Chapter 1

know who issued this wanted poster"Fang Qing hurriedly pulled Tian closer, pointing at the three characters "Long Fei Wu" on the noodles, "It's Qin Jin! Qin Jin, do you know him" "Who's Qin Jin" Tian...Wanted: The CEO's Latest Chapter

Chapter 1

The luxurious suite's bathroom was filled with the sound of running water.

On a two-meter wide Sealy bed, lay a person half reclining. Their hair, long and jet black, was sprawled about like that of a baby's, fragile as a finger snap.

The alluring woman, like a blooming poppy, exudes a deadly charm!

The sky was gloomy, and Tian groaned softly as he slowly opened his eyes.

My head is buzzing, and it feels like it's about to explode! I was shocked, my eyes widened in disbelief!

Where is here Why am I here!

I remember getting drunk yesterday and walking down the street.

I saw a woman on the street begging men, obviously abandoned by this man. Without hesitation, I rushed over and scolded that man thoroughly.

Then he vomited. Then...he patted his head, but couldn't remember what happened next.

He was getting a bit chilly, and as the sun dipped below the horizon, he realized he wasn't wearing anything at all!

My heart skipped a beat! I almost screamed, covering my mouth in surprise and fear.

"The two characters "「」", like frames of a video tape enlarged before your eyes." Let me know if you'd like anything else translated!

But now, there's no time for anything else, let's get out of here and talk about it later!

He turned his head to look at the bathroom. A shadowy figure passed through the glass door, flickering like a ghost.

Tian tugged at her long hair and sprang out of bed like a shooting star! She scanned the floor, but found that her T-shirt was still stained with the aftereffects of vomiting.

Frowning, she hugged the blanket and tiptoed to the other side of the bed.

Picked up the fallen paper and ink, then hurriedly took over the man's shirt and helped him dress.

The man's oversized shirt made him look even more delicate, he glanced at the reflection in the bathroom mirror and stuck out his tongue.

She was looking for her backpack again, and found it lying quietly in the corner. She tiptoed over to it and ran towards it, a Chanel lipstick falling out of the backpack.

This is Fang Qing's precious treasure, if it's lost, she'll be finished!

Bending down to pick up her lipstick, she glanced at the man washing in the bathroom.

A wicked thought suddenly popped into her mind, and she froze in her tracks. She grabbed the lipstick and applied it to her lips, rubbing it back and forth harshly several times.

He lowered his head and kissed the sheets.

Looking up at his masterpiece, he nodded with satisfaction.

Idiot! Get out of here quickly! Tian glanced at the man's shadow and let out a gasp in her heart. She quietly opened the door, and with a flash, she was gone.

The bathroom glass door was flung open, revealing a man who had only casually wrapped a towel around his lower half. His lean and muscular physique, rivaling that of a top model, showed not an ounce of excess.

His hawk-like gaze swept across the empty bedroom, landing on the two crimson stains on the sheets. A furrow deepened between his brows.

Her hand, which was holding the cloth, instantly stiffened. A flash of coldness appeared in her eyes, and a playful smile curved at the corner of her lips.

Is this a provocation to him

Great! This bold man! He, Qin Jin, must appear before him!

The next day.

Major newspapers in Taiwan simultaneously published wanted posters as front-page headlines!

The entire scene only had one figure, a young man’s back.

The delicate lines, make one's heart race. Hair like seaweed, obscures the longed-for face.

On the pristine white sheets, a crimson stain stood out boldly, inviting imagination.

Beside the photograph, there was a single line of small print: "If you know who this is, bring them to me. Otherwise, face the consequences."

"Wow, heavens! Look at this newspaper, could it be a wanted poster"

"Look at the person in the photo, so handsome and alluring! Mm! She definitely has the makings of a good wife! I just wonder what she looks like."

Fang Qing lowered her head, reading the newspaper thoughtfully, and couldn't help but exclaim. "Really" Tian Lian beside her didn't even glance up, casually saying,

In her heart, she was thinking about what happened yesterday. After leaving there, she went home and immediately took a shower.

I heard that if you "do it," it will hurt and you'll have bleeding.

I didn't see it on the sheets that morning, and I wasn't even aware, so it must be okay!

Fang Qing suddenly shouted, "Ah—" Her exclamation startled Tian, who whimpered, "Miss! Please don't startle like that! You'll scare people to death!" "Come and look! Tian! Do you know who issued this wanted poster"

Fang Qing hurriedly pulled Tian closer, pointing at the three characters "Long Fei Wu" on the noodles, "It's Qin Jin! Qin Jin, do you know him" "Who's Qin Jin" Tian asked. Fang Qing rolled her eyes impatiently.

"Please! You don't even know Qin Jin"

"He is the chairman of the Qin family conglomerate, only twenty-eight years old, one meter eighty-five tall, handsome and wealthy, most importantly, he's still single! All the people in Taiwan want to marry him!" "Really! Then you go marry him!" Tian said with one hand resting on her chin, looking at Fang's excited expression with composure."It's a pity that he once declared to the public that he would never get married." Fang said with annoyance and regret.

Suddenly blinked, a pair of eyes turned peach blossom, "But being his wife is pretty good too!"

Seeing him so eager, Tian glanced at the newspaper with a raised eyebrow.

"Well! This talent is truly good! His gaze fell on that small red mole, and his eyes suddenly widened. He hurriedly pushed it away with his left shoulder, then snatched the newspaper, staring intently at the back of the other person's shirt, his face flushing red with embarrassment. He innocently blinked, remembering yesterday's occasional prank in the suite, his scalp tingling."

Holy cow! Did I just anger the devil!

Looking down in frustration, I repeated this man's name eight hundred times, no, I should say I cursed it eight hundred times! "Qin Jin... Chairman of the Qin Group..."

"After seeing this, are you also feeling moved" Fang Qing asked with a longing expression.

The sky seemed to ignore his words. A pair of large eyes stared intently at the three characters "Qin Jin," but there was a hint of gritted teeth. Holding the newspaper, he suddenly crumpled it in his fist.

The whole person jumped up from the chair, Zhou burning with a raging fire.

"I know who it is. He'll appear before me himself. Otherwise, he'll face the consequences." Tian murmured to herself, repeating the words over and over again.

This awful man, how could he have these photos!

It must be him while he was sleeping!

Is he a creepy pervert To have this kind of fetish! What bad luck! Where did I offend him! This petty little guy!

Now what to do Tian pondered, secretly making a decision in his heart, might as well go all out! Find him and have it out!

Fuming, he made up his mind and strode forward with long steps.

"Hey, where are you going!" Houqing's voice came as a surprised exclamation.

Without looking back, he said, "Xiaoqing, I suddenly remembered something. I have to go now!"

Fang Qing stood still, watching as the figure gradually walked away. She stomped her foot and said, "But I still have classes this afternoon!"

"You get me a sick day, the usual way. Just say I got my period!" Her voice was loud and piercing, causing everyone around to turn their heads.

Fang Qing received the gaze of everyone, hurriedly picked up the newspaper to block her face, and grumbled softly, "Dead Tian, you actually said such things on the street! Do you want me to live anymore!"

Taipei's most prosperous commercial gold zone, towering buildings reaching for the clouds.oom was filled with the sound of running water.On a two-meter wide Sealy bed, lay a person half reclining. Their hair, long and jet black, was sprawled about like that of a baby's, fragile as a finger...