The Last Chance

t Fang Yu and her are lovers, and may make trouble for Fang Yu.and Fang Yu's skill, Ding ran, has seen long as Zhou Cheng troubles Fang Yu, he is looking for this way, Ding ran can...with this identity, he must avenge his men and uphold the dignity of the Protoss.

but on another level, he, who has already integrated the half-boundary law, is already in another state of mind.

in Yunli mainland, he is invincible and asks for nothing else.

if he wants to go further, he has to leave here and continue to seek a higher level and explore the road. The idea of

has emerged since Ji Wangu fused with the half-boundary law.

and after merging the last rule, he has made up his mind.

therefore, killing Fang Yu, exterminating the Terrans, reorganizing the demons, and dividing the world will be his last mission on the continent of Yunfu.

Yes, it's a task.

when all this is done, he will leave the mainland of Yunqi.

in this respect, although watching Fang Yu go wild in Protoss territory, Ji Wangu is really not so angry.

he has gone beyond this level and should not be moved by such a thing.

the stability of mood is also one of the basic requirements of the strongest.

"I will kill Fang Yu and destroy the Terrans." Ji Wangu said faintly. Between the

words, he raised his right palm.


in the invisible dimension, the laws of the whole southern continent are moving!



Fang Yu and Chixuan are still speeding forward.

"how long will it take to reach the Protoss territory if it goes on like this" Fang Yu asked.

"there are still several layers to go through." Chixuan frowned.

"will it take so long" Fang Yu frowned and looked up at the sky.

Wang Fan is still under control.

"it's impossible for Ji Wangu not to take a shot. With his confidence in himself, no matter how strong you are, it's impossible for him to back down without a shot." Chi Xuan said.

"but he didn't do it." Fang Yu said.

"there must be other reasons why he didn't come out." Chi Xuan said.

Fang Yu did not say a word and looked forward.

just then, his unleashed consciousness found the ground a few miles away on the left, and there was a building that should not have appeared!

Fang Yu looked awe-inspiring and immediately turned his head to look in that direction.

in the territory of the Biyu people, among the crumbling ruins miles away from him, a temple suddenly appeared!

the temple looks dilapidated in appearance.

but seen from above, it is obvious that. Inside stands a statue of a snakehead!

Snake Temple, it appears again!

and this time it is in an unimaginable place!

Fang Yu knows that the Snake Temple does not exist here before, but probably just appeared.

but at the moment, he glanced at the illusion in the sky.

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Wang Fan is still in danger.

Fang Yu squinted.

he decided to ignore the snake temple.


Fang Yu and Chixuan are still speeding forward.

after a while, the sky skimmed over the temple on the ground.

except for Fang Yu, Chixuan and many armies of demons in the rear do not seem to notice this dilapidated temple that appears abruptly among the ruins.

however, Fang Yu ignored it and flew over high in the air.

however, just flew past, did not fly a kilometer distance, suddenly there is a strange breath falling in the sky.


at this moment, the scene around Fang Yu changed.

he was suddenly in a twisted space.

everything around is twisted, only the purple lines are constantly bending and twisting.

"Fang Yu, we meet again."

A voice of banter came from all directions.

Fang Yu squinted and released his breath.


his true breath burst, but failed to shatter the space.

"it's right to get angry. I'm not as friendly as I used to be." The voice of the snakehead sounded again.

Fang Yu, with cold eyes, said, "if you want to hit me, go ahead."

"but I'm willing to give you one last chance. Geniuses like you are so rare." The Snakehead said, "the last chance, you must choose carefully." To be my enemy... Or do you want to jump out of the framework of race, make friends with me, and find a common road "

"my choice is, get out of my way!"

Fang Yu's voice is extremely cold.


at the same time, he cast a magic spell! As soon as the breath of

moves, the effect of undoing the spell is released, and the twisted space in front of you is completely broken!

at the moment, Fang Yu was still in mid-air, but stopped speeding forward.

Chi Xuan looked at him from the side, with surprise in his eyes.

"Ji Wangu did it" Chi Xuan asked in a deep voice.

"it's not Ji Wangu, it's." Fang Yu shook his head and looked back.

the temple is still in its original position.

and he understood the meaning of Snake Temple just now.

it is obvious that the Snake Temple is ready to do so.

it's just that he has some doubts.

is there any connection between the Snake Temple and the Protoss

otherwise, why did the Snake Temple choose to act when Fang Yu killed into the Protoss

"move on."

however, Fang Yu did not delve into this problem.

No matter what Snake Temple wants to do, he doesn't care.

now, he has only one goal.tiagawa people of the Utiagawa family." Fang Yu said, "then the royal sacrifice also appeared, there are many people present, but also from all sides.""Don't you think that's weird""We just went aroun...