Chapter 2921 Chapter 21

ent."our Frost Cold Palace has been independent since its inception, and will never become a subsidiary of any family. This is a rule left by our predecessors, and I will not break it." Su Lengyun sai...after throwing Chen Qianan into the storage space, you can ensure that he will not be killed by other forces.

this guy, Fang Yu must be killed in person.

Fang Yu turned his head and looked ahead.


at this moment, there is another dark beam coming straight to the face, containing extremely powerful dharma energy!

Fang Yu crosses his arms in front of her.

"Bang long."

the ground of the whole stronghold is shaking.

Fang Yu felt so powerful that he was pushed back for some distance.

he looked ahead and squinted slightly.


A dark shadow flashed in front of Fang Yu!

is a monster-like wreck!


the broken sky grinned, the mouth instantly opened to the point of exaggeration, and a sharp thorn stretched out from the inside, straight to Fang Yu's forehead!

Fang Yu raised his right hand and suddenly moved forward!

"Ka bang!"

the dark spike was cut off with one hand by Fang Yu at the sound of an explosion.

while the head of the broken sky is still stretching forward, the big mouth seems to want to swallow the whole head of Fang Yu.

"piss off."

Fang Yu frowned, raised her left palm and slapped her face on the head of the broken sky.


the blow was so powerful that the whole body of the sky was fanned out and blasted on the rocks in the distance.

"Bang long."

the broken sky smashed into the depths of the wall, detonating a lot of gravel and smoke.


at this time, behind Fang Yu, the hidden palms of the ground, dressed in purple, merged.

A purple flame burst out of his palms, forming a fire dragon, directly bombarding Fang Yu!

the cold flame engulfs Fang Yu in an instant.

Di hid a cold smile on his face and opened his palms.


shrouded the purple flame of Fang Yu, burning more and more vigorously! Within the

stronghold, many Terrans were just in the joy and excitement of the rest of their lives, but in the twinkling of an eye there was a new threat, and their faces turned pale.

their faces were covered with panic and panic.

these two sudden monks look much more powerful than the black-robed monks before them!

if Fang Yu is no match for the two of them, then today. Many Terrans present are still doomed!


in the rocks that blew a big hole in the distance, the remnants of the sky flew out.

at this time, his head was still in a state of collapse.


but when he came out, he just shook his neck and his head came back into shape.

he looked at Fang Yu, who was engulfed by purple fire in the distance, and grinned with a strange and terrifying smile.


then he rushed towards the direction of the purple flame!


he went straight into the purple flame!

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"bang! Bang! Bang! "

next, there was a deafening noise inside the purple flame!

every explosion has a great sense of power, causing a violent shock of the whole stronghold!

the ground in mid-air squinted slightly and smiled sneering, still maintaining the burning of the purple flame.

in his opinion, in this situation, their target Fang Yu. There is almost no possibility of reversal.

they crushed Fang Yu!


but the next second, a figure fell out in the purple flame.

"Bang long."

the figure fell heavily on the ground, and the force of terror forced his body to smash a huge crack in the ground.

and this figure is the broken sky!

seeing this, Dizo's face changed slightly and looked at the center of the purple flame below.


at this moment, a terrible real gas broke out!

True Qi explodes, directly dispersing the condensed purple flame!

A figure covered with golden light catapulted from the ground and rushed to the hides high in the air!

the eyes are awe-inspiring and the palms are perfect.

the divine breath is released from him!

but at this moment, Fang Yu, who was full of golden light, had reached him and smashed it with a punch.


with an explosion, Di Zang was hit in the chest with a punch, which directly blew up a blood hole!

Fang Yu is full of golden light, like a burning golden flame, quite shocking!

he grabbed Dizo's head and swooped toward the ground.

"whoosh. Boom! "

the hidden head was forcibly pressed to the ground by Fang Yu, making a loud noise!

there is a deep hole in the ground!

"Purple Flame."

Fang Yu presses Dizo's head.

"Uh, ah, ah."

there is a roar from Dizang, and the fairy power in the body keeps breaking out!

his body bloomed with a purple light, flashing constantly, and a burst of power!

Dizo wants to shake Fang Yu away!

but Fang Yu still pressed his head with a right palm and did not let him lift half a minute.

and the right foot, also stepped on his back!


then the sky swooped in from behind.

his palms open like a pair of giant claws, grabbing directly to Fang Yu's head!

Fang Yu didn't even turn his head back, just kick his right leg back!


this foot kicks the whole upper body of the broken sky to pieces!


the broken sky let out a strange cry, and the body fell out again.

"you two. Where did you come from "

Fang Yu pressed Dizo's head and asked in a cold voice.

"Fang Yu, I have been ordered by the Lord of the cabinet to kill you! If you resist, it will only lead to greater punishment from our bosom friends! " Dizo howled angrily. shines in the translucent body.his palms are raised, facing Fang Yu."Yuan Dan. He called these space balls Yuan Dan. " Fang Yu's eyes twinkled.for him, this is a brand new term that goes beyond the p...