Chapter 756 Chapter 756

" Gary went on speaking on the podium.the robot stares at the entrepreneur in front of him, his eyes glowing blue, as if scanning.after a few seconds, it sounds: "you have chronic gastritis, which has...Fang Yu's breath became fierce when he heard this.

they. You still want to rebuild the Ziyan Palace

"what happens after that" Fang Yu asked in a cold voice.

Huaixu put a cup of tea in front of Fang Yu's table and said, "their application violated the rules and was rejected by the local martial arts association."

"I just need their exact location." Fang Yu said with his eyes as sharp as a blade.

"what a pity." Huaixu said, "by the time the news reached me, those seven people had already left the Wenan Wudao Association."

Fang Yu did not speak, his face was extremely cold.

the seven members of Ziyan Palace want to rebuild Ziyan Palace in the south of Wen'an City. This site is obviously close to the former site of Ziyan Palace at that time.

Fang Yu can be sure that the seven of them are somewhere in Wen'an City.

the hostility in the chest is surging.

sitting opposite, Huaixu can clearly feel the emotional instability of Fang Yu.

before today, he had never seen Fang Yu show such a look.

it is obvious that Fang Yu has a great hatred for Ziyan Palace.

but how did hatred come about Fang Yu never mentioned it after so many years of acquaintance, and Huaixu didn't want to ask.

"Brother Fang, if nothing happens, these people may soon come to Beidu." He thought for a moment and said.

"Why do you say that" Fang Yu asked with a frown.

"according to today's regulations, if you want to apply for the establishment of a patriarchal clan, a five-tier association like the Wenan Wudao Association is not qualified for examination and approval." "if they want to pass the application, they must apply to the second-tier association, that is, the Beidu Wudao Association," Huaixu said. "

"that is to say, if they want to establish a clan in the right way, they must come to Beidu."

"so you don't have to worry, they will come to you." I will inform you immediately at that time. "

Fang Yu's eyes moved slightly, forcibly suppressed the hostility in his chest, and quickly calmed down.

the Ziyan Palace Yu Yi has been hiding before, but now he dares to show up swaggering, and even wants to rebuild the Ziyan Palace.

obviously, they must have something to rely on, thinking that even if Fang Yu comes to the door, there is no need to be afraid.

with such a state of mind and wanting to rebuild the Ziyan Palace, they are bound to come to Beidu.

at that time, if Fang Yu moves again, he will be able to catch them all.

Fang Yu calmed down and looked at Huaixu.

he came to Huaixu, among other things.

"Huaixu, I'm looking for a Saussurea involucrata. I wonder if you have any channels to get it." Fang Yu asked.

"Taisu Saussurea" Huaixu white eyebrows erect, obviously also heard of this kind of snow lotus, at the same time know its rarity.

"I am in urgent need of a Saussurea involucrata to save lives." Fang Yu said.

"I will help you look for information about Taisu Saussurea throughout the region, and I will let you know as soon as I see anything." Huaixu replied.

"Thank you. I've been bothering you a lot lately." Fang Yu took a sip of tea and said.

"Why thank you" Huaixu shook his head and said.

"two more things." Fang Yu Zhengshi said, "first of all, have you ever heard of the half-elves"

his face changed slightly when he heard this.

recently, he has been studying the half-elves.

"it seems that you have heard of it. How much do you know about this half-spirit clan" Fang Yu asked again.

"at the moment, very little is known." Huaixu sighed and said, "they know us far more than we know them."

"Oh Listen to what you mean, you already know that they have infiltrated a large number of high-level martial arts associations in various regions. " Fang Yu raised his eyebrow and asked.

Huaixu nodded, his face extremely dignified.

