Chapter 712 Chapter 712

faint smile.but at the moment, the Tianjidao man standing next to him and Chen Qianan have the same incredible face.both of them know how strong Fang Yu is, but Fang Yu shows off his tricks just now....the two were talking when there was a sudden sound from above.


the three-story exterior wall suddenly folded up, revealing a gap.

then, one after another, genetic mutants, covered with modified weapons, flew out.

they stood in mid-air, their guns pointed at Fang Yu and Bai ran below, and suddenly opened fire!


A miniature missile flew toward Fang Yu and Bai ran.


A second later, the position of the two exploded!


Fang Yu's figure rushed out in the firelight, rushing toward the mutant above.

he was so fast that he punched the mutant in the chest.


the mutant's body exploded.

at this moment, Fang Yu flashed behind another mutant and kicked his right foot.


with a bang, the mutant's body fell apart directly!

in the next few seconds, there were bursts of explosions in the air.

even in the special eyeballs of mutants, you can't see Fang Yu's tracks clearly!

the speed is so fast! Even far more supersonic!

within ten seconds, all the mutants that emerged from the gap were solved by Fang Yu.

Fang Yu swooped down toward the second floor window.


but just then there was a flash of light on the outside of the castle.

A translucent orange energy spreads out from the outer walls of the castle.

Fang Yu crashed directly into this layer of energy, making a dull sound, but failed to break it.

"take your time to fight wits with this castle." In the

room, Gary leaned back in his chair, looking smug.

this castle brings together all his painstaking efforts and uses many state-of-the-art technologies that only he knows.

for example, the diffused energy in this layer is his latest research result.

the density of this energy is so high that even if it is hit by a ton-class missile, there will not be a crack.

this is Gary's source of strength.

"the Dead King is still refining those energy cores, and now I'll have a good time with you." Gary tapped the keyboard and set the surveillance screen outside.

then he saw the people who were being slaughtered outside the castle gate.

"Ha ha. The biggest disadvantage of human beings is that they have self-consciousness. Look at these people. If they are machines, you can see that these dead spirits are so powerful that they will not give their lives in vain. " Gary smiled playfully.

gently shook his head, and he adjusted the surveillance screen to the outside of the castle.

he wants to see who wants to break into the castle.

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"Let me see who is so out of control." As soon as Gary tapped the keyboard, the picture turned to the surveillance screen outside the window.

then he saw a figure, just outside the window, cut off by the energy shield.

the figure raised his right fist, and his fist glowed with gold.

"Oh If you still want to break through by force, come on and have a look. " Gary grinned and smiled sarcastically.

in the picture, the figure hit the right fist forward!


the next second, the window in front of Gary's desk burst open!

Gary was blown upside down by the powerful power and slammed into the rear wall.


Gary spits out a mouthful of blood, opens his eyes wide, and looks in front of the gaping hole.

I only saw a figure, standing there, shaking my right hand.

"that shield is OK, it's hard." Fang Yu glanced at Gary who had fallen on the ground, then looked around and said, "this is your real laboratory, isn't it"

"Yes, it's you!"

Gary saw Fang Yu's face and his heart suddenly trembled!

"it's me. Just a few hours ago, I went to another lab of yours. Didn't you communicate with me at that time" Oh, it looks like that voice is just a program, not you. " Fang Yu said to himself.

"you, what are you doing here What do you want! " Gary asked loudly, bleeding from the corner of his mouth.

now he is in a panic.

he has made many plans for today.

send out that video and he has everything under control.

first, with the help of the hands of the dead, remove a large number of forces from the Western regions. After that, he will bite the spirit clan to create an accident and make himself the new emperor of the dead spirit!

he worked out this series of plans a long time ago, and is now taking the first step!

but he never expected that Fang Yu would come here!

isn't he from China He had nothing to do with it!

Why did he come to this place and what did he want

when he went to Huaxia, Honglian, the most powerful weapon in his hand, was lost because of Fang Yu!

it's not easy for him to find a dead body that he can use again during this time!

Ke Fang Yu appears again at this important moment!

the existence of this person is a huge variable!

Gary's heart is full of ominous premonition.

"I'm looking for someone." To be exact, to find a dead spirit. " Fang Yu said, his eyes were slightly cold. "where is the dead spirit who only swallowed eight spiritual veins alone"'t be saved, and the best option for you is really not to do it again." Hong Tianchen gasped, and the other Yu said, "the power from above …"... It is difficult to guard against and cannot bear it. ""...