Chapter 3252: The Emergence of the Demon Ruins

eems that she can't show up every night." Fang Yu looked at Ji Rumei, who was still sleeping, and thought.Fang Yu didn't feel anything special when he realized this.he has talked a lot with Cold searc...four Emperors, Fang Yu and Cold Miaoyi. Now they all look at everything in front of them with shocked eyes.

before, their eyes were a vast expanse of snow white.

there is nothing above the snow, only the smell of dust.

but now, in front of their eyes, stands a towering stone tablet!

this stone tablet is like a giant broken sword, with its tip straight into the sky.

but on the surface of the tablet, two obvious characters are engraved.

Devil Market! The character

is written in an old font, but can be recognized!

"Devil ruins."

Fang Yu's eyes twinkled and she looked around.

at the moment, he and Hanmiaoyi, as well as the Phantom Emperor at the front, are in a huge circular canyon!

below is the extremely spacious and open ground, showing a brown-black color.

as for the mountain walls surrounded on all sides, they are infinitely high! I can't even see where the top is!

looking up, what I saw was not the sky, but darkness!

at the moment, they are completely in another world!

is not even sure if it is still within the northern superstar.

Fang Yu's eyes still shone with shock, and he looked at the huge stone tablet standing in front of him.

the demon market.

are they being forcibly transferred to another space

No, probably not.

he saw the mutation of the northern superstar just now and experienced it himself!

however, the world in front of us has suddenly changed so much. And it was finished in such a short time that he had never experienced it before.

and what we have just seen is also unprecedented.

"how on earth is this done it's not an illusion, it's not a space transfer. A new world just appeared. " Fang Yu's heart is still shaking. It is true that

is not an illusion, nor has it been transferred through space. This is the ruins. " The voice of Ruoyu sounded.

"ruins." Fang Yu squinted slightly. This is not the first time he has heard the word


because he had also been to a very strange place in the deepest part of the far north on earth.

that place is called the ruins.

Fang Yu also communicated with the will of the ruins and was imprisoned.

Li Huoyu is obtained in the ruins!

and after getting away from the jade, Fang Yu was driven away by the will of the ruins.

"one can only get one treasure."

these are the original words of the will of ruins at that time!

after that, Fang Yu never saw the ruins again!

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the ruins on the other side of the cliff just disappeared and were replaced by a pristine mountain area.

but Qi Ruoqing, who left the ruins with Fang Yu at that time, can still see the ruins opposite!

that is to say, for the other Yu, the ruins no longer exist, but for Qi Ruoqing, who did not get the treasure from the ruins, the ruins still exist, and she can still enter them!

at the beginning, Fang Yu was extremely shocked by this situation.

but after that, he really never entered the ruins again, and the experience and the existence of the ruins were forgotten. 78 Chinese net

Today, I hear the words of Li Huoyu. He recalled it again.

the ruins in the mouth of Ruoyu should also include ruins!

"you are right, the demon ruins." In fact, it does belong to the same category as the ruins. " Li Huoyu knew Fang Yu's idea and said, "the so-called ruins is actually after the ancient will has been sealed." Well, it's too complicated for you to understand. To put it simply... It is a world sealed by some power, some existence. "

"the world essentially exists, but after being sealed, it will take on a completely different appearance." As you can see just now, this northern superstar used to be a land of ice and snow, but now... But it looks like this. "

"that's essentially." Fang Yu asked with a twinkle in his eyes.

"the essence is the demon market." Li Huoyu said, "the northern giant star is essentially a demon ruins. The environment you are in now is the real environment. The previous world, though it is also real." But you can also understand it as false, which doesn't matter. "

"there should be a will in this demon market, right" Fang Yu asked narrowing his eyes.

"maybe, maybe not." Li Huoyu said, "but if there is a will, then the will does have the ability to drive you away alone."... Just like you were in the ruins. " "br >" then again, I found you in the ruins. How did you get in there " Fang Yu asked with a frown. 166

"go in Where did I go in I was in the ruins. " Li Huoyu said, "er. Explain again, ruins are not called ruins, they are originally a piece of mountain plain on the earth, it is an ordinary area, but behind it is sealed by some existence, some force. Only after that will there be the term 'ruins'. "

"so where is this demon market originally" Fang Yu squinted and looked ahead.

"as the name implies, it must be the place where demon tribes gather." Li Huoyu said, "to be exact, it is the demon clan of the time of the demon emperor, which can also be called the ancient demon clan."r opened her eyes wide and said in surprise.she has never seen so many people."there seems to be no threshold for recruiting disciples. You just need to wait in line for a test." Fang Yu has a slight...