Chapter 517-I will work overtime for you!

""Um. It's all in the phone. " Liu Liansha nodded."Tonight, you post a post on the Dark Web in my name about the bodies of these killers. Do you understand" Fang Yu said."post on the dark web" Liu Xie..."where is the other person" Fang Yu asked.

the old man opened his mouth and tried to speak, but his throat suddenly tightened and could not make a sound!

he was cursed to be silent!

is the curse that the woman put on him before she left!

this woman, calculate him from beginning to end!

the old man even vaguely felt that the whole operation tonight was just pretending to attack in order to retreat. This is the killing set by that woman on purpose!

borrow the hands of Fang Yu and the martial arts association to get rid of him!

the old man's heart shook, his eyes were bloodshot, and his anger and resentment had reached the extreme.

he saved this woman's life, but the woman wanted him dead!

A real snake and scorpion heart!

if there is any medicine for regret in the world, the old man will not hesitate to go back to the day when he saved the woman, strangling the woman completely instead of saving her!

"answer my question." Fang Yu frowned slightly and spoke again.

the old man raised his head, looked at Fang Yu, opened his mouth, and pointed to his throat.

"can't talk" Fang Yu frowned, stepped forward and said, "then needless to say, I'll do it myself."

after realizing what Fang Yu wanted to do, the old man's heart thumped.

after drinking the blood of the immortal king, he became a member of the immortal clan.

now the immortal king is restoring his physical body, which is at the most critical moment.

Don't let anyone disturb the immortal King during this period of time!

this is the consensus of the whole immortal family.

seeing Fang Yu coming head-on, the old man immediately stepped back.

he has to run!

he can't reveal any information about the immortal clan, or the immortal clan won't let him go, and he's still dead!


before the old man could run away, he felt a sharp pain in his chest. He swung back and rolled on the ground several times before he stopped.

Fang Yu looked at the old man with his mouth full of blood and his face was expressionless, and said, "you must be a member of the Xuan Xie clan."

the old man could not make a sound, but his eyes flashed with surprise.

he didn't expect that Fang Yu could recognize his identity at a glance.

"aren't you metaphysical tribes cooperating with witchcraft There must be a lot of people. " Fang Yu pressed his right finger on the old man's forehead and said, "I destroyed the stronghold of witchcraft some time ago, but I forgot about you guys."

"now is a good time. Let me see where you are hiding."

A white awn flashed on Fang Yu's fingers.


as soon as the divinity entered the old man's body, a seeping breath suddenly appeared in the old man's body.

this breath directly tears the old man's to pieces.

the old man died suddenly on the spot.

his eyes are still wide open, his pupils are loose, and his seven orifices are bleeding.

in the moment before his death, he regretted why he had anything to do with witchcraft in the first place.

has nothing to do with witchcraft. If he stays in the southwest all his life, he will not touch the existence of the immortal race, nor will he die miserably today!

"here we go again." Fang Yu shook his head and stood up.


at this time, the rear elevator door opened and Gao Yang rushed out of the elevator.

seeing Fang Yu and the old man who died suddenly, Gao Yang immediately came forward.

"I just sensed two kinds of breath, and it was Mr. Fang." Gao Yang looked at the old man on the ground, frowned and asked, "Mr. Fang, this man is …"... "

"he is assimilated by the immortal clan." Fang Yu looked at the black lines on half the old man's face and said.

after the war with Chen Luo, Han Qi and Ye Zhennan, who secretly attacked him, had the same lines on their faces.

people with this pattern are completely different from those low-level rage warriors whose minds are controlled by poisons.

this kind of assimilated person can keep a clear mind. But subconsciously, you think of yourself as a member of the immortal race, not a human being.

"there should be another person here, but it's a pity that I came a few seconds late and he ran away." Fang Yu looked at the long corridor and said.

"did this man say." Gao Yang asked with a dignified face.

"No, he can't speak, his body is banned, and the moment his mind enters the body, his soul is torn to pieces." Fang Yu said.

