Continuous Instant Killing

relieves the restless and restless Zhao family who have been on pins and needles for the past month."it's all right, Dad. Shouldn't we have a banquet to clean up our bad luck we've had too much bad l...take out the sword of Heaven and use the power of the dragon to make a quick decision!


Fang Yu turns into a golden light and flashes by.

his speed is so fast that it turns into a flash in the air.

in an instant, he had appeared in front of Sang Juan.

and at the moment of his arrival, the sword of Heaven had been chopped out.


the blade beheaded the mulberry curse!

Sang Juan's eyes were awe-inspiring and roared, and the fairy power in his body broke out in an all-round way!

his eyes shot out two red rays and his arms were raised.

"Seal of thousands of tortoises!"

A complex dharma seal, like a tortoise shell, condensed in front of his arms.


the sword of Heaven is chopped from the front, and the blade is about to be chopped on the seal of the law.

"Ah, ah."

Sang Juan roared angrily and was ready.


however, in the next second, Fang Yu and the sword of Heaven suddenly disappeared!

at the same time, behind the mulberry mantra, the sword of Heaven is coming from the top of his head!


Ke Bei yelled loudly.

however, it is too late.

the power of Tiandao sword is extremely powerful, which contains the power of annihilation!


the Sang mantra still stands in place, and the dharma seal before his palms is also maintained.

but there was a crack in his body from top to bottom.

Sang Juan's eyes were wide open and his face was full of shock.

the source of his Tao was shattered as soon as the sword of Heaven cut through his flesh.

the origin of the dragon is attached to the sword of Heaven, devouring the crumbling source of Tao.


in the air, Ke Bei's body burst!

one of the generals of the Red Devil clan on this expedition was killed in an instant!

his flesh should be broken into pieces, turned into fly ash and scattered in the air.

this kind of end is extremely miserable.

and this time, Fang Yu once again saved the head of Sang Juan.

then he turned his head and looked toward Kebei.

at this time, Kebei can no longer maintain his former composure.

his inner line of defense has been shattered by witnessing the instant killing of a mulberry curse of his level.

is it... Eternal robbery and real nightmare, also died in the same way!

the strength that Ye Mo shows at the moment is not the same level as before!

"you are not Yemo! Who are you " Ke Bei stared at Fang Yu and asked in a cold voice.

Fang Yu tucked away Sang Juan's head and looked toward Kebei with a smile on his face.

before he did it, he already knew that it was hard not to be suspected of such a move.

but suspected, it doesn't matter at all.

because one more quarter of an hour, all the demons here will die.

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everything they see doesn't get out. There is only one result that

will spread to the outside world.

that is, all the demons in the main house of the devil clan have been wiped out, after that. The heads of the four generals of the red demons are hung in front of the main mansion of the red demons.

"No matter who I am, I'm here to deal with you demons."

Fang Yu smiled, turned into a flash of light, and rushed to the north.

"if you don't do it, you will be wiped out today!"

Ke Bei's face was horrified and his voice resounded from all directions.

this sentence, of course, is for the distant demon clan, the Great Devil, Rongxiao and a lot of his men.

Rongxiao shook all over and regained his senses.

he understood the meaning of this sentence.

but at the same time, he also understands that it is very risky to come forward like this!

the best way is to call for help!

tell the devil what happened at this moment and ask the devil to come to the rescue!

this is a matter involving the Protoss, the Devil Emperor can no longer be indifferent!

thinking like this, Rongxiao calmed down a lot, raised his right hand, and had an extra jade dress in his hand.

"Bang long."

but before he could activate the jade dress, he heard a blast that could shatter the spirit.

is followed by violent tremors.

there was a big shock in my heart. I looked ahead and saw only a glimmer of strong light blooming in the distance.


is followed by a furious surge of power diffusion.

Rongxiao and a group of men released their own breath to form a shield, but they were still pushed back several hundred meters away.

at this time, the bright light in the distance slowly dissipated.

after the light faded, it revealed the burly figure of the golden light.

my heart thumped when I saw this figure.

then, sure enough, he saw another head appear in the hands of the figure.

the breath that belongs to Kebei has dissipated.

and that head... It is the head of Kebei!

so far, the two generals in charge of capturing the main mansion of the monsters, Ke Bei and Sang Jing. All are dead!

their heads were all chopped off and caught by the strong Protoss!

at this moment, Rongxiao and his men only felt suffocated and cold!

the four generals of the Red Devil clan, in terms of Xiuwei, they are not the top class in the Devil clan.

but each of them is good at fighting, is very good at fighting, and is extremely effective.

the Red Devils were able to gobble up many ethnic groups in a row, relying on this group of generals!

Rongxiao is confident that he is better than these four generals in Xiuwei, but if he really fights, he may not be able to take advantage!

at least, none of his men is as good at fighting as the four generals.

now, all four generals have been killed! Fengling handed Fang Yu a cup of brewed Longjing tea.Fang Yu took a sip and asked, "when you say you can't stop it, you actually mean Zhao Zinan, right"Ye Shengxue did not speak."I want to know why y...