Chapter 490-Kill without mercy!

thing is, can an alien race open up a separate space on its ownhow long have they been in there, and who let them outnow, Fang Yu increasingly believes that alien awakening is not an act of alien auto..."ow."

the boy flew out like a football, making a mournful, hoarse scream that didn't sound like a child at all.

and the other boy who chased in the rear, after being stupefied for a moment, immediately reacted and opened his mouth to reveal his two rows of sharp teeth.

at the same time, his whole face became twisted, his mouth was big, his nose sank in, leaving only two nostrils, and his eyes became four, glowing frighteningly red.

his skin changed from normal yellow to black and sagged, his skin looked quite tight, and his hands became sharp claws like wild animals.

the boy just now has completely turned into a monster! There is also a strange mark on the forehead!


Zhao Zinan, trembling with fear, let out a scream and hid behind Fang Yu.


the monster rushed towards Fang Yu, with two sharp claws raised in front of him, giving off wisps of black gas and grabbing at Fang Yu.

Fang Yu lifted his foot again.


there was another dull sound, and the monster fell out.

two monsters fell to the ground 50 meters away from Fangyu, motionless.

Fang Yu squinted at them.

after a while, the bodies of the two monsters evaporated and slowly dispersed into wisps of black smoke and dissipated in the air.

what is this Immortal creatures

Fang Yu frowned and wondered.

these two monsters are indeed similar to immortal creatures in appearance, but they do not have the unique smell of immortals.

at the same time, their endurance is much lower than that of immortal creatures.

Fang Yu didn't really push hard on his feet just now, but the two monsters just fell down and didn't move, so they were too fragile.

Fang Yu recalled the face of the monster.

it has a mark on its forehead, which looks like a terrible grimace.

grimace marks.

Fang Yu suddenly remembered an evil cult that was active more than three thousand years ago.

Demon sect!

the characteristics of this cult are so obvious that each disciple has a thumb-sized grimace on his forehead.

it's just that demonic sects were wiped out by the right Alliance more than three thousand years ago. For more than three thousand years since

, at least Fang Yu has not seen or heard about the demonic sect.

but why are there people of demonic denomination today

is it... Did the demonic sect avoid total annihilation in the same way as the Ziyan Palace

Fang Yu frowned and began to think.

there is another point. At first, the two monsters obviously went after Zhao Zinan, not Fang Yu.

this is very strange.

does the other party also know Zhao Zinan's strange physique

Fang Yu turned to look at Zhao Zinan, pale with fear, and squinted slightly.

this girl has created too many doubts for him today.

it seems to take some time to figure it out.

"Fang Yu, those two just now... What is it " Zhao Zinan asked.

"you saw it, just two little animals. Don't worry about it. Let's go." Fang Yu said.

"mm-hmm." Zhao Zinan nodded, but at the thought of the twisted face just now, she was still afraid and could not help pulling up the corners of Fang Yu's clothes.


about five minutes after the two men left, a figure fell from the air and stood where the two monsters had fallen to the ground.

this is an extremely handsome young man.

if Fang Yu had been present, he Chenchen, who had met twice at Nandu University two days ago, would have been recognized as he Chenchen, who was regarded by many girls as the school grass.

at this time he Chenchen stood where he was, looking around, frowning.

"the demon hunt given to me by the master clearly shows that there are demons in this position. From the faint breath, it should be two little demons." It seems that it has been solved. "

he Chen Chen stood there thinking and held out his right hand. The green jade ring on the index finger of his right hand shone brightly.

A black copper-colored, face-sized compass appears in front of it.

this compass is different from an ordinary compass. It doesn't have any hands on it, only some tiny needle holes.

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he Chen has an awe-inspiring look in his eyes and memorizes the formula in his heart.

the needle holes in the compass shine one after another to form the direction of a needle.

but the needle soon disappeared and turned into a circle, one ring after another, and finally dimmed.

"the devil's breath just dissipates completely." In other words, they died about five minutes ago. And judging from the time of the appearance of the devil breath. They probably survived for less than 30 seconds. " He Chenchen speculated in his mind.

was solved less than 30 seconds after it appeared.

although immortals are at the bottom of the demonic sect, they are also demons after all. To solve them in such a short time, at least you need to fix them in the Jiedan period.

he Chen Chen has many doubts in his mind.

has been hidden in the dark, rarely appear in the world of demon sects, why suddenly sent two imps to such a place What are their goals And who got rid of them quickly

"anyway, at least the demonic sect does reach out into the secular world." He Chen Chen's eyes were cold and he thought, "I have to tell Master about this."


there was no one around him, but the scene of him standing on the street thinking appeared on a huge bead floating in the middle of a dimly lit room.

there are two people standing in front of the beads.

because of the dim light, the two men could not see clearly, but their red eyes were quite clear.

"the boy actually came to Huaibei. It seems that he has made up his mind to ruin our plan." The man standing on the left, much taller than the man next to him, said.

"that old bastard of Jiang Hailiu, I told you to find a chance to kill him! He is the only one who has been against our sect for decades! Now that I can't walk, send another disciple out! As long as he is around, we will never be at peace! " The man standing on the right said coldly, with a fierce murderous tone.

"the old man's life is coming to an end, so why do we have to do it" The tall man smiled coldly and said, "if we go to find trouble with the river and sea flow now, we must have to pay a heavy price, which is totally unnecessary."

"but this old son of a bitch is so annoying." Said the man on the side.

"what if it bothers me again Now he can't walk. " The tall man looked at he Chenchen in the beads, narrowed his eyes and said, "now, we just need to get rid of his disciples."... "

"A man who must die also needs to be discussed"

at this time, a woman's voice came from behind the two men.

the two men immediately turned around and bent down as if to salute the woman.

in the dim light, a woman with a bump figure walked up to two men.

"We have only one goal now, and that is the container." Anyone who hinders our actions will be killed without pardon. " The woman said in a cold voice.

"understood, Lord Sha." Said the two men in unison.

"the situation in Huaibei is chaotic recently, and we don't have much time. We must capture the container as quickly as possible." The woman stressed again.

"got it!"

the woman paced slowly to the floating beads, looked at he Chenchen's figure, touched her red lips with her slender right hand, and said, "the disciple of Jiang Hailiu looks good. You don't need to kill him. After abolishing him, send him to me."

"Lord Sha, the man standing by the container just now easily got rid of the two little demons we sent out. Should we investigate …" At this time, the tall man asked again.

"I just said that." The woman interrupted the man in a cold voice, "there is no pardon for killing."


when Fang Yu returned to the door of the apartment complex, a black car was already parked at the door.

seeing Fang Yu and Zhao Zinan, the car door opened, Zhao Xuan got out of the car and hurriedly ran to Fang Yu.

"Hello, Master Fang!" Zhao Xuan bowed to Fang Yu and then looked at Zhao Zinan hiding behind Fang Yu.

"Zinan, where have you been before" It scared me to death. " Zhao Xuan wiped the sweat from his forehead and asked.

Zhao Zi-nan looked at her brother and felt aggrieved. Don't turn your head.

"Master Fang, did you take care of Zinan for me I'm much obliged! Thank you very much! " Zhao Xuan was grateful and said.ce is all false.even. The monks above these Wonderlands are more ambitious, more desirable, and the means they can use are more nasty and tell you the truth, Fang Yu is very disappointed w...