Gao Yang knocked on his forehead, a little annoyed.

Tonight was a great opportunity, and nothing happened.

nearly a hundred raging Warriors ran away, and one of the people who manipulated them ran away, and one died.

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about immortal families, it is still a blank.

everything has to start all over again.

Fang Yu turned to Gao Yang and asked, "can you find one and a half raging Warriors"

Gao Yang was stupefied and immediately replied, "if you try your best to search the whole city, you will certainly be able to find something."

before Gaoyang had finished speaking, he received the sound.

"tall people, in the course of my search, I found four raging fighters running to the suburbs. I followed them for some distance and found them hiding in a forest in the suburbs, and then I took care of them."

it is Dong Hegu who is talking.

Gao Yang looked at Fang Yu and said, "my men just found four."

"that's good. Go over there now." Fang Yu said.

Gao Yang nodded and asked the exact location of Dong Hegu.

after ordering Ma Fan to dispose of the body of the Xuanyi patriarch, Gao Yang and Fang Yu left the hotel and headed for the suburbs.


the figure of a woman appeared on a sparsely populated street a thousand miles away.

the failure of tonight's operation was not a blow to her.

after all, this is just an attempt. On the contrary, it is a good thing that she was able to take advantage of this opportunity to get rid of the chief of the Ling Xuan clan. After

, you don't have to see that disgusting old face any more.

the woman walked slowly down the street, thinking about what to do next.

at this time, four naked men came face to face.

these men have obviously just had a drink and reek of alcohol.

several street lights on this street are broken and the lights are dim.

in this light, the four drunken-eyed men can only see the woman's blurred figure, but not her face.

there was no one else in the street. Coupled with the daring wine, four men gathered around it.

"Beauty, would you like to play with us for a while"

the woman said nothing and stood where she was, with a cold smile on the corners of her mouth.

maybe the alcohol paralyzed the nerves, and the four men did not feel the terrible murder.

"Girl, say something. Will you say yes" A man stretched out his hand directly and tried to put it on the woman's shoulder.

at this moment, the woman suddenly flashed silver in her hand and waved forward.


one arm fell to the ground and warm blood spurted out.

the man froze for a second, and then broke out a mournful scream.

"how dare you do it" The other three men were startled and half sober.

"you all deserve to die." Said the woman in a cold voice, then took a sharp dagger and paddled forward.

four heads flew out, leaving the headless body standing in place, gushing with blood at the fracture.

the smell of blood spread.

the woman's face was stained with a lot of blood, but she walked out of the four corpses without showing any expression.

in the past, in the face of this situation, she still needed the help of others.

but now she has the power to easily kill the men who make her sick.

this kind of feeling is really good.

"Fang Yu, when the immortal king fully recovers, he will give me more strength." At that time, I will let you taste the most extreme pain in the world. " The woman threw her dagger aside and walked toward the dark night ahead.


Fang Yu and Gao Yang soon came to the suburbs.

on the ground lay the bodies of four raging Warriors, all of whom died miserably, lacking arms and legs.

Gao Yang glanced at Dong Hegu and said, "A corpse has a great effect on us when we don't know anything about it. You should try to keep it intact."

"I am also out of control for a moment." I will never make such a mistake again. " Dong Hegu touched the back of his head and said sheepishly.

"it's all right. It's enough to have dead bodies. I just need the smell of them."

Fang Yu stood in front of a corpse and took out the Dayan lamp.

Gao Yang's face grew solemn when he saw the big Yan lamp in Fang Yu's hand.

this is the magic weapon given to Fang Yu by Lord Huaixu, and it must be no ordinary thing!

"you can go back to bed and wash up. I'll work overtime for you tonight to get rid of all these raging warriors." Fang Yu squatted down, lit the Dayan lamp and said.mes!this time, it is not the golden light, but the real flame!comes from the flame of Shenfeng's origin!"whew."A long cry of the Phoenix resounded through the sky!on the surface of Fang Yu's body, the...