Download Chapter 433

he knows that Liu Xiaosha's character is not bad, but her mind is too active, and she is more interested in profit.such a character, if not careful, can easily go night, Wang Yan and Yu Yue...because Chen Luo has just broken through to the Yuan baby, the Yuan baby in his body is not big, only the size of a fist.

Fang Yu has absorbed half of the baby in just over a minute.

at the same time, the repair in his body broke through two layers and came to the 9986 layer during the gas refining period.

the blood hole in Chen Luo's chest keeps dripping blood, his eyes gradually become loose, and his vitality fades away rapidly.

in less than a minute, Chen Luo will die completely.

Fang Yu is aware of this and is engrossed in the ingenuity formula, absorbing it as quickly as possible.

but at this moment, he felt two fierce and cold smells behind him, and they were coming at him at breakneck speed.


Fang Yu frowned. Now he only wants to absorb the remaining half of Chen Luo, but someone has to come out and disturb him.


there was a shrill whistle in the air, and two figures appeared less than five meters behind Fang Yu.

people in the distance looked appalled when they saw the scene.

after Chen Luo's defeat, they thought the battle was over and many were ready to leave.

No one thought that someone would rush to Fang Yu at this time.

who are those two people What do they want As soon as the question

appeared, two figures in the distance began to move.

Han Qi, whose face is covered with black lines, has a strange appearance in her right hand, with five short but sharp blades.

with a flick of his hand, he lined up five thorn blades neatly and flew towards Fang Yu's back at top speed.

and the man beside him, a hand-held machete, jumped up, clenched the machete in mid-air, and split the square feather down.

this action, just the visual effect, makes people tremble.

in the eyes of everyone in the distance, Fang Yuzheng was engrossed in Chen Luo in front of him and did not notice what was happening behind him.

"this is a sneak attack!" It's over! " Zhao Xuan's face changed greatly when he saw this scene.

Qin Lang, who has been calm and calm, also mentioned it at this time.

he is sure that Fang Yu's strength is not afraid of anyone, but this kind of sneak attack is difficult to prevent!

in history, there are too many amazing geniuses who died in similar sneak attacks!

just as everyone thought, Fang Yu didn't seem to notice the person coming behind him at all and didn't look back.


with a few crisp sounds, five thorn blades were pierced together on the back of Fang Yu.

but unlike what people thought, Fang Yu's body was not pierced by the five thorn blades. Instead, the five thorn blades directly broke and bounced out after hitting Fang Yu's body.

before this, spectators had been standing at a distance to watch the fight between Fang Yu and Chen Luo, and there was no intuitive understanding of the strength of the other feather.

but now they are completely stunned to witness the breaking of five sharp blades.

this... Is it really a human body

even with such a sharp blade. Can't even penetrate

shortly after the five stab blades flew away, another man with a machete fell, and the blade was chopped straight at the head of Fangyu.

Fang Yu's body still didn't move, but he raised his left hand.


with the crisp sound of a metal collision, the blade in the man's hand was held by Fang Yu with one hand.

the man parked in mid-air, his eyes surprised, gritted his teeth with all his strength, and continued to press down with the handle of the knife.

at this time, Fang Yu clasped his left hand.


the sharp blade is broken!

as soon as the man in the air changed his face, he immediately released the blade and blew his hands forward at the same time.

A terrifying power erupts from between a man's hands.


in an instant, Fang Yu's area burst into smoke again.

the crowd standing in the distance watching the battle was in an uproar.

they know what the two people who suddenly showed up are trying to do!

they want to kill Fang Yu!

they are going to attack Fang Yu, who has just defeated Wu Sheng!

how dare you

"Dad, how do I feel. The man who used the flying knife just now is a bit like his brother. " In the crowd, Han Tianyu turned pale and said in an astringent voice.

Han Xiao's face changed greatly when he heard this.

he didn't notice what the man looked like just now, but as soon as he heard what Han Tianyu said, he remembered the man's figure and costume.

seems to be. It's really Han Qi!

Han Xiao's heart was pounding, and the blood on his face disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

what is Han Qi doing Why did he attack Fang Yu

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can't he see that Fang Yu has just defeated Chen Luo

if the sneak attack is successful, just kill Fang Yu, but if it fails, not only Han Qi will be finished, but the whole Han family will have to be buried with him!

