Chapter 2900 Chapter 200

you can't escape." Fang Yu stuffed his cell phone back into his belt with a murderous look in his eyes..Fang Yu went around in Shuanghan Palace and met many female disciples.when these disciples saw...because Fang Yu flashed up in front of the Unhonorable Devil and kicked him in the face!

the whole head of the Unhonorable Devil almost burst, and the tall body covered with scaly armour flung out.

this, so that he can no longer fight with the magic formula of the beginning, directly deflated, was completely suppressed!

"you can't kill me with one hand, but I can kick you into dogs with one foot." Fang Yu said sarcastically.

inside the Great Hall of the Devil Emperor, there was a dead silence.

many Devil Kings and Blessed ones have been unable to make a sound.

the highest level of these demons, the most powerful forces, are now being invaded by a Terran monk. It's too hard to move!

this kind of thing is unprecedented!

"I'm standing right here. Can you touch a hair of mine" Fang Yu smiled and said.

the stimulation of words makes these powerful demons, who are already full of magic, furious.

but they can't move, so... It's even more painful.

Fang Yu, having had enough provocation, turned and looked in the other direction.

Chixuan is still fighting the magic formula of the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty.

"so resistant" Fang Yu frowned slightly.

if Chi Xuan is not completely suppressed, he cannot release his hands that maintain the magic formula of the beginning of the beginning.

the true qi in the body is still consumed massively.


Fang Yu flew to Chixuan's body, less than five meters away.

"are you going to hang in there" Fang Yu squinted his eyes.

Chixuan clenched his teeth and kept releasing his fairy power.

at the moment, there was despair in his heart.

he still can't crack the magic formula of the beginning and the end!

their entire demon clan, 100, 000 years later. Still crushed by such a magic method!

this makes Chi Xuan feel extremely suffocated and annoyed.

looking at Fang Yu in front of him, his heart was filled with hatred and murder.

if it hadn't been for the magic formula of the beginning, everything would be different now!

Damn it! Blast it!

the anger in Chixuan's chest is burning.

but on the other hand, his sanity is gradually returning.

because he knows there is no point in going on like this.

there is no help to interrupt Fang Yu to maintain the magic formula of the beginning.

it is only a matter of time before he is overwhelmed by the power of the magic of the beginning.


at this moment, Fang Yu suddenly made a move!

another kick to Chixuan's chest.

Chixuan uses his arms as a defense.


with a bang, his arms shook and he was forced to open!

Fang Yu turned around and kicked again.

"Boom Boom!"

this foot is kicking Chixuan in the chest, flying out in the sound of explosion.

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"I can kick you into a cripple with my feet and see how long you can hold up." Fang Yu sneered.

"whew!" Between the

words, Fang Yu rushed up again.

"BAM! Bang! Bang! "

Fang Yu kept kicking all parts of Chixuan's body out of his feet one after another.

bursts of explosions echoed in the Great Hall of the Devil Emperor.

there are many devil kings in the rear, and they only feel endless grief and indignation when they see this scene with their own eyes.

this is the Great Hall of the Devil!

however, the Emperor Chixuan, whom they admire most, is being beaten by a Terran at this moment, right in front of them! 78 Chinese website

the dignity of the devil clan has been crushed.


Fang Yu is still attacking crazily, but Chi Xuan shouted out.


Fang Yu stopped his hand.

Chixuan stabilized his body, and there were many depressions on his body.

he gasped, looked at Fang Yu and said, "I... I was defeated. I admit I was defeated. "

"throw in the towel" Fang Yu raised his eyebrow and asked.

"you have mastered the magic formula of the beginning of the beginning, and we have no chance of winning against you, just like in those days." Chi Xuan gasped and said quietly, "I know you want to kill me, kill all the demons." But it won't be very profitable for you. "

"what do you have to do to make a big profit" Fang Yu asked.

"keep us alive, and we will fight the Protoss together." Chi Xuan said with a cold look in his eyes, "believe me, to fight the Protoss, you must get our help." The most valuable help you can find in the whole Yunfu continent is our demon clan. "

"A hundred thousand years ago, the Protoss provoked us to fight against the Terrans, and we did do so, but the culprit was still the Protoss. If you know history, you should understand it. "

"and in the Battle of Tiandaoshan, we demons can be regarded as the losers of both you and your Terrans, and we really benefit. He is also a Protoss. "

Chi Xuan said this in a very calm tone.

Fang Yu looked at Chixuan, her eyes twinkling slightly.

it is obvious that Chi Xuan knows that he cannot fight Fang Yu, and this remark also wants Fang Yu to shift his anger to the Protoss.

"how do you know I have to go after the Protoss" Fang Yu asked.

"you are a Terran, you have mastered the magic formula of the beginning of the beginning, and you have done a lot of things recently, your purpose is very obvious." Chi Xuan said, "you want to avenge the Terrans of that year." Me, too. I want revenge on Ji Wangu. As for my motive, you need not doubt it. My hatred of the Protoss... More than anything. "

"We can work together against the Protoss."

"can solve the Protoss after." I still have to deal with you. " Fang Yu squinted his eyes.e are just following orders. What is there to ask" According to Xinyang, he picked his eyebrow and said, "in any case, it can't be wrong to arrest him first."Longyuan glanced at Zhao Xinyang, then loo...