Chapter 386-Guardian!?

ing right palm of gold and bronze, with the whole right arm, shattered and burst in the blink of an eye!his law of strength is completely crushed by the cohesive power of Fang Yu's hand!"Ah."the two e...Fang Yu never thought, just wandering around Nandu University, unexpectedly let him discover the fire in the center of the earth!

this thing is really impossible to find. Over the years, only a few monks have had such luck.

Fang Yu is in such a good mood that he can't help whistling as he walks.

Ye Shengxue followed Fang Yu all the time, silent, quietly observing Fang Yu's look.

she found that after coming out from the bottom of the lake, Fang Yu seemed to be happy and even beaming.

this makes Ye Shengxue feel a little strange.

the tiny drop of black liquid that just appeared can instantly tear a person's soul apart and enter the flesh of others.

this is the first time Ye Shengxue has encountered such horrors.

Ye Shengxue chills at the thought of the existence of such a poison in this world.

"Mr. Fang." When he was about to get to the school gate, Ye Shengxue could not help but open his mouth.

"Hmm" Fang Yu turned his head and looked at Ye Shengxue.

Ye Shengxue received a lot of gaze along the way because he followed him.

Ye Shengxue's existence is like a magnet, attracting the attention of all passers-by.

this is obviously not a good thing for Fang Yu, who wants to keep a low profile.

however, Fang Yu is in a good mood and doesn't care too much.

after all, Ye Shengxue also takes some credit for getting the geocentric fire.

if she hadn't happened to meet Ye Shengxue and happened to be entangled by her, Fang Yu would have left Nandu University and perfectly missed geocentric fire.

"the one just now... What is that substance It is only such a tiny drop that it can occupy other people's bodies. " Speaking of phantom liquid, Ye Shengxue had a lingering fear and looked slightly pale.

"I don't know exactly what it is, but the only thing I know for sure is that it is an organism." Fang Yu said.

"Life forms." Ye Shengxue's face was shocked.

"but I burned the last drop of liquid on him just now. In theory, it should not be able to jump any more, but it is hard to say whether it still exists underground. " Fang Yu stretched and said.

Underground Ye Shengxue's face changed slightly.

"I haven't figured it out yet." Fang Yu said and walked on.

Ye Shengxue was stupefied for a moment and then followed again.

the two walked out of school together.

after walking for a while, Fang Yu suddenly stopped.

Ye Shengxue, who followed him, was a little distracted and nearly bumped into Fang Yu.

"Miss Ye, I don't know how long you will follow me." Fang Yu asked.

"I, I was just on my way." My car is just ahead. " Ye Shengxue's face flushed slightly and pointed to an extended version of a luxury car parked on the side of the road.

this luxury car is branded as Bentley and has a market price of more than 10 million.

Ye Shengxue is only a sophomore, but her family is equipped with such a luxurious chauffeured car, which shows the financial resources of the Ye family.

"it's past 12:00 now." Fang Yu glanced at the time on his phone and said, "in that case, please treat me to dinner and say exactly what you have to say. Don't follow me any more."

Ye Shengxue was stupefied, then smiled, nodded and said, "Mr. Fang, please get in my car first. I know a good restaurant."


after Fang Yu got on Ye Shengxue's chauffeured car, the car drove all the way to leave the campus of Nandu University and go to Nandu Songhu District.

Songhu District, located in Nandu, is the most developed area except the central area. It is famous for its beautiful environment.

Ye Shengxue's chauffeured car finally stopped in front of a well-decorated restaurant.

the sign of this restaurant is written in Japanese, which means summer flowers.

"Summer Flower Restaurant, the best Japanese restaurant in Nandu, has been named Michelin 3-star for ten years in a row. I've been here several times before, and it tastes good. I hope you like it, Mr. Fang. " Ye Shengxue introduced.

Fang Yu nodded and the two walked into the store together.

as soon as he entered the store, a waiter in kimono greeted him and bowed to Fang Yu and Ye Shengxue.

