Chapter 662: Suffering It!

realm, his sensory ability is quite strong.he can clearly feel that every time the sky rushes up, he strikes back and flies out, and then stands up this process, the smell of the sky has front of the gate of the Great Temple, the man with triangular eyes is watching the change of the gate intently.

as soon as the gate is opened, he will immediately enter it and get the treasure chest containing the sacred artifact as quickly as possible according to the instructions of the immortals in the sky.

Bai ran and Su Lengyun, hidden in the rear, saw that this man did not move and was confused for a moment, not knowing what the purpose of this sudden man was.


but just then, there was a sudden stiff sound from the two gates of the Great Temple.

the two doors show a gap again!

the triangular-eyed man standing in front of the door smiled and thought that the Great Temple had been opened.


the next second, a powerful suction sucked the man in.


two gates, close again.

Bai ran and Su Lengyun behind the guardrail wait for a few seconds before the figure appears.

"this man... It was sucked in by the crack in the door! He didn't insert the key. " Said Bai in horror.

Su Lengyun frowned, and her bright eyes showed worry.


after a period of spin, the triangle-eyed man came to a completely strange space.

is dim, and there is only a furnace tripod burning with green flames in front of it.

noticed two puppets standing on both sides of the furnace tripod. The triangle-eyed man was so scared that he wanted to step back.

but only then did he realize that his limbs could not move at all!

seems to have an inexplicable power that completely binds his limbs!

is this the interior of the Great Temple! It's completely different from what he expected!

Shangxian told him to go all the way to the depths and take away a treasure chest, but now he can't even move his fingers!

what on earth is this

judging from the surrounding atmosphere. What he faces when he comes to a place like this is definitely not a good thing!

for a while, the heart of a man with triangular eyes sank to the bottom.

he never dared to suspect that the celestial beings in the sky deliberately tricked him.

but at this moment... Something's wrong!

"take a rest and let me do it."

just then, the triangle-eyed man heard a male voice coming from above.

but because of the inexplicable pressure, he couldn't even look up.


all of a sudden, the rear of the furnace tripod shines.

it is Fang Yu who appears behind the furnace tripod.

"it's not fate that you can come here. Let's just say it's you. Or the people behind you, they deserve it. " Fang Yu looked at the man with triangular eyes in front of him and said faintly.

the man in front of me is only in the early stages of his infancy. Obviously, this kind of strength will not be the real mastermind behind it.

at the same time, Fang Yu also sensed the special smell of this man.

that is the unique smell of the phagophagist.

half-elves. Daokong!

Fang Yu has a slight look in his eyes.

in this way, it is basically certain that Daokong and Dongdu Wudao Association. At least it has something to do with several senior officials of the Dongdu Wushu Association!

and this kind of relationship is very likely to be a superior-subordinate relationship.

in connection with the rain shower I have seen before, and Zhao Jidao, who is under control.

it can be basically confirmed that the power of Taoism and emptiness has greatly penetrated into all levels of the martial arts association.

"We have to find a chance to tell Huaixu about this." Fang Yu Xin Tao.

insists on investigating. This matter has little to do with Fang Yu, but it is definitely a big deal for Huaixu, who has devoted his life to improving the influence of the martial arts association.

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Fang Yu and Huaixu have little communication in recent years, but their relationship is not bad, not to mention that Huaixu has helped Fang Yu a lot recently.

this matter must be mentioned.

on the other side, the triangular-eyed man who heard Fang Yu's words turned pale and his heart was pounding.

up to now, he is finally sure that there is something wrong with the whole thing!

he didn't even enter the interior of the Great Temple! Instead, he fell into a desperate situation!

"who are you" The triangular-eyed man looked at Fang Yu and asked loudly.

"my name is Fang Yu, but to you, the name Fang Changsheng may be more familiar." Fang Yu smiled and said.

"Fang Changsheng …" When the triangle-eyed man heard the name, his heart thumped!

during this period, strong people have fallen one after another within the half-spirit clan.

in the earliest days, it was the heavenly master Fu Yunhe. After that, it is the real person of the imperial stream.

just a few days ago, there came the news that two more generals, the river Styx and the cold and beautiful man, had fallen!

these people who died are all real and strong, and they are all capable men under the immortals in the sky!

and the culprit who killed these strong men. All point to one person, it is Fang Changsheng!

it can be said that Fang Changsheng is the man who caused the tragedy of the semi-spirit clan recently!

but recently, Daokongshangxian seems to be busy with other things. Even if Fang Changsheng provoked one after another, he did not issue a kill order.

therefore, other generals, as well as those above, have no intention of punishing Fang Changsheng.

the status of a triangular-eyed man in the half-spirit clan is an undervalued minion.

Fang Changsheng's existence, which can kill a general, is out of his reach.

therefore, he never dreamed that now he would stand in front of Fang Changsheng!

A man with triangular eyes feels the smell of death.

although he was still standing, he was trembling violently and his face was colorless.

"Daokong sent you here because he wanted you to go in and pick up something after the opening of the Great Temple." Fang Yu said.

"Yes, yes. Please forgive me, spare my life, I don't know anything. " Cried the triangle-eyed man.

"what does he want you to take" Fang Yu asked narrowing his eyes.

"." The triangle-eyed man cried bitterly, but did not answer Fang Yu's question.

"if you don't, I'll throw you in here." Fang Yu pointed to the furnace tripod in front of him.

seeing the turbid liquid boiling in the furnace tripod, the triangle-eyed man completely collapsed.

"he, he asked me to take away a treasure chest." There are sacred vessels in it. " Said the triangular-eyed man in a trembling voice.

"Holy artifact What sacred artifact " Fang Yu asked.

"I, I really don't know. Please let me live. I really don't know anything. " Cried the triangle-eyed man.

Fang Yu is satisfied with the result of the inquiry.

previously he had doubts about the interior of the Great Temple.

but now he's sure.

Daokong spends so much effort, the Dongdu Wushu Association makes such a big circle. It's all for that so-called sacrament!

for Fang Yu, this sacred piece does not have any allure.

but he still has to take the sacrament.

because Daokong is his enemy.

Fang Yu is willing to do countless things that can make the enemy unhappy.

"whether to let you live or not depends on what it means, not mine." Fang Yu said neither salty nor light.

with that, he turned around, jumped into the air, and disappeared into the vision of the triangular-eyed man."bang!"Fang Yu did not stop in place, but forcibly carried this terrible majesty and rushed towards the candle nine yin body in the sky!his speed exceeds the speed of sound, causing a sonic boom!the p...