Chapter 2838 Chapter 28

the moment!his polar region is a fiery eagle, but his scorching eagle can not provide him with such a strong threat!"Don't be in a daze, it's time to do it."Fang Yu looked at the three people in front...Chixuan squinted slightly at the words of Quande Heaven.

flawless body, for him, is indeed the most difficult thing to deal with in Ji Wangu.

this rare physique, let Ji Wangu inherit, and practice to Dacheng. This is really terrible.

as a matter of fact, Chi Xuan never had the confidence to defeat Ji Wangu.

because over the past 100,000 years, he spent most of his time recovering, while Ji Wangu spent most of his time going further!

he knows this very well.

it's just that Notre Dame started a war, which made Chixuan lose other choices.

in this case, if he continues to put up with it, he will really give up the demon clan.

if the demon clan is destroyed, there is no point in his existence.

therefore, Chixuan can only choose to appear.

and now, these four big ones in front of him have also been marked with the brand of death.

there are too many strong people in the Temple of Heaven, so getting rid of the four big ones first must be the right choice.

"Chi Xuan, you." Quande Tianzun saw the change in Chixuan's look and thought it had an effect and wanted to say something else.


but at this moment, Chi Xuan raised his left palm.

A black gun suddenly appeared from behind the Heavenly Blessed one of Quande and instantly penetrated his chest!


the heavenly one of Quande grunted bitterly.


this black gun instantly turns into a burning underworld fire, igniting the flesh of Quande Heaven.

in the midst of Quande's screaming, his hands were raised, trying to unlock the fire of the underworld by the method of cohesion.

and beside him, Nanyao Shengjun and Xingshang Xianjun both want to come forward to the rescue.


but at this moment, a dark thunder split from the sky!

"Boom Boom!"

the heavenly Blessed one of Quande hit the blow and his body plummeted.


he fell underground.

at this time, the strangely shaped skeletons on the ground pounced on the position where Quande fell to the ground.


all kinds of shrill shouts sounded.

innumerable skeletons pour towards the position of Quande Heaven.

and at this time, Quande may or may not be screaming.

but no matter what sound he made, he was obscured by the cries of skeletons.

seeing this scene, the faces of the three majestic men in the air were extremely ugly, and there was fear in their eyes.

they know that Chi Xuan is really interested in killing.

this time... They are doomed!


Lingfan nationality, inside the Emperor City, the top floor of the Pavilion Tower.

Chen Qianan bowed his head and quietly waited for the false shadow in front of him to speak.

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he has told all his experiences in the lower plane.

now is the time to wait for the cabinet master to express his views.

"do you think the name of the Terran monk is Fang Yu" Asked the Shadow.

"Yes, his name is Fang Yu." Chen Qianan replied, "the strength is extremely strong, but the realm shows that there is only a gas refining period of practicing the foundation, which is very weird."

at this moment, the false shadow in front of him closed his eyes.

Chen Qianan immediately shut up and dared not disturb him.

in his opinion, the cabinet master of the bosom cabinet is almost omniscient and omnipotent.

because all the information collected by the bosom cabinet, as long as it is reported, will eventually be collected into the head of the cabinet master.

that is to say, although the cabinet master is only an individual, he is in charge of the situation of various positions in the whole Yunfu mainland!

now, the cabinet master is beginning to think, which means that. Fang Yu may really come to this plane, or even to this continent!

after a while, the virtual shadow in front of him opened his eyes, and there was a cold glow in his eyes.

"the Terran monks who correspond to your description do appear, in the Tianshu clan." Xu Ying said slowly, "he wiped out the Tiansha clan, and then he was recruited by Qizong, a stronghold of the Tiansha clan, and joined the organization. His recent whereabouts show that he made a trip to the northern continent. "

listening to this, Chen Qianan's eyes widened slightly and his eyes kept twinkling.

"Cabinet master, you said Fang Yu... Joined our organization! Chen Qianan licked her lips and asked.

it never occurred to him that Fang Yu came to Yunyi mainland ahead of him, and he was not too far away from him, just within the Tiansha clan!

and, unexpectedly, joined his organization!

it was unexpected for him to meet Fang Yu so soon.

but Fang Yu joined the organization.

"Yes, is this Fang Yu"

the false shadow opened his mouth, and a virtual image condensed in front of his body.

in the virtual image, there is a man who looks thin and has a young face.

is Fang Yu!

Chen Qianan flashed his eyes and replied, "Yes, this is Fang Yu!" I didn't expect. "

"he has joined our organization and has been civilized." The shadow said, "what do you think"

"subordinates think that. Fang Yu must have another purpose when he chose to join our organization. " Chen Qianan replied, "from what I know about him, it is impossible for him to really want to work for the organization."

"what do you think his purpose is" Asked the Shadow.

"he has another purpose, he must have another plan! He appeared in Tianshafu and went to the northern continent again. " Chen Qianan looked up at the virtual shadow and have captured. Now, there is a third thing, you and your men need to get down on your knees and apologize to me! " The most brilliant demon king snapped.his chin is still stained with blood."what...