered.

"if we really have mild hypnosis and really win by this, how could I lose today"

"do you think everyone is stupid Would you believe that "

Ye Hao said faintly, "of course you hypnotized me slightly in today's war."

"for example, in the first round, I would have won."

"but it was because of your mild hypnosis that I added my cards and let my cards explode!"

"it's my fault, it's so careless!"

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"I knew I should be more cautious since the second inning."

"it's just that when I saw my cards, I knew I could use your mild hypnosis to deal with you!"

"because every time you let me get back to normal after adding my cards, it makes outsiders think that the bet will go smoothly."

"then I will decide whether or not to fight your hypnosis every time I see my cards clearly!"

"actually, I was lucky, and it wasn't until the last time that I decided not to add my cards and fight your hypnosis.

" because by that time, it was already 21:00! "

"but you forcibly hypnotized me in order to make me explode, didn't you pay a lot of price for it"

while speaking, Ye Hao waved his hand and another video appeared.

I saw Jason Lee snap his fingers one after another, but every time he snapped his fingers, his mouth and nose would bleed, but he just swallowed it.

this scene caused an uproar in the audience, and even the stupidest people saw the problem.

if it wasn't for the hypnotism Ye Hao said, if it hadn't been counter-engulfed, how could Li Jiesun vomit blood

coupled with the previous weird scenes, it seems that all this can only be explained by hypnosis.

"false accusation! This is a false accusation! "

"Ye, don't think that just because you have won the card, you will be able to beat your heart!"

"Today, you can't convince the public with this statement anyway!"

Ye Hao sighed and said faintly, "when did I say, I'm going to convince the public"

"I'm just stalling for time when I say this."

"snap--" while Ye Hao was speaking, Ye Hao clapped his hands and immediately saw countless firearms appearing in all directions.

"somebody, send Master Li on his way!"unds.just in the process of his shot, Dong Liya's eyes flashed, grabbed him by the wrist, and directly fell over the shoulder."bang--"with a loud noise, Zhang Lafei was slammed to the ground.he gritte...