Chapter 896-Beat it up to relieve your anger

o draw out the killer because he knew that the other party was going to do something in the near future.but I almost blew it in the end.the whole Qin family is extremely eager to find out the identity..."if I'm at a disadvantage, I'm afraid I'll never die again, won't I" Fang Yu said with a sarcastic smile.

Wang Mingtong did not change his face and said, "you and Shuangfan are not of the same generation. It is not fair for them to fight each other."

"Oh Are we talking about seniority now It was you who declared war. " Fang Yu fell to the ground, frowned and said.

"Uncle, I can keep fighting. If I lose... I am also willing to ask you to give me a chance. " Wang Shuangfan got up hard and said.

Wang Mingtong glanced at Wang Shuangfan and said, "No, the battle is over."

"what's going on why are you fighting the Wangs are rushing up"

"that man is Wang Mingtong. I heard that Wang Shuangfan is a member of his branch. He is about to lose, so he naturally has to go up and save it. After all, it is the seed of hope for the Wang family."

"this. It's a little cheating. "

the crowd in the audience whispered.

"if you share the same rank with Shuangfan, you are bound to have a name on the list." Wang Mingtong continued, "the reason why not, because you are no longer in that age group." In my opinion, I'm afraid you're over a hundred years old. "

"that's right, actually I'm five thousand years old." Fang Yu nodded and answered truthfully.

but on hearing this answer, Wang Mingtong frowned and said, "you do look young, but your age."

"all right, needless to say about seniority and age, let me just ask, did you mention this competition" Fang Yu interrupted Wang Mingtong impatiently and asked.

Wang Mingtong still looked calm and said, "Yes, I admit it."

"what do you want to do now" Fang Yu asked again.

"I throw in the towel instead of Wang Shuangfan. We in the Wang family admit that Shuangfan is not yet your opponent. " Wang Mingtong said without delay.

when he said this, the whole audience was shocked.

Wang Mingtong conceded defeat in front of so many people!

this is something that no one in the place expected.

but after listening carefully, Wang Mingtong's words are extremely subtle.

many people can hear his hidden meaning.

Yes, Wang Shuangfan did lose, but Fang Yu bullied the small with the big and did not win by force.

when Wang Shuangfan grows up, Fang Yu will not necessarily be an opponent.

We in the Wang family admit that we lost the game, but your badminton is not on the same level as Wang Shuangfan, so it's normal to win.

to tell you the truth, under the final conclusion, Wang Mingtong ran out to sing such a play, which was very disgusting.

even if Fang Yu is really not in the same age class as Wang Shuangfan, what he said is very disgraceful.

after all, the contest was initiated by Wang Shuangfan.

and since the Wang family agreed to his declaration of war, it showed that at first the Wang family also thought that Wang Shuangfan could defeat Fang Yu.

now, Wang Shuangfan is obviously no match, and he has come out to talk about seniority.

this practice completely loses the breadth of mind and boldness that the first generation should have, and appears to be particularly petty.

even let a crowd of spectators on the stage feel aggrieved by Fang Yu.

however, suffocation is suffocation, but they dare not say anything.

after all, they are now on Wang's turf.

if anything is heard... The consequences are unimaginable.

with the strength of the Wang family, not to mention solving a person, it is easy to bring down any non-top family in Beidu.

"what a shame." Qi Ruoqing in the crowd was so angry by Wang Mingtong's words that he gritted his teeth.

and at this time, the people on the Wang side also looked at Wang Mingtong, his face not very good-looking.

even the owners of the house did not expect that Wang Mingtong would say such a thing.

they know very well that such a remark is bound to arouse the resentment of these people present.

if word gets out, the Wangs will be ridiculed by the entire Beidu martial arts community!

"eldest brother Mingtong... What do you want to do " The current master Wang Xinghe looked livid and looked at Wang Mingtong in the ruins of Biwutai.

"Uncle!" Wang Shuangfan looked ugly and looked up at Wang Mingtong.

"Shuangfan, you don't have to be discouraged. With your talent, you will surely be better than him in the future." Wang Mingtong said.

