Chapter 2549 Chapter 2549

bout peeping into the the past, no one would question the authority of snooping.but now, the Beidu martial arts circle is in chaos, the Beidu martial arts association hall has been bombed, and...little brother

Yuan Wang was obviously stupefied for a moment.

"it's okay if you don't want to. After all, you are also the master of the dynasty, and it's really a little aggrieved to be my little brother." Fang Yu smiled and said.

"No, I don't mind. Master Fang saved his life, but it is difficult to return it. Now that the master is willing to give me the opportunity to repay my gratitude, I will give it wholeheartedly. " Yuan Wang clasped his fist and bowed his head.

Fang Yu looked at Yuan Wang's movements and his tone of voice. Eyes move slightly.

it seems that this Yuanwang is really a man of temperament, contrary to the appearance he showed at the beginning.

there is gratitude for kindness and vengeance.

No wonder Yuanwang did not kill Handingtian for so many years, but tolerated it again and again.

I have to say that there are certain defects and weaknesses in this character.

but Fang Yu prefers this personality.

in his opinion, a person, or a creature with spiritual intelligence, no matter what level he reaches, should have seven emotions and six desires.

otherwise, it loses the meaning of existence.

"OK, then I'll take you as my little brother, and you don't have to call me Master Fang, you can call me Brother Fang or Brother Fang." Fang Yu reached out and patted the source king on the shoulder and said, "get up."

"Yes! Brother Fang. " Yuan Wang clasped his fist and stood up.

Fang Yu glanced at the ashes on the ground and said, "you should still have a mess to clean up. Go and do it now. I have to go to the north, too."

"North Brother Fang, are you going to. " Yuanwang said.

"Yes, it is the forest where I went to Han Dingtian and met that God." Fang Yu said, "I am very interested in that dragon, and maybe I can get a clue about God or Cold Mianyi."

". Okay. " Yuanwang nodded and asked, "can I help you"

"help No, you should take care of the Genji dynasty first. " Fang Yu said.

"good." The Source King nodded.


the rebellion in Yuan Wang's palace was over, and the whole Genji dynasty was suddenly plunged into extreme silence.

the whole dynasty knows that this is the calm before the storm.

on this day, so many things have happened in the royal city that many meritorious families and ministers' families almost pour out, trying to bring down the source king and let the master rise to the throne.

but all this was reversed by a Terran monk.

Today, all the meritorious families have retreated into the main city, and those ministers' families. They all shrunk their silence.

they are in an awkward position.

when it comes to betraying the source king, they are not so determined.

only when the Master was put on death row and the news of the collusion between Yuan Wang and Terran monks came out, they were guided by public opinion and suddenly had a great sense of crisis.

every big clan thinks that after the master is solved, he will be next, so he is driven by panic to make an impulsive choice.

now, they all regret it.

the source king didn't fall down in the end!

next, they will suffer!

in the afternoon, a sensational news was released from Yuanwang Palace.

Han Dingtian, a traitor, has been punished!

at the same time, the King of Yuan announced that he would deprive Han Dingtian of his position as a master and asked him to copy his house and send him to death row.

in addition, for the big families and families who took part in the siege of the royal city today, we will make an order that any official rank will be demoted three levels!

that is to say, these meritorious families and ministers' families have been demoted to three levels of collective rank!

this is an extremely serious punishment.

but compared with the loss of life, it is an acceptable result for these meritorious families and ministerial families.

at night, the palace issued an order again, demanding that the soldiers of the King's regiment be fully liquidated and the guards of the whole palace be rectified.

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liquidation and consolidation will gradually expand to the entire royal city, and finally to cities outside the royal city.

so far, the civil strife of the Genji dynasty has come to an end and has basically stabilized.


by this time, Fang Yu had left the royal city with a small ball and headed north.

from the map provided to him by Yuanwang, you can see this huge pristine forest area in the north.

this forest area is not named and is located on the northern boundary of the Genji dynasty.

but only 1/3 of this forest belongs to the Genji dynasty, of which the northeast belongs to the Chiliu nationality and the northwest belongs to the original people.

with regard to the Chiliu clan and the original clan, there is not much trace on the map due to the lack of information.

but according to Yuanwang, these two ethnic groups belong to the seventh class, and their strength is not too different from that of the Heavenly people, so they have been at peace with each other for many years.

and this pristine forest area is more like a natural barrier of the three sides, separating the three sides, and the well water does not invade the river.


Fang Yu, with a small ball, galloped through the air like a sharp arrow.

he is still curious about this primeval forest.

this kind of inaccessible area, there are generally more valuable things.

and what he cares about most is the powerful ancient dragon that Han Dingtian talked about.

he has seldom seen dragons since he left the earth.

at present, he has no idea how big Yunxing mainland is.

but if Yunzheng is the only star and continent in this world. In that case, it is really unimaginable that the mainland of Yunyi is so big.

it is inconceivable that Yunkuan mainland is only the same size as the Xuyuan realm.

"what did she call you about that little wind chime you mentioned earlier"

Fang Yu was still thinking, but Xiao Qiu suddenly asked.

Fang Yu came to herself, looked at the ball and replied, "she calls me the master."

"Oh, I'll call you master, too." The ball blinked and said.

"that won't be necessary. Just call me elder brother." Fang Yu replied.

"Brother It's all right. " The ball nodded and replied, "then I'll call you brother."


there are many cities in the north.

Fang Yu sped north all the way, skimming over countless cities.

the Genji dynasty has a vast territory.

but such a dynasty can only be regarded as a tiny place in terms of the whole Yunli continent.

"Brother, how far are we going to get there" Asked the ball.

Fang Yu looked at the map in his hand and replied, "almost."

they have now entered the northernmost part of the Genji dynasty, near the border.

when you come to this area, you can hardly see any cities.

at a glance, it is a barren plain.

as we continue to move forward, a dense forest area soon appears in front of us.

all the trees in this forest area grow as tall as mountains, with trees of hundreds of meters or thousands of meters, but the dense leaves of all kinds of trees cover the forest area tightly and airtight.

Fang Yu fell from the sky with a small ball and landed directly on the ground in front of the forest area.

at this time, it's like entering a whole new little world.

it is not that there is no light source ahead, but there are many light sources in front of it!

because the trunks of many trees will shine, but they are different in color.

not yet deep into the forest, but you can feel the inner aura soaring to the sky! one is to be one for all dharma." That is, to be able to integrate the various laws mastered, and apply them at will. In this state, the monk's control of the law will be raised to a great level. Thi...