Chapter 3459: The Terrifying Pool

ang Yu looked at the light below and couldn't see anything clearly."Boom." Thesound continues to fade as if it were an the same time, the light is fading and fading.Fang Yu stared closely at t..."Why are there so many organs in the tomb of the Immortal King" Fang Yu frowned.

previously pushed open the bronze door, he was subjected to three strong laws, although it did not cause any substantial harm to him, but we can see that there are a lot of traps set up here, and to the extent that they want to kill people.

"it is probably equivalent to a test. Anyone who wants to get the inheritance and treasures left by the Heavenly Fairy King must go through many tests." Cold Miaoyi said.

"what will be in this pool Or is it just an underwater passage " Fang Yu went to the pool and squatted down.

he held out his right hand to the gray-black pool.


the moment his hand touched the water in the pool, there was a burning sound.

A burst of black gas evaporates quickly.

Fang Yu drew his hand back, looked at Cold Miaoyi and said, "this water is not ordinary water. It is extremely corrosive. If ordinary people jump in, it will directly dissolve into a pool of paste."

"is it like the paste you saw on the ground" Hanmiao squinted slightly and asked.

"I think so." Fang Yu replied.

with that, Fang Yu raised his right hand again.


A fist-sized nuclear source stone appeared on his right hand.

then he threw the nuclear source stone into the pool.


the source stone of nuclear power was melted instantly, and even the nuclear force contained in it was corroded clean and clean.

"it is so corrosive that even the nuclear force has been corroded." Fang Yu said.

said, he looked at Cold Miaoyi.

"but for both of us, it's just a dip in hot spring water." Fang Yu said, "but you still have to release some breath to protect your body, otherwise your body will be fine and your clothes may be melted off."

"I see, Brother Fang." Hanmiao replied.

at this time, a group of monks were behind, but they stopped and watched at a distance of about 20 meters, daring not to move forward.

obviously, Fang Yu and Hanmiaoyi are still waiting for them to find out where the danger is.

"I can't help you here. You're on your own." Fang Yu turned his head and smiled and said, "to give you one more piece of information, the water is very corrosive, but if you want to enter the graveyard, you must jump in. Through the underwater passage, you have to be psychologically prepared."

with that, he plunged into the pool.

Cold Miao leaned behind, released the fairy power, the body bloomed with a layer of golden light, and then jumped in.

the two did not enter the pool one after another and disappeared.

after hearing Fang Yu's words, I saw this scene again. I dare to walk in front of the pool.

he looked at the gray pool, frowning and looking very dignified.

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according to Fang Yu, this pool is easily inaccessible!

is so corrosive that it is possible to dissolve them instantly!

"Elder, that guy must have lied to us, right He and the woman jumped into the pool so easily that there was no reaction in the pool. Where can there be any corrosiveness " A disciple said, coming forward and holding out his hand, "Let me try it for you first."

"stop!" As soon as his face changed, he immediately reprimanded him.

however, the disciple's right hand gathered a mass of dharma power, so he thought it was foolproof and put his hand into the pool.

"Zi la!"

A burning sound came out!

"Uh, ah, ah." The disciple immediately let out a mournful scream, the whole body lost its center of gravity and was about to fall into the pool!

the inadvertent release method can catch it and pull it back.

"Ah, ah. My hand, my hand. " The disciple kept screaming, and the half of his right arm that had been stretched out into the water had disappeared. When

saw this, many of the disciples behind him turned pale and were terrified to the extreme.

this disciple put his hand into the pool, but released a ball of dharma to protect himself!

however, his unexpectedly disappeared in an instant!

the corrosiveness in this pool. It's horrible!

however, if they want to go further, they have to jump their whole body into it!

this... Who dares to go down there

once you jump, it may be instantly corroded into a paste!

is just like the big bloody thing I saw on the ground before!

at this time, all the disciples panicked, turned pale, and stepped back.

they don't want to go any further!

anyway, even if they can really come into contact with the inheritance of the fairy king, it is not their turn to inherit it!

at first, they came here just for the so-called experience and to enhance the honor value in the patriarchal clan.

but along the way, I have suffered enough from circling in endless plains.

now, do you have to risk your life

they don't want to!

"Elder, you can't go any further. This is the limit. You can't go any further." A disciple could not help but tremble and said.

as soon as he took the lead, other disciples backed out one after another.

"Yes, sir, the danger in this pool is too high, I think too." It's best not to go on any more. " The three elders did not have a sinking voice.

I stared at the pool in front of me, clenched my teeth and changed my face.

his eyes were full of struggle.eet voice, coupled with this ferocious face, made Fang Yu feel a fit of cold."good." But on the face of it, Fang Yu, Fang Yu was taken to a huge pool by two handmaids.the pool is steaming...