Chapter 1: Company Recruitment Test Simulation

the html tags removed and no additional text. Let me know if you'd like me to translate any other content!The handsome man beside Yu Xing, wearing glasses, replied calmly: "Over six months ago, a mur..."Tap, tap."

In the midst of the downpour, short boots stepped on puddles, splashing up shallow ripples that quickly merged with the dense rain drops, not stirring a single ripple.

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In the distance, a dilapidated factory stood alone, its silhouette looming against the darkness. It stood silently as if a giant devil crouching in wait for its prey to arrive.

Yu Xing propped up a black umbrella with one hand and held a flashlight in the other. She wiped a thin layer of water mist from her face with her sleeve, stopping at the factory gate.

There seemed to be voices talking behind the door.

“Have the others arrived yet” he muttered, a chill running down his spine. Regardless, heading out to the abandoned factory in the industrial district on the outskirts of town at near midnight seemed both strange and daring.

After getting out of the taxi and walking for a while, he had been terrified for a long time. His legs felt weak, and he always felt like something was following him.

The wind mingled with the rain, whistling through empty spaces in a way that felt eerily haunting. It was easy to imagine oneself on a horror film set. Yu Xing felt like she was living in one, her knuckles turning white as she gripped the umbrella handle, her face as pale as a ghost.

He's not in good health, and he's also cowardly!

This place made him feel very uncomfortable, but he had to come.

Because I was just graduating from university, it was fortunate to find a job that paid over 6,000 yuan a month, even if the requirements for the job were a little strange.

Yu Xin took a deep breath, suddenly regretting that she shouldn't have attended the interview at that company! The more she thought about it, the weirder it felt...

Three days ago, on the recommendation of a friend, he went to participate in a recruitment event for a company called Simulation Company. The HR manager saw him and was very satisfied, offering a series of attractive salary benefits. The condition was that he would go to Qiyuan Pharmaceutical Factory on the outskirts of the city at midnight three days later for a test.

This company's business leans towards bizarre entertainment, including horror short film production, online horror film investment, and horror storytelling experience livestreaming, essentially all sorts of risky ventures. It requires employees to have a strong and steady heart, as well as a rational mind.

Therefore, tonight's test can actually be considered a test of courage and reaction. Only those who pass are eligible to work for the company.

Yu Xing's appearance is too outstanding. Although her body isn't very good, her heart is fine. Still, she caught the eye of the HR manager and they want to recruit her as a live streamer.

“I don't know if this company is reliable... The online reviews are pretty good though.” Yu Xing mumbled to herself, trying to build up courage. Now even if she regretted it, it was too late. She had already come here, so she might as well see what the so-called assessment was like.

It seems like there are already people in the factory, which feels much safer than being alone.

Folding the umbrella and leaning it against the door, Yu Xing smoothed down her black T-shirt and khaki work pants. Taking a deep breath, she pushed open the rusty, heavy iron gate.


The piercing sound was drowned out by the torrential rain. The factory, abandoned for over half a year, naturally had no power. A few beams of light from flashlights shone through the gaps in the door. Yu Xing's arrival was noticed by several people not far from the door, who all stopped talking and turned to look at him.

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"Well then... hello." Yu Xing finally saw someone, and half her worry eased.

He scanned the room and noticed the HR manager's assistant was there, apparently named Hao. Besides Hao, himself, and the other five people—three men and two women—all of whom were good-looking, it seemed like they were all applying for the same position.

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"Hello hello!" A brown-haired young man enthusiastically waved him over. He jogged a few steps to approach, and then greeted Assistant Hao again.

"Hello, Assistant Hao."

This is a simple example.

Hao, the assistant, was a plump man in his thirties. He looked very friendly and nodded at Yu Xinyi when he heard her greeting: "Good evening, everyone is here now."

The girl with long hair standing beside the assistant shone a light on Yu Xing's face and exclaimed, "Wow, you're such a handsome little guy! You'll be late in five minutes!"

This isn't... Not late yet, is it... Yu Xing chuckled nervously and mumbled, "This... The road was a bit scary just now. I couldn't drive in, so it took me a while."

“Are you really applying for a job at this company, even though you're so timid You're pretty brave, buddy!” The brown-haired guy laughed, not meaning any harm, just being straightforward.

Assistant Hao smiled and said, "Our company's anchors are divided into many styles. Although the calm style is popular, we also need a surprising style to make the audience feel more empathetic."

Yu Xing forced a smile: "Yeah, if I were to be scared, it would definitely be terrifying, the kind of scream that's more frightening than ghosts..."

There's no way, I'm a scaredy-cat by nature.

Since it was almost time and everyone had arrived, Hao's assistant got straight to the point: "I called you all here today for a test. Tell me, how much do you know about Qiyuan Pharmaceutical Factory"

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The handsome man beside Yu Xing, wearing glasses, replied calmly: "Over six months ago, a murder happened at Qiyuan Pharmaceutical Factory. The media reported it; the factory owner hanged himself at night, and all production came to a halt. It closed down shortly after."

A long-haired woman immediately chimed in: "Ever since the first person died in the factory, strange things have been happening. It almost caused another fatality until it was abandoned. Afterwards, when the demolition team came to work, the workers said they saw ghosts at night. The ghosts wouldn't let them demolish the factory, scaring the workers so badly that several crews were changed until finally nothing happened and it's remained untouched."

The process is clichéd, just like a low-quality horror novel, and the talk is full of unfounded urban legends—usually made up by marketing accounts for traffic, with extremely low credibility.