"distinguished guests, do you have an appointment" The waiter asked respectfully.

Ye Shengxue said nothing and took out a white card from the handbag she was carrying.

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seeing this card, the waiter changed his face, bowed more respectfully, and said, "Honorable Miss Ye, which floor would you like a room on"

"just find me a quieter room." Ye Shengxue replied.

"Yes, please follow me." The waiter turned and walked upstairs.

this restaurant has no living room, and each table of guests sits in a separate room, obscured by curtains.

Fang Yu and Ye Shengxue followed the waiter to a room on the second floor on the left.

"Honorable Miss Ye, this is the quietest private room in our shop. I hope you are satisfied." The waiter said respectfully.

Ye Shengxue nodded.

then she looked at the menu and ordered two main meals.

after the waiter left, Ye Shengxue handed a cup of tea to Fang Yu's table and smiled and said, "Mr. Fang, please have some tea."

Fang Yu took a sip of the water cup, looked at Ye Shengxue and said, "come on, what exactly do you want from me"

when it comes to business, Ye Shengxue has a straight face, sits up straight, looks at Fang Yu steadily, and says, "Mr. Fang, have you heard the story about the dragon"

"of course, all the Chinese have heard of the Dragon, right" Fang Yu said.

Ye Shengxue paused, seemed to be organizing the language, then leaned forward slightly and said, "does Mr. Fang believe in the existence of the dragon"

Fang Yu frowned and said, "aren't you sure I have the power of the dragon" Why are you asking these questions "

Ye Shengxue shook her head gently and said, "I did feel the power of the dragon in you, but only for a moment, and then it disappeared."

"so" Fang Yu asked, "Don't you think there's something wrong with your perception"

"No, because of the particularity of my family, I am quite sensitive to the power of the dragon, and I can't make a mistake on this point. At that moment, it is a certain fact that you do give off the smell of a dragon. " Ye Shengxue said firmly in his eyes.

"well, what does that prove" Fang Yu said.

"it matters!" Ye Shengxue looked a little excited and said, "We Ye family are the blood of dragon guardians!" Our family is born for the blood of the dragon! "

"Dragon Guardian..." Fang Yu was a little confused.

how can there be a family of dragon guardians suddenly when the world can't even prove the existence of the dragon

according to ancient books, the last time the dragon appeared was ten thousand years ago.

Ye Shengxue said that the Ye family is the guardian of the dragon. Does the Ye family have a history of tens of thousands of years Longer than the history of Huaxia!

how is this possible

it is impossible for a family to pass on for tens of thousands of years.

assuming that such a family does exist, why has it been unknown for so many years

even Fang Yu, an old monster who has lived for nearly five thousand years, has never heard of it!

is this girl a little bit in her head

Fang Yu looked at Ye Shengxue with a strange look on his face.

"Mr. Fang, I know you may think what I said is a little absurd, but it's true, if you would like to come back to Ye's home with me." You will believe everything I say. " Ye Shengxue said very seriously.

Fang Yu thought for a moment and asked, "how old is your family"

"one thousand or two hundred years." Ye Shengxue replied.

one thousand or two hundred years, for a family, it is quite a long history.

now known as the profound heritage of the major families, in fact, only two to three hundred years of history.

but even if Ye Shengxue is not lying, the Ye family really has a history of 1,200 years. Or the army.

Dragon died out tens of thousands of years ago!

the so-called guardian has a history of only 1,200 years, which is far from it.

and how could Fang Yu not know if the dragon really appeared and left behind the so-called guardian family 1, 200 years ago

although he was depressed at that time, he still knew something about the big events.

but looking at Ye Shengxue's earnest expression, Fang Yu did not refute her directly.

the dragon does exist, and Fang Yu does absorb the origin of the dragon and has the power of the dragon.

but the so-called Dragon Guardian... It seems very strange." Hanmiao thought for a moment and replied."only a quarter of an hour"Fang Yu opened her eyes wide, full of that space, he really felt like he had spent hundreds of years.not a hundred years,...