Chapter 3266 Chapter 30

sed up and down looked firmly at Fang Yu's right palm and said nothing."you avoided the Shenhai dynasty and wanted to seize the sacred fruit." What do you want to do " Fang Yu asked he spok..."Boom."

the roar continues in the eastern part of the demon market.

the incredibly large body of the Ghost Sea Giant still hangs at the bottom of the Ghost Sea, and countless tentacles grow out of it, which brings great trouble to Hanmiaoyi and the Lich Emperor.

as for Fang Yu, he is now standing on the body of the Ghost Sea Giant.

compared to the whole ghost sea giant, he doesn't even look like an ant.

Fang Yu has been standing here for a long time, still thinking about specific countermeasures.

he wanted to kill the ghost sea giant at once, so he considered a wide range of techniques in his memory.

however, these large-scale procedures are bound to be reduced in terms of intensity.

as for leaving the fire, it can not be completely integrated with these surgical methods.

therefore, Fang Yu finally came to the conclusion that. You might as well solve the problem with your fists.

the difficulty of the sea monster lies in its large body, many tentacles, and unimaginable vitality.

but Fang Yu. In fact, it has never been verified, his current all-out punch. How powerful it is.

not to mention that at present, even on Earth, he has never verified this point.

this kind of thing really cannot be verified when it is not necessary, otherwise it could cause a great disaster.

but at this moment, after thinking about it, Fang Yu decided to use his fist to deal with the ghost sea giant.

depends on brute force!

at critical moments, he did trust his fists a little more than all the powerful and mysterious tricks in his memory.

"all right, give it a try and get rid of you with one punch." Fang Yu bowed his head and stepped on the gray-black 'ground' below.

this is actually the skin of the sea troll.

although he hasn't started yet, after standing here for so long, Fang Yu knows … The skin of the Ghost Sea Giant is extremely thick and not soft, but as hard as armor.

I have to say that it is still difficult for Fang Yu to bombard the ghost sea monster with one punch.

at the very least, he is not completely confident himself.

but you have to try anyway.

after all, he doesn't want to waste too much time on the sea monster.


Fang Yu rose into the air like a rocket and rushed into the air with one kick of his feet.

his body twinkled with gold, like a golden arrow high into the sky, leaving only a very long shadow.

seeing this scene in the distance, my eyes twinkle.

on the other side, the Witch Emperor frowned.


Fang Yu flew all the way up to the sky, very fast.

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Ghost Sea Giant also noticed the existence of Fang Yu, and hundreds of tentacles attacked directly!

Fang Yu ignored it and rushed high into the air with the fiercest momentum.

if you want to kill the ghost sea troll with one punch, you have to leave enough distance.


Fang Yu was flying overhead and soon reached heights beyond the reach of the tentacles.

however, there is still a sea of ghosts.

"Brother Fang."

at this time, Cold Miaoyi conveyed the sound to Fang Yu in a puzzled tone.

"you step back now." Fang Yu said, "the farther away from the ghost sea monster body, the better."

"I step back." Brother Fang, you have to. " Cold Miaoyi asked in surprise.

"Yes, I'm going to use my best shot." Fang Yu said, "otherwise it will be endless and a lot of time will be wasted."

"OK, I'll step back now." Cold Miao replied, "Brother Fang." Can you tell me what your strongest shot is I will watch and study by the side! "

Leng Miaoyi's tone was obviously a little excited.

"technique" No, it's just a punch. " Fang Yu said.

"that. Is it a method of boxing What is the name of this boxing method " Cold Miaoyi asked again.

"well, it's called. You have to take a punch. " Fang Yu scratched his head and replied.

this punch is really not the cross of Heaven, nor is it ten thousand crosses.

this punch. It will be a great fusion of all kinds of dharma and energy currently mastered by Fang Yu.

so a must-kill punch sounds like a bit of a child's play, but that's what it's all about.

as soon as this punch is fired, it must be killed!

"must kill a punch." I see, Brother Fang. " Han Miaoyi has no doubt about the name.


at the moment, she was retreating rapidly, dodging the pursuit of the tentacles.

on the other side, the Lich Emperor first glanced up at the position of Fang Yu, then at the cold Yi that retreated rapidly into the distance, his brows frowned and his eyes were cold.

these two guys. Are you trying to escape

that's a good thing for him.

Ghost sea giant demon is the test left to him by the demon emperor. As long as he can pass the test, he is bound to be inherited by the demon emperor!

"in terms of years of survival, you are the elder, but I will personally kill you for the inheritance of the demon emperor." The Lich King bowed his head, looked down at the ghost sea giant below and said to himself.

at this time, Fang Yu, high in the air, glanced at the position of the witch emperor and looked down at the ghost sea giant.

even though it is already at a height of three or four thousand meters, it is still impossible to see the full body of the sea monster.tly." If it does matter, maybe we can get more information about that organization. " Fang Yu Xin Tao."Brother, you're back!"the ball suddenly appeared in the rear and ran quickly to Fang Yu."just got...