Chapter 333 Chapter 33 Chapter 33

Fang Yu naturally had nothing to say.A few minutes later, Tang Xiaorou became Fang Yu's deskmate. On the other hand, Fatty Liu sat alone at the back of the second group."Tang Xiaorou is a top student...Fang Yu stares at the Ghost Mengxian.

at this time, the body of the ghost is so exaggerated that it no longer looks like an entity.

but he is still laughing madly.

the laughter cannot be described as wild, but can only be described as mournful, which is worse than crying.

but in the midst of laughter, there was a gray glow in front of him!

this light flashes and a square object appears in it.

Fang Yu and Han Miaoyi both saw this scene, and their faces changed.


the light gradually fades away.

A book with a pure white cover and back is about three fingers thick. 78 Chinese website

but there is no slogan or imprint on the cover of the book.

and the book itself does not give off any breath.

when Fang Yu got the book of life and death, he could clearly sense the special breath contained in it.

and in front of this... If it is really the legendary book of heaven, why is it that there is no breath at all

"Don't fool me, isn't this just an ordinary book It's still blank. Don't tell me this is the list of gods. " Fang Yu raised his eyebrows.

"this is the list of gods!" This is the list of gods! " The ghost suddenly stopped smiling and roared ferociously, "you haven't seen the list of gods, but I know!" I know! Do you know how much I paid for it! You know what! "

between words, the breath of ghosts and immortals is frantically released.

looks extremely excited, more excited than ever before!

Fang Yu frowned slightly.

the reaction of the ghost and the fairy is obviously abnormal.

and this is not normal, it comes from the blank book that looks ordinary.

however, precisely because of the extremely excited reaction of ghosts and immortals, it can confirm that this blank but heavy book may really be the legendary book of heaven and the list of gods!

"list of gods!" The list of gods! If you get it, you can become a fairy king! Ha. " The ghost relegated fairy uttered this sentence with clenched teeth and laughed aloud, "because of this sentence, I used all means and countless painstaking efforts to get it!" In the end, I succeeded! I got the list of gods! But what During this period, I almost lost everything! Including the qualification to be the future fairy king! "

"just to get it, everything I know, everything I trust." All stand on the opposite side of me! "

listening to the roar of the ghost, Fang Yu and Hanmiao looked at each other. Before

, he had been curious about what had happened in the past.

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and now. In the midst of his roar, the ghost had already told him what had happened to him.

although he looked crazy and his tone was full of resentment and anger, he heard the content clearly.

at the beginning, in order to achieve the immortal king, the ghost immortal tried every means to get the list of gods.

but it was also in this process that he had a great conflict with all his companions and even his clan.

is this perhaps the reason why the ghost has fallen from the so-called future fairy king to what it looks like now

"that's what this is about! It's for it, it's all because of it! It's the reason for everything! " The ghost stared at the blank book floating in front of him, as if he were about to crush his teeth and roared resentfully, "I got it, even if I was the enemy of everything."... It doesn't matter, as long as I can achieve the fairy king, those who betray me …... Will come back! "

"I put all my hopes on it, but when I opened it and used it, I wrote my name on its page."

at this point, the ghost went crazy, stretching out his hands and grasping the blank book in his hand.

then there was a tug.

but this blank book does not look as fragile as it seems, and no matter how the ghost pulls it with his hands, it is not damaged.

the ghost fairy even put it in his mouth hoarse!

but he bit his mouth so bloody that he couldn't make any damage to the book, not even a trace.

the blood from his mouth fell on the book and immediately disappeared, as if it had been swallowed up.

and looking at this scene, Fang Yu and Leng Miaoyi, there is only shock in his eyes.

they can feel the great hatred from the ghosts and fairies.

and this hatred seems to be all directed at the list of gods in front of him!

before this, Fang Yu always thought that the resentment of the ghost and the fairy was mostly directed against those who had hurt him before.

for example, he said the mother he swallowed and so on.

but now it seems that what the ghost hates most is not his mother, nor any other object, but that floating blank book!

if this is really a list of gods... The scene is so weird right now.

anyway, the list of gods is a magic weapon!

Why do ghosts and immortals hate a magic weapon so much

even to the point of being completely out of control and out of control!


No matter what the ghost can do, he can't help but seal the list of gods in his hands, so he has to look up to the sky and roar | | []). Ush ({});how can a child show such a ferocious look How can there be a child who is prone to murder"kind of interesting." Fang Yu looked up at Apollo and said in English, "I won't apologi...