o requests in the comment section, I stayed up late these two days to code a bit. Please bear with me for now.As always, we'll resume normal updates in two weeks, on the 28th. Things are still busy he...Lunch was delivered from outside, and everyone gathered around the tea table, casually sitting on the floor. These elites, even in such seemingly impolite actions, were elegant and eye-catching. Rong Feiwu uncomfortably raised his eyebrows, but since everyone else was doing it, and he was a member of the team who had come here willingly, he naturally followed suit.
While having a meal, Rong Fei Wu started paying attention to the two children. Of course, he focused more on Little Youyou.
Members of the Rong family, while bound by blood, possess a certain aloofness and pride. Previously, Rong Fei Wu had shown favoritism towards his grandson Rong Hengduo, even considering ways to suppress Rong Ling and elevate Rong Qikeng. It's unlikely he would extend much warmth to children outside his immediate family. Now that Xiao Youyou has suddenly lost his father, Rong Fei Wu naturally shifts his attention to the young boy.While Rong Hengduo is in a difficult situation, his father is still alive and well in Africa, with the possibility of them reuniting. However, the same cannot be said for Xiao Youyou; it remains uncertain if he will ever see his father again.
This little grandson, at such a young age, already looks so much like his father!
He felt a strong sense of kinship towards him. He reached out with his chopsticks, picked up a piece of fish, and placed it in the spoon. After carefully picking out the fishbone, he brought it to Xiao Youyou's face.
Xiaoyou glanced at the spoon that suddenly came over, then looked up to see Rong Fei Wu, but ignored him, lowering her head and continuing to eat. She completely ignored Rong Fei Wu!ly out of the ordinary. However, Rong Qikeng's actions are excessive. His near abandonment of his wife for an outside mistress previously made his subordinates feel like their boss wasn't responsible....