Chapter 298: Chapter 298

rmal practice, then go to exercise and become physical training. If the talent is higher, then double study. "hearing this, the shepherd slightly changed his eyes, stopped speaking, and stepped about to touch the purple flame of the crowd and burst away!

A pale blue body appeared in the air above the crowd.

many tourists looked up and saw a man in a robe with gray hair.

he stood in mid-air with a wooden sword in his hand.

"is this, is this the fairy who has come to save us"

all the tourists looked at the Taoist, beaming with delight.

after the appearance of the Taoist, the surrounding temperature dropped, which made people feel cool for a while.

in mid-air, Daolong looked solemnly at the clouds in the distance.

"this son is full of evil spirit and sinfulness." It's quite rare. "

when the Taoist looked at the cloudy sky, Yuntian was also squinting at the Taoist.

long Aozhi, who fell behind, beamed with delight at the sight of the Taoist chief in the sky.

Master Wu Nian is here!

they are saved by the Dragon Family!

Master Wu Nian is one of the most respected masters in the martial arts world of Kowloon Island.

he practices both Buddhism and Taoism, and is compassionate. He often gives a helping hand to people who are in a desperate situation and saves people from danger.

his research on medical skills and feng shui methods is even more unfathomable.

long Aozhi once offered him a high price to cast a Buddha statue for the long family, but he refused on the grounds that the long family had stood at the top and did not need to use any channels to increase their luck.

on Kowloon Island, Master Wu Nian is like a living fairy!

A group of dragon warriors who are still alive are surprised to see the appearance of the Wunian Master!

if Master Wu Nian appears, he will certainly be able to punish the sky!

"who are you" The sky frowned and asked.

"the poor way is thoughtless." Master Wu Nian said.

he didn't speak loudly, but everyone on the island could hear him clearly.

in the process of speaking, his body slowly floated forward.

Yun Tian looked at Master Wu Nian, and the excitement in his eyes became stronger and stronger.

Monks of the Yuan Infant realm!

fighting with the friar of Yuan Infant will enable him to improve his strength more quickly!

thinking like this, Yuntian licked his lips and his right foot was slightly bent.

Master Wunian, as he approached the sky, said slowly, "the sin you have borne is too deep. Listen to me, put down the butcher's knife as soon as possible, and there is still a glimmer of hope of salvation."


before Master Wu Nian finished his words, the clouds ejected at him.

Master Wunian sighed, clenched the wooden sword in his right hand and waved forward.


A white sword appears, chopping the fast approaching sky!


with an explosion, the body of the sky flew out like a cannonball!

seeing this, the tourists in the rear were stupefied for a moment, then burst into cheers!

is saved!

that Yuntian is no match for Master Wu Nian!


Fang Yu is going up at a very high speed.

but in the process of rising, he vaguely noticed that something was wrong.

more and more undersea creatures gathered around him.

these creatures seem to smell something and come forward one after another.

if Fang Yu hadn't risen fast enough, these creatures would have attacked him.

"these undersea creatures can feel the smell of the dragon's origin, and they want to leave it behind."

when enough undersea creatures gather around, Fang Yu gathers real qi on his body, and then explodes in an all-round way.

the huge power spreads in all directions, shaking all these undersea creatures apart.

Fang Yu soon returned to the position of about two thousand meters under the sea.

this position, the surrounding water is not so cold.

and the water pressure attached to Fang Yu is also greatly reduced.

the rising speed of Fang Yu is still accelerating.

but at this moment, Fang Yu felt a strong breath and appeared not far under his feet.

Fang Yu, with a slight look in his eyes, stopped and looked down.

saw a strange outline rushing towards his position.

says this outline is strange because it bears some resemblance to a human figure, but it has a fin in its lower body, a pointed head and a Trident in its hand. Is

the Hailin clan But judging from the appearance, it doesn't look like it.

Fang Yu has dealt with several sea spirits, but the creatures of the sea spirits are no longer much different from human beings after they have been practiced to a certain extent.

but the monster under his feet, in terms of outline, is quite different from that of human beings.

the monster moved so fast that it chased it less than a hundred meters from Fang Yu in just a few seconds.

Fang Yu thought for a moment and then stayed where she was.

he wants to see why this monster is here.

more than ten seconds later, the monster caught up with Fang Yu and came to Fang Yu.