Wang Mingtong helped Wang Shuangfan up, looked up at Fang Yu and said, "Today's contest, you have won, you can cheer as much as you can."

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, Wang Mingtong supported Wang Shuangfan and turned away.

seeing this scene, the spectators on the stage all felt suffocated and uncomfortable for Fang Yu.

in this contest between Fang Yu and Wang Shuangfan, there is no difference between winning and losing.

what Wang Mingtong said is really disgusting!

"Hey, wait a minute." Fang Yu stopped Wang Mingtong.

"what's wrong Do you want me to give you an award " Wang Mingtong turned and asked sarcastically.

"I know you are deliberately provoking me, leading me to attack that has nothing to do with this battle." Fang Yu said, "in this way, you can justifiably allow a large number of monks of the Wang family who have long been ready to attack me together and leave me in the Wang family."

"although doing so will make the Wang family lose some of their reputation. But in order to get rid of my hatred, it doesn't matter if I suffer some loss of reputation. anyway, the Wang family is still the first family, and no one dares to say anything to the Wangs in public. "

"I think my guess is pretty close, don't you think"

Fang Yu smiled faintly on his face, looked at Wang Mingtong and said.

Wang Mingtong's face whipped and his eyes changed.

his idea was completely seen through by Fang Yu!

and these words were also heard by people on the audience stage.

everyone looked at Wang Mingtong with astonished eyes.

No wonder Wang Mingtong said such shameless words, only to infuriate Fang Yu, so as to completely solve the problem of Fang Yu.

these means. Extremely insidious.

deserves to be the most prestigious head of the Wang family.

"what you think is your business. Anyway, for the Wang family, today's battle is over. " Wang Mingtong said.

with that, he once again supported Wang Shuangfan and walked back.

but before he took two steps, he felt his shoulder pressed.

Wang Mingtong's face changed greatly and his heart was shocked!

he was in a state of extreme vigilance, but he still didn't notice anyone close!

he immediately released his breath and turned his head.

then he saw Fang Yu's face up close!

"I have to say, your provocation has worked on me." Fang Yu smiled coldly and said, "now, I really have to beat you up to relieve my anger."

"you." Wang Mingtong looks ugly and is about to speak.

but before he had finished his words, Fang Yu's fist reached his face. He was so fast and close that he couldn't dodge at all!


with the sound of shattered bones and a dull sound, Wang Mingtong let out a scream and fell out.

Fang Yuming knew the other party's intention, but still did it.

this makes people in the place feel very surprised.

Fang Yu takes action this time. It is equivalent to declaring war on the whole Wang family in the territory of the Wang family!

this practice... I can't say he's dying, but at least... Is to let oneself fall into the desperate situation of near death!

vainly trying to fight against a martial arts family with one's own strength, or the first martial arts family in Beidu!

since ancient times, there has been only one result of this situation.

that is, an individual is crushed into powder by a family.

judging from the match just now, the arrogance of the Wang family on the first day is really no match for Fang Yu.

but the reason why the Wang family is the first generation does not depend on the so-called Tianjiao of the younger generation!

their strongest, is their inside story!

in the royal family, the number of strong people above the divine state has always been a mystery!

Today, you may be able to see the details of the Wang family!

on the audience stage, a crowd of spectators had mixed feelings, both excitement and fear.

being involved in such an event is only an accident for them.

if we really fight later, it may be affected. In danger.

"what are we going to do" In the crowd, Qi Ruoqing covered his mouth, opened his eyes, looked at Fang Yu among the ruins, and his heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

this is the Wang family!

No matter how strong Fang Yu is, how can he defeat the whole Wang family


"all guards follow orders and take down this daring maniac immediately!" Wang Xinghe, whose face was hard to see the extreme, shouted.

the group of elite guards who had been standing around Biwutai immediately assembled, burst in unison, and went forward, surrounded by the other feathers.vidence, it will only be beaten up and will not achieve any effect."because of what" Gu Rong asked.seeing each other's unbridled appearance, Tang Mingde's anger was about to explode.Ji Rumei turned wh...