"I was locked up for a long time, about five years." Huaixu said, "it is in these five years that the so-called half-spirits suddenly appeared and infiltrated into the interior of the martial arts association." I have only recently discovered this situation. "

"if it hadn't been for the alien invasion in Huaibei... Maybe I'm still in the dark. "

"Brother Fang. How did you learn about the existence of half-spirits "

"I had a face-to-face meeting with their boss, as if it was called an immortal in the sky." Fang Yu said lightly, "when I was in Dongdu, I killed several of his men, and then I made a feud." When I went to Huaibei some time ago, he even warned me through the mouth of the president of the Huaibei Wushu Association. On another occasion, in the south of the Yangtze River, two of his men tried to rob me of something and I killed him. "

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"so you know more about demigod than I do." Huaixu said.

"I don't know much about it. All I know is that half-spirit people absorb the origin of spirit beasts in some secret way to improve their strength and longevity. They call themselves half-elves... But in my opinion, it is difficult to define whether they are alien or Terran. " Fang Yu said.

Huaixu stood up, looked at the mountain scenery ahead with his hands on his back, sighed heavily and said, "I'm sitting so high that it's hard to see the real situation below."

"at present, I do not have an accurate concept of how far the martial arts association has been infiltrated."

"this is a very dangerous situation."

"you are in such a high position now, shouldn't this kind of thing be left to the president of the Beidu Wushu Association" Fang Yu asked.

"how can I guarantee that the Beidu Wushu Association has not been infiltrated" Huaixu turned around and asked.

Fang Yu's eyes moved slightly and did not speak.

indeed, if an organization is infiltrated, there is no guarantee that people in any level or position will not be eroded.

Huaixu is old now, and the cronies who have been nurtured before are either retired or have retired to the second line.

coupled with the fact that he has not participated in the senior management of the martial arts association for a long time. As a result, the situation was completely out of his control.

now, apart from his formidable status and reputation, he does not know how much real power he has left.

and the degree of penetration of the half-spirits is obviously already quite high.

if it goes on like this, all the martial arts associations in the region will be controlled by the half-spirits!

has really come to this point, and the consequences are unimaginable.

at present, we must find a way to eliminate the martial arts association.

Huaixu frowned and thought about the countermeasures.

Fang Yu has always been unwilling to participate in such organizations, especially the martial arts association, which is similar to the righteous Alliance at that time, and he is even less interested.

but Huaixu helped him a lot after all. Out of reciprocity, Fang Yu asked, "if you need any help, you can ask."

hearing this, he raised his head vaguely and looked at Fang Yu.

"Brother Fang, if you are willing to do me this favor... I really don't know how to thank you for your kindness. " Huaixu said.

"never mind thanking me or anything. Tell me what I'm going to do first." Fang Yu said helplessly.

he knows Huaixu very well.

obviously, Huaixu planned to ask him for help from the very beginning.

what I said earlier, half of what I said was true feelings, and the other half was a performance, so I asked you to join the urn.

"A tree corrupted by a moth cannot get rid of it on its own." Huaixu said, "only with the help of external force can we get rid of the moths in its body."

"the current situation of the Martial Arts Association is the same."

"if you want to clean up the interior, you must never use someone inside." So, Brother Fang, I need you as an outsider to break into the inside and clean up everything. "

"you mean, let me into the martial arts association, and then investigate" Fang Yu raised his eyebrow and asked.

"Yes." Huaixu nodded.

Fang Yu wanted to refuse, but seeing the sincerity in Huaixu's eyes, he nodded and agreed.

"Thank you Brother Fang." Huaixu breathed a sigh of relief, smiled and said, "I will start planning your entry into the Beidu Wushu Association from today. It will take about a week or so." At that time, I will tell you the specific plan. "

"OK, I'll go first." Fang Yu stood up and said.

"well, I will try my best to search for information about Taisu Saussurea for you." Huaixu said.

"if you have any news, please let me know. I have been in Beidu recently." Fang Yu said.

with that, Fang Yu raised his right hand, activated the spirit ring, and left Yinlin Villa.

Huaixu looked at the mountains ahead with his hands behind his back, and there were bursts of fierce light in the clear and divine eyes. represents your realm!"Fang Yu doesn't quite understand the significance of Lihuoyu's repeated emphasis on this point.but he really didn't want to go straight to the ninth floor.the existence of the...