So although these two had heard about all this, they didn't take it seriously and just dismissed it as a rumor that was passed around.

"Anything else" Hao assistant seemed quite satisfied, looking at the few people who hadn't spoken.

“This… I understand it the same way they do, after all, that’s what the media reported.” The brown-haired guy scratched his head. Of the remaining people, a short-haired girl and a young man wearing a mask both nodded in agreement.

"I actually know something else," Yu Xing hesitated, thinking about how she was the last one to arrive and should try to salvage her image in the minds of her "future boss" and "future colleagues". "The Qiyuan Pharmaceutical Factory secretly produces counterfeit drugs for huge profits, harming many people. Rumor has it that the factory owner's death might not have been a suicide, but possibly..."

He didn't say anymore, but everyone understood what he meant.

"This media didn't report it, how did you know" The man with glasses glanced over coolly, his eyes showing a hint of curiosity.

"Yeah, at the time it wasn't classified as a suicide case, was it" the short-haired girl also exclaimed in surprise.

Yu Xindao: “I have a friend who participated in the investigation. He told me, but due to confidentiality rules, he couldn't say much. What he revealed was also vague, but it's better than nothing.”

"If that's really the case," the long-haired girl exclaimed, "then the rumors make much more sense! Otherwise, what's the point of suicide if you just become a ghost"

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Yu Xing chuckled: "You see through her, she's really bold, at least stronger than him."

Hao the assistant clapped his hands and praised: "It's a good habit to collect information before work, no matter what, this habit should be continued in the future."

He said, then suddenly lowered his voice: "But, how true these rumors are, to scare away so many people, this factory definitely has something unusual. Your test tonight is to stay in the factory for four hours."

"Later, I'll give each of you a portable camera. Turn on the recording function and for the next four hours, you will be moving around various areas of the factory with your cameras. You can only stop recording to use the restroom. After four hours, if you haven't left the factory and your recording hasn't been interrupted for more than five minutes, you pass."

"So simple" the brown-haired guy was surprised.

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Easy Yu Xing looked at the pitch-black, almost several meters away, a blurry expanse of the first floor and once again despised her own courage.

"Of course, it's not that simple." Hao's assistant smiled, his face wrinkling slightly. He took out a camera from his backpack and handed it to the six applicants. "Take this first."

Yu Xing reached out to take it, her fingertips accidentally brushing against Hao's assistant's hand.

A sudden chill ran up Assistant Hao's hand, so cold that he involuntarily shivered.

How could it be so cold It's like a lifeless thing without any temperature.

As soon as he thought this, Yu Xing was startled by himself. It was all because of this environment that kept making him think in terrifying ways. He shook his head and shook off the extra thoughts.

"The battery in the camera is running low, so you'll have to find the spare batteries I've hidden around the factory. They are all used batteries, with just a little bit of charge left. To ensure four hours of continuous power, you'll need about eight." Hao Assistant announced the supplementary rules with a smile.

Applicants responded in unison, and then Assistant Hao patted his clothes and prepared to leave: “Remember to turn on your camera when you're acting. I'll be back in four hours. I will judge whether you pass the test based on the content recorded by your cameras. Good luck!”

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"Good!" everyone responded in unison. Whether the task was pleasant or not, they had to show their leader a positive work attitude.

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Assistant Yu Xingjian was already at the door about to leave. He stared at the ground for a moment, then suddenly asked, “Assistant Hao, it’s getting cold, your jacket seems a bit thin, wouldn’t you be cold”

It is now mid-September, the weather was still very hot before this, but for the past two days it has been raining non-stop, forcing temperatures down to a point where one has to wear long sleeves.

The short-haired girl widened her eyes, thinking to herself that this caring boss script shouldn't be played by a man at all. Was he trying to steal her role

Upon hearing Yu Xing's question, Hao the assistant stopped in his tracks.

A few seconds later, he turned his head, a standard smile appearing on his round face: "Not cold."

After a pause, he stared into Yu Xing's eyes and added, "It's not cold at all. This temperature is just right."

That peaceful tone gave him an inexplicable chill.

Instinctively, Yu Xing swallowed the words "Why are your hands so cold if you're not feeling cold" back down.

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Hao the assistant still smiling, waved to the five people, and then left through the door.

When he left, he was still very "kind" to close the door, leaving only six applicants facing each other in the dim light of their flashlights.

Yu Xing touched the goosebumps on her arm, feeling uncomfortable about speaking first. She lowered her head and started fiddling with the camera, quickly figuring out how to use it.

After powering on, only one-fifth of the battery power remained in the upper right corner of the camera. He fiddled with it casually and discovered that the camera had a night vision mode, which greatly facilitated their movements in the dark, although it consumed quite a bit of power.

I suppose the rules about finding batteries are meant to keep them active in the factory. You can't just hide in a corner for four hours and call it a day, can you

But, the camera feels a little sticky.

He didn't know where he reached, his index finger and middle finger came a strange feeling, taking advantage of the flashlight hasn't been turned off, he temporarily put down the camera, and stretched his hand into the light.

Under the pale yellow beam of light, the scarlet on his fingertips, like rubies in a white porcelain dish, was strikingly conspicuous.

Yu Xing immediately realized it was blood.

Assistant Hao's camera had blood on it.

>to Qiyuan Pharmaceutical Factory on the outskirts of the city at midnight three days later for a test.This company's business leans towards bizarre entertainment, including horror short film productio...