Chapter 2924

is shot!"as he spoke, Siqingyi's mouth showed a nice curve.Ye Hao's check is still locked in a safe place, so she thinks she should put in a good word for Ye addition to having a short hand, Si...Chapter 2924


the whole audience was shocked!

the Knights Templar brought by Jason Lee were dumbfounded, stiff, and felt in a trance.

another Knight Templar slapped himself hard to make sure he wasn't dreaming.

and Ye Qingmei and others instinctively kept silent to ease the impact of this scene.

God of gamblers!

this is the real god of gamblers!

Ye Hao has been planning to win thousands of miles away from the very beginning.

Li Jiesun, who is shouting and domineering all the way, is just a pure clown in retrospect!

even Jason Lee has always suppressed Ye Hao with momentum.

even if Ye Hao keeps adding cards, it gives people the impression that he is not as skilled as others.

but the problem is, the final outcome has changed, Ye Hao won!

this scene is absurd enough and shocking enough!

Li Jiesun and his gang figured out in an instant that Ye Hao was probably not under the control of mild hypnosis in the first place, and he had discovered this long ago and was acting from beginning to end.

A play that makes Jason Lee pay a higher price.

"spades a! Am I reading it right "

"won!" We won! "

Dong Liya was the first to react, waving her little hand excitedly.

the daughters of several wealthy families all have a feeling of suspending their hearts at ease.

Ye Qingmei heaved a sigh of relief.

according to the agreement, if Ye Hao wins this game, her engagement to Jason Li will automatically be annulled.

Ye Hao smiled, waved his hand at Ye Qingmei and others, and then his eyes fell on Li Jiesun, who looked ugly at the moment.

Ye Jiutian couldn't help coming forward. Now he stared at Ye Hao and said in a cold voice, "Ye Hao, good trick!"

"I won fair and square, how can I get the means"

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Ye Hao fell on Ye Jiutian with a look of indifference.

"if you think there's something wrong with me, or I'm cheating, you can check the video yourself, or you can ask the notary jury."

"or do you want to ask why Jason Lee's mild hypnosis doesn't work for me"

Ye Hao smiled faintly: "A few days ago, Li Lington brought people to the Modu Entertainment Palace to kick the gymnasium. The people who won the Mordu Entertainment Palace again and again almost won half of the gambling cards."

"in the eyes of outsiders, Li Lington is such an amazing gambler that even the eight gamblers with the king of gamblers have become his losers."

"but in my opinion, these are just shady tricks!"

"Li Lington controlled his opponent with mild hypnosis!"

"and his medium is to snap his fingers!"

"and today you play personally, but you want to do the same trick again!"

"as you can see, how many fingers did you snap when you asked me to add my cards at the last minute"

"this is the strongest evidence!"

Ye Hao indifferently debunked the details of Li Jiesun and his party.

he wants not only to win, but also to ruin the reputation of Jason Lee and his party.


as soon as this remark came out, the whole audience was in an uproar, and everyone could not help looking at Li Jiesun and his party.

previous victories depended on mild hypnosis

Jason Lee changed his face and whispered, "Ye, don't be bloody. Do you have any evidence that we beat you by mild hypnosis"

"you did win today, but that's not the strength of your nonsense!"

"believe me or not, I smashed your place every minute!"

"what Can't afford to lose " Ye Hao smiled.

"I know people like you can't afford to lose, so I have already prepared a gift. I hope you can enjoy my work."ll the doctor for you!""but remember, our doctor has a big appetite. It's up to you!"at this point, the implication is obvious.but Ye Hao smiled and said faintly, "it's all right to have a big appetit...