The Last Chance

small source of life, and all life in the garden is showing a vigorous momentum.but in this way, it loses the pleasure of watching plants sprout and grow.nowadays Fang Yu doesn't even have to water an...Queen Xiaoyue listened to this quietly and did not respond.

but the face of Lu Chen opposite is very pale.

in this case, only the queen mother can help them!

but now, what the southern kite says is not stimulating the queen mother and infuriating the queen mother!

if even the queen mother is angered, who can save them

thinking like this, Lu Chen was trembling all over and jumping her feet anxiously.

if she can, she really wants to come forward and seal the mouth of Nan Kite!

but she doesn't dare to do anything now!

"Mother, we can no longer be disillusioned and can no longer be weak!" Nan Kite said, "do you think my father will help us" No! "

"he has been watching all this silently, just one word can change the situation, one word! But did he do that No! He is happy to see it happen! "

"speaking, he put forward the idea of primary and secondary lineage." He wants us to die. "

Nan Kite's words, if put to the outside world, anyone who hears it will shake three times!

this is a direct criticism of the ancient demon emperor!

in the ancient demon galaxy, no one has this kind of power, nor the courage!

but Nan Kite, as a direct descendant, dares to say such a thing!

Lu Chen trembled and looked at the position of the Queen of Xiaoyue.

"do you think. Can the sanctuary give you the capital to confront your Majesty " The queen of Xiaoyue asked.

"not yet, but in the future." At least there's a chance. " Nan Kite said, "if there is no sanctuary, there will never be a chance."

"Mother, we need hope, we have seen hope." I hope you can understand what we think. "

at this point, Nan Kite bowed and bowed her head.

Luchen didn't know what to do and bowed along.

Queen Xiaoyue sat on the high seat without saying a word.


just then, a blue light flashed in the center of the hall!

this blue light gradually condenses into a body shape.

seeing the appearance of this green shadow, the faces of Nan Kite and Luchen changed.

they all know that. This is the Patrol!

Patrol shows up!

unexpectedly. Show up directly in front of their mother!

this is something they didn't expect at all!


Green Shadow forming.

"long time no see, Xiaoyue Queen." The voice of the patron.

his tone is calm.

but the content of the words shook the hearts of Nan Kite and Luchen.

long time no see

this means... Has Xun Zun ever met with their mother

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"you show up at the moment." What do you mean " The Queen of Xiaoyue was shrouded in fairy light in a slightly cold tone.

"now that the situation is critical, I'd like to talk to you again." Xun Zun said, "you refused to cooperate with our sanctuary, but you did not stop your heirs from cooperating with us." This shows that you also have some expectations for our sanctuary. Now, as you can see, most of your heirs have been implicated in our sanctuary, and they have been greatly promoted. Now, will you change your previous decision "

it turns out that Xun Zun once looked for his mother!

moreover, the mother has known about the existence of the sanctuary for a long time, and even knows that the sanctuary is looking for members of these sub-lineages to cooperate!

but the queen mother never mentioned it, let alone stopped it!

Queen Mother. What does it mean

at this time, the eyes of the southern kite and Luchen in the rear were full of horror.

"Xu Zhenyun was caught in the ancient demon prison by Fang Yu. With his nature, it won't take long for him to reveal everything he knows." Xun Zun said, "at that time, your Nankite, Luchen, and more than half of the sub-lineage members will be involved in this incident."

"and as the leader of the secondary lineage, Queen Xiaoyue, you …" You must also be held accountable, no matter whether you cooperate with our sanctuary or not, you cannot absolve yourself of the blame. "

the Queen of Xiaoyue is silent.

"but right now, it's not desperate. As far as I know, the ancient demon emperor is still in a state of isolation. " Xun Zun said, "but if you wait for the ancient demon emperor to get out of the customs and know about this, it will be a devastating blow to your secondary lineage."... You will fall into an irreparable situation. "

"now is the last chance."

"Queen Xiaoyue, are you sure you don't want to think about it"

the Queen of Xiaoyue still did not speak, and the fairy light shone on her body.

"working with our sanctuary, I can assure you that you can get everything you want." Xun Zun said, "I believe that. You must have desire in your heart, but. This desire is difficult to achieve. But if you cooperate with our sanctuary, your desire. It will be satisfied. "

"the princess of the southern kite has made this very clear to you before."

"the details of our holy courtyard are stronger than you think."

at this time, both Nan Kite and Luchen can hear the meaning of Patrol. Is to recruit their mother!

Queen of Xiaoyue!

the Taoist couple of the ancient demon emperor, the whole ancient demon royal family actually has the second highest status!

Patrol. How dare you open that mouth!

"how do you think we should break the game now" The queen of Xiaoyue asked.cted and beyond his acceptable range.No one in Beijing can treat the Wang family like this!now, he not only wants to get people back, but also to respond!otherwise, the Wangs will lose face!as for wha...