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in a smeared state, Fang Yu can only see the outline.

at this time, Fang Yu suddenly remembered a useless technique that he had learned before.

he recited the formula in his heart and held out the palm of his right hand.

True Qi condensed in the palm of his hand and soon condensed into a ball of energy glowing with white light.

Fang Yu lifted the energy ball to the top of his head.

the sea area with a radius of dozens of meters is instantly illuminated.

it seems that all techniques have their own meaning, and this sentence is correct.

after the sea is illuminated, Fang Yu can clearly see the appearance of the monster in front of him.

similar to what Fang Yu thought, it was an extremely ugly humanoid monster with a black Trident in his hand. I don't know what material it was made of, but the tripod looked sharp.

it has limbs, but every part of the body is twisted.

this may be related to its location.

generally speaking, the deeper the sea floor, the weirder the appearance of creatures.

so what does this monster want

Fang Yu looked at the monster in front of her and squinted slightly.

"if you take something you shouldn't have, hand it over immediately, and I can let you go."

at this time, a sound came into Fang Yu's ear.

this is a sound spread through divinity.

"who are you The sea spirits " Fang Yu asked.

the other party was obviously stupefied when he heard what Fang Yu said.

"do you know the sea spirits"

"of course, I once ate grilled fish with two sea spirits on the back beach of Dongling Mountain." Fang Yu said.

". The Hailing people became extinct 1800 years ago. Who are you " Asked the monster, his tone fluctuating.

"my name is Fang Yu, from China. What about you " Fang Yu asked.

"I am a descendant of the Hailing clan, the honorable one of the sea. I am in charge of the nearby sea area." Said the monster proudly.

"Oh, you seem to be crippled. Nice to meet you, though. I have work to do. I have to go. " Fang Yu said that he was about to rise.

"for the sake of knowing my ancestors, as long as you hand over the item that doesn't belong to you, I can let you go." The tone of the monster suddenly turned cold.

"this thing doesn't belong to me, much less to you, does it It has been at the bottom of the sea for so many years, if it belonged to you, you would have taken it. " Fang Yu said with a smile.

the monster did not speak.

indeed, it discovered the origin of the dragon a long time ago.

but it does everything it can to break the chains and get the source out, so it can only stare.

but just now, it heard the information brought back by undersea creatures.

the origin of the dragon was taken away by a human!

it immediately ordered undersea creatures to stop Fang Yu and come as fast as possible.

the origin of the dragon, it has been coveted for a long time, and must not be taken away by others!

"as I just told you, I am the supreme honor of this sea area." Everything in this sea area naturally belongs to me. " The honorable one of the sea said coldly.

"I can't do that. I wasted so much time and energy to get this source. How can I give it to you" Fang Yu raised his eyebrows and said.

"you are the first human I have ever seen who can move freely more than four thousand meters under the sea, and can also break those chains." You are very strong. If I'm on land, there's a good chance I'm no match for you. But this is the deep sea... You don't stand a chance. " The honorable man of the sea smiled coldly, raised the Trident in his hand and threw it at Fangyu.

Fang Yu sidestepped Trident and dashed forward.


behind him, the water waves exploded!

Fang Yu rushed to the Venerable of the Sea with unimaginable speed, clenched his right fist and smashed it into the ugly and twisted face of the Venerable of the Sea!

it never occurred to me that Fang Yu could still be so fast at the bottom of the sea at a depth of more than two thousand meters.


the honorable one of the sea received a heavy blow on the cheek and flew back.

Fang Yu followed up and continued to punch at the honorable one of the sea.

he knows that the Venerable of the Sea is very resistant.

the density and strength of the bones of creatures that can live more than 4,000 meters from the bottom of the sea must be far higher than those of ordinary creatures.

in addition, at the position of two thousand meters under the sea, the strength of each punch of Fang Yu is somewhat weakened due to the water pressure.

he used 30% of the strength of each punch to hit the honorable man of the sea, perhaps less than 20%.

this is the advantage of those who are honored by the sea.

but what the honorable man of the sea did not expect was that Fang Yu's attack was like a storm, with no intention of stopping at all.

each punch hits him, although it does not cause fatal injury, but it still produces a feeling of pain.

if it goes on like this, it will not hold up after all!Quan, are you out of your mind You really don't know what this guy is doing, do you Many of the Terrans he used to sell were dug out from our organization! ""this guy is the number one enemy of our or...