Psychological Game

t the Beidu Wushu Association did it. As long as the Beidu Wushu Association does not admit it, there is nothing they can do!who dares to go north to get into troublewithout mentioning other areas in..."what I hate most in my life is that the people around me are affected by me, so I will not involve my brother."

Enron's eyes changed slightly as he listened to this.

because he recognized the meaning of Fang Yu's words.

"it seems that you still think you have other choices." Enron said.

"Yes, I do have other options." Fang Yu smiled.

at this time, his eyes no longer flashed red, nor did he have the same manic mood as before.

"miso!" As soon as the voice of

fell, the golden light of Fang Yu's pupil flashed suddenly!

the seal of Avenue appears and rotates counterclockwise!


with Fang Yu looking at Enron, two eyeballs burst instantly!

at the same time, the whole head also suffered a heavy blow, the body fell out!


Fang Yu shouted up to the sky.


Beibei suddenly appeared from high above and returned to Fang Yu's shoulder.

"are you sure you're done" Fang Yu looked at Beibei and asked.

"Wang!" Beibei seemed a little unhappy with the suspicion of the other feather and swung his tail.

"that's good." Fang Yu said.

behind, Leng Miaoyi looks around and releases her mind.

then he looked at Fang Yu with a look of shock.

at this moment, centering on the location of Fang Yu, the space within a hundred miles radius. Completely independent, cut off from the outside world!

the spread of divinity is stopped after a hundred miles, and it can no longer spread out!

all laws, breath... Are intercepted within the space barrier!

it is impossible to run the space law in this space!

this is the same as the tomb where the ghost is located before, forming a completely sealed death row!


Enron, which was thrown out, soon condensed again in the air.

he also glanced around and his face became gloomy.

he already knew what Fang Yu had done, and his eyes were fixed on Beibei on Fang Yu's shoulder, his eyes flashing with the murderous intention of a viper!

Damn it!

he ignored Fang Yu's pet!

"this is called treating a person in his own way. You created a death row to help the ancient demon emperor kill the three emperors." Now, I also create a death row to trap you all here. " Fang Yu grinned with a cruel smile and said, "the death row I made will only be stronger than yours."

"you. There is absolutely no way to get out of here unless I allow you to leave. "

"if you don't believe it, you can try it."

this confidence comes from the trust in Beibei.

he had asked Beibei to block the space before he came here to talk to Enron.

after learning from his previous lessons, he is well aware of the habits of these guys in the sanctuary.

this time, he certainly won't leave these guys any possibility of escape!

lock up the whole space to form a death row!

just make sure that Enron and Xun Zun can't escape from this space, what will he do after that There's a lot of room for choice.

including the safety of my brother!

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if Enron can easily leave here, then Fang Yu really has no conditions to negotiate with him and can only be slaughtered by him.

but now that Enron is trapped in space, he has the capital to negotiate!

if Enron dares to touch the forest dust, he can move Enron!

if the forest road is dead, Enron and Xun Zun will not live!

he cordoned off the place in order to forcibly tie the life and death of Enron and Patrol to Lin Daochen!

only in this way can Lin Daodun's life be guaranteed to the greatest extent!

Enron's face was extremely gloomy, and her eyes twinkled with the coldest cold.

he has tried to use all kinds of means, even the fairy ware he is carrying has been used, and he is completely unable to reach the outside world.

the whole space has been completely closed, without leaving a trace of gap, not even a trace of breath can not be leaked!

how did you create such a blocked space in a short time

Enron looked at Beibei on Fang Yu's shoulder and was shocked.

as Fang Yu said, he wants to leave this space now, or make great efforts to forcibly break into it. Or Fang Yu can only be allowed to open the channel on his own initiative.

Fang Yu can't let him break into the space, nor can he open the channel on his own initiative.

is stuck here, and his only choice is to... Beat Fang Yu head on.

if you fail to do this, all previous efforts will be in vain!

"Fang Yu, I can still let Lin Daochen die instantly!" Enron said coldly, "it doesn't make any sense for you to keep us here."

"Fang Yu. Do you want your brother to die soon " The patron in the rear was also confused and shouted loudly.

"I have already said that if my brother dies, none of you will live." Fang Yu smiled coldly and said, "remember, you can't run away now." If you want to get out of here, you have to kill me. "

between words, the golden light shines on the forehead, and the seal of the road appears!

two-tier form!

Enron looks extremely ugly.

he knows that once this death row is formed, his previous plan. It completely collapsed.

because he is not entirely sure whether he can beat Fang Yu.

they can indeed kill Lin Daochen now, but then they must stay on death row with the furious Fang Feather!

in this way, if they cannot defeat Fang Yu, they will have to be buried with Lin Daochen!

and for them, killing Lin Daoxian itself doesn't make any sense.

as soon as Lin Daochen died, he lost the means of coercing Fang Yu and forced himself into a desperate situation!

in fact, the relationship between him and Fang Yu has now become a psychological game!

whoever is tougher and more confident in his own strength will win!

but just then, Enron thought of something and suddenly smiled.

he looked at Fang Yu and said, "Fang Yu, I have already condensed out the true spirit."

this sentence shook Fang Yu's heart.

"Don't worry, 99% of his true spirit is inside him, not outside." At this time, the voice of Li Huoyu sounded.

"strongest gas refining period in history" Source:heng Zun and pressed on Fang the face of this majestic breath, any living creature appears extremely small.but Fang Yu withstood the oppression of this breath, and in this state of oppression, h...