"Dad, maybe I read it wrong. How could my brother be so reckless" Seeing Han Xiao's reaction, Han Tianyu offered words of leniency and consolation.

Han Xiao did not speak. He believed that he had read it correctly.

but he doesn't know what to do now!

Fang Yu, a strong man of this level, should not touch him until he is absolutely sure.

what's more, Fang Yu kills Chen Luo, which is only good and no harm to the Han family!

Why did you do it!

Han Qi has always been a smart kid. Why did he make such a mistake today

"you stay here, I have to contact the elder!" After thinking for a moment, Han Xiao said.


Fang Yu stood up in the smoke.

he looked at Chen Luo's body under his feet, his eyes cold.

is still 1/3 short!

there are still 1/3 yuan babies in Chen Luo's body that have not been absorbed!

at the original speed, Fang Yu could have been absorbed before Chen Luo died.

but as a result of that man's blow, Chen Luo was affected and directly died!

"son of a bitch."

Fang Yu raised her head and looked at the two figures that had been stretched apart.

both figures are people he knows.

one is Han Qi. The other is Ye Zhennan, the owner of the Ye family.

but the state of these two men looks a little strange.

Han Qi's right face is covered with black lines. On the other hand, Ye Zhennan's left face is covered with the same black lines.

Ye Zhennan's right arm, which was chopped off before, has been restored.

these two must have been through something.

but Fang Yu doesn't want to think about it.

he is full of anger now.

according to the speed of the breakthrough just now, if he can absorb all the yuan babies in Chen Luo's body, he will be able to break through the fourth layer smoothly.

but now he has only broken through two layers!

for Fang Yu, who is now eager to break through, the loss of these two layers is as painful as the destruction of his carefully managed vegetable garden in a day!

now, he doesn't want to take care of anything, just wants to kill these two people in front of him!

"your physical body is so strong that it is unimaginable." Han Qi looked at Fang Yu and said in a cold voice.

from the very beginning, he never thought that Fang Yu could be killed by those five thorn blades alone, or by Ye Zhennan's attack.

since Shirayama met, Han Qi has been investigating Fang Yu in depth.

at first, he wanted to use the hand of Fang Yu to suppress the Chen family and catch up with the Zheng family.

but this idea ended before it even started, because Fang Yu didn't want to cooperate with him at all.

however, even so, his investigation and research on Fang Yu has not stopped.

he knows very well that a strong person like Fang Yu must know more, and there will always be opportunities to show his talents after these materials.

now standing in front of Fang Yu, he has confidence in his heart.

the battle between Chen Luo and Fang Yu affirmed that the physical strength of the other feather was depleted.

and he and Ye Zhennan, as long as they do not fight closely with Fang Yu, with the help of the magic weapons and techniques given to them by the king, they can slowly grind Fang Yu to death!

"Fang Yu, today I want to avenge my dead Ye family and my son Ye Shenglong! You are bound to die! " Ye Zhennan said with a fierce face and awe-inspiring manner.

Fang Yu glanced at Ye Zhennan and frowned slightly.

does the death of Ye family and Ye Shenglong have anything to do with him Why is it on him

if Ye Zhennan wants revenge, he should look for Tenglong.

however, Fang Yu doesn't want to talk right now.

in his mind, the two people in front of him are already mortal.

"Fang Yu, you must think we are looking for death" Han Qi suddenly said.

"it seems that you are quite enlightened." Fang Yu said.

Han Qi raised the corners of her mouth with a playful and cold smile and said, "I know you very well, but I'm afraid you don't know much about me."

"I seldom do things that I am not sure about."

"you must be the one who died today."

as soon as Han Qi's voice fell, a light blue light screen suddenly rose from the ground at Fang Yu's feet.

this light curtain completely covers Fang Yu.

"Fang Yu, prepare to die." Han Qi said. Genius third five firste up the evil spirit of Swire. ""so, after you. Has anyone else come in here " Fang Yu looked at the potholed ground ahead and frowned."not necessarily."Hua Yan turned to look at Fang Yu, her eyes flu...