Chapter 3,254 Chapter 3,254

this jewel instead. It must be worth more than two thousand yuan." You take this jewel home and give it to your parents, who should be able to find a place to change it into cash. " Fang Yu said."goo..."not necessarily. If you follow the ancient demon emperor to the north, you may not need to fight." Fang Yu smiled, "if he really keeps his promise."

Cold Miaoyi smiled gently and was noncommittal.

whether the ancient demon emperor will keep his promise can be seen from his performance just now.

each depends on his ability. When the word

is said, it actually represents the attitude of the ancient demon emperor.

and what Fang Yu said was, of course, a joke.

judging from the previous performance of the ancient demon emperor, it is impossible for him to trust him completely.

"East, west, north and south." Which way should I go " Fang Yu looked around and began to think carefully.

just like the ancient demon emperor said, now standing in the center of this canyon, you can't feel any breath fluctuations in the four channels.


after opening the eye of the avenue, the field of vision changes, but the four channels point to the rear, but it is only a closed space.

what the eye of Avenue can see is the dark walls on all sides, and you want to see what's behind it. You can only see it after you have passed through the wall.

so, how to choose... It's just a hunch.

Fang Yu swept around again.

finally, he decided to head for the east aisle.

this channel is exactly the channel chosen by the Witch Emperor before!

"come on, let's go east and have a look." Fang Yu said.

"good." Cold Miaoyi didn't ask why, but agreed.


then, one by one, the two headed for the east aisle.

after Fang Yu and Hanmiaoyi left, the empty canyon was silent again.

the piece stands on the stone tablet in the center of the canyon like a broken sword, and the word "demon ruins" shines faintly red.

"whoosh!" In the process of

, these two characters gradually disappear, turn into powder and float in the air.



Fang Yu and Cold Miaoyi enter the east passage.

compared with the previously extremely empty canyon, the passage is so narrow that it is only wide enough for two people to pass side by side.

and there are brown and black mountain walls on both sides.

Fang Yu and Hanmiao go forward at a very high speed, one after another.

all the way forward, there is no obvious abnormal smell.

however, the deeper you go, the darker the light gets.

after going deep into the distance, looking back, I can no longer see the light.

it is obvious that this narrow path is not straight, there is no obvious curved Radian.


Fang Yu and Cold Miaoyi did not pause for a moment, but continued to deepen at a considerable speed.

I don't know how long it took.

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when passing through a certain critical point of the narrow path, there is a sudden feeling of going into the depths of the sea!

it's like falling from the ground to the bottom of the sea!

since gravity is different from before, the speed slows down suddenly.

and the world in front of us... It's also different from before.

is no longer a narrow road, but a building. The city

Giant City

but the scene you are in at the moment, the feeling of the body, and everything that can be seen in the field of vision. It all proves a little bit.

does go into the deep sea!

Fang Yu turned his head and looked back.

Cold Miaoyi is still behind her, nodding gently to signal that she is all right.

"A great city in the deep sea." Fang Yu squinted at the huge city ahead and frowned.

the city, from its current position, can only see the tip of the iceberg.

is too huge!

he released his mind and expanded it so that he could barely see part of the city!

extremely high walls and huge gates.

however, in the deep sea, the light is too dim.

therefore, the city inexplicably gives people a sense of gloom and terror.

"where is this place" Fang Yu frowned and slowly moved forward.

No matter where it is, since this huge undersea city appears behind the passageway, then. He has to go in and see what's going on.

however, after entering this eastern passage, Fang Yu no longer felt the smell of the Lich Emperor.

not even a trace.

and now when I see this huge city, there is no sign of the witch emperor.

does the witch king run so fast Where did you go

"Brother Fang, when I was at Lord Chino's mansion, I had nothing to do and flipped through an ancient book." Hanmiao followed Fang Yu, slowly approached the walls of the great city, and preached.

"what is that ancient book" Fang Yu asked.

"tells the history of the demon clan." Cold Miaoyi said.

"Oh" Fang Yu turned to look at Leng Miaoyi.

"it is mentioned that the demon emperor is the first master of the demon clan, but it is only a passing pass, and there is no detailed explanation." Han Miaoyi said, "however, in that short paragraph, there is a description of the existence of four fierce generals under the demon emperor, which has made a great contribution to opening up the demon world and creating the demon clan."

"four senior generals. What are the differences " Fang Yu asked with a twinkle in his eyes.

"the book mentions their names, fog mountains, big eyes, long insects in the deep field, strange cranes in the clouds, ghosts and sea monsters." She answered in a slow voice.

Fang Yu's heart trembled slightly when he heard these four names.

especially the last one. Ghost sea troll!chance to switch.therefore, there is only one possibility.the holy fruit was not put into this storage ring in the first place."from the abyss, it's very impressive."Fang Yu said in his heart with a t...