Chapter 2896-I am Unreconciled

ything to du Yongnian, and he disdained to absorb what du Yongnian did.Today he has exercised restraint.A thousand years ago, if someone said to arbitrate him and put him in prison, he would not hesit...Southern mainland, Heyuan people, big strongholds in the mountains, inside the main hall.

Chen Qianan opened his eyes wide and looked at the man sitting on the high seat in front of him, looking shocked.

because what he saw... It's himself!

looks exactly like him, even the breath is exactly the same!

this feeling arises spontaneously.

even though Chen Qian an clearly knew that it was the supreme Terran organization sitting in front, the moment he took off his mask and saw the face …... There was a feeling in his heart that he had seen himself!

in front of this supreme breath, it was the moment he took off the mask that suddenly changed!

such a situation suddenly shook Chen Qianan's heart.

"see" Chen Qianan, who is sitting in front, opened his mouth.

look, tone, voice. They are exactly the same as Chen Qianan, without the slightest difference.

"Supreme, you …" Chen Qianan recovered and wanted to say something.

"I can be anyone if I want to." Chen Qianan smiled a little.

in this moment of smiling, his face changed again.


this time, he became. Fang Yu!

Chen Qianan's face changes again!

the smell of the refining period, that face, and that lazy temperament. It's just like Fang Yu in Chen Qianan's impression!

this is by no means an ordinary camouflage or facelift!

in Chen Qianan's view, at the moment of face and change, the supreme person in front of him is really the person his face shows!

maybe even the strength is completely copied!

"this Terran has been very jubilant recently, daring to play back and forth between the gods and demons." Fang Yu smiled and said, "I heard that he was exposed because of you" Between the

words, the "Fang Yu" in front of him has put on his mask. The moment the

mask was put on, his breath became as ordinary as it used to be.

". Yes, supreme. " Chen Qianan took a deep breath and replied, "for some reason, I have dealt with Fang Yu in the lower plane of the Great Tian Chen Star, so I know him quite well."... "

"mm-hmm." The Supreme, who was wearing the mask, nodded gently and said, "what I just showed you is my true face." It can also be said that I have no real face. "

"I can be whoever I want to be."

"Supreme, your identity." Chen Qianan took a mouthful of spit.

"didn't the cabinet master really tell you" The supreme asked again.

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"No, the cabinet master only told me that the supreme was born in the Terran race." Chen Qianan replied.

"Terrans. Oh, in that case, I will tell you that my name is Yuanyu. At that time, he was one of the only supreme and supreme students of the Terran race. " The supreme tone in front of him was still calm, and his expression could not be seen at the moment because he was wearing a mask. 78 Chinese net

the supreme student of Yuan Shi!

Chen Qianan's heart stirred.

"do you know what happened that year" At this time, Yuanyu suddenly asked.

". I have heard some rumors about the Battle of Tiandaoshan. " Chen Qianan licked her lips and replied.

the so-called supreme man named Yuan Yu gives him the impression that he is very strange, or rather. Weird.

at least in this conversation, he could not feel Yuan Yu's attitude and the intention behind every sentence.

therefore, he dared not say more or ask more questions.

"have you ever heard of the Battle of Tiandaoshan Then I'll tell you what happened next. It's actually very simple. After we fled back to the ancient city of Yuanshi, we hid. " Yuanyu said faintly, "if you just hide there for 30,000 years, 100,000 years or even 200000 years." Nothing will happen. The gods and demons will never find us. "

Chen Qianan bowed his head and said nothing.

"but I don't think there's any point in hiding like this, so. I betrayed them and opened the gates of the ancient city of Yuanshi to the Protoss. " Yuan Yu continued, "after that, I survived and set up this organization, of course." The confidant Pavilion has provided me with great help, otherwise the gods and demons would not have given me such a chance. "

Chen Qianan looked up and looked at Yuanyu.

he still can't see the expression of Yuan Yu.

but it is rare to become a traitor and talk about your experience as a traitor so calmly.

what does Yuanyu mean by these words

"do you think I did the right thing" Yuanyu suddenly asked.

Chen Qianan was stupefied for a moment, then his face changed slightly, then he bowed his head and replied, "what does the supreme do naturally, there is a supreme consideration. How can a pawn be qualified to evaluate the supreme"

"I know what you think." Yuanyu smiled and replied, "when I became you, I knew you like the back of my hand."

hearing this, Chen Qianan was shocked and his face changed.

"A traitor is really not a good reputation. But at that time, I had no choice. I still had a lot of unfulfilled ambitions. I stayed in that place. I'm not reconciled to it. " Yuanyu said, "if I don't open the gate, I can only hide in that city forever like them."."hundreds of figures cut this sword at the same time.the figure is false.but the sword cut out is real, and each one has the power to destroy everything!at this moment, Candle Nine Yin only had time...