Chapter 2473: You Can't Touch Me

u. " Black white jade eyes are full of resentment, said."Master Fang, Master Fang …" Jin Deyuan's face is pale."you seem to have a good chat with him after that. You even want your daughter to teach h...the old woman faces Fang Yu, but there is no focal length in her gray pupil.

seems to be staring at Fang Yu, but it doesn't seem to be.

and she stood there as if she didn't exist, and there was no breath on her body.

"in order to save Si Nan Xin, it's not worth it to put your life in it." Fang Yu squinted slightly and opened his mouth.

"the second lady. Nothing can happen. " The limestone said, the tone did not fluctuate. In the

words, Fang Yu is silently watching the old woman in front of her.

was able to get close to him unwittingly and transmit Si Nan Xin out at such a fast speed.

even the immortals can't do such a thing in front of Fang Yu!

but there is no trace of trimming on this old woman.

according to the current situation, no matter the mansion of the city or the Sinan family, there should be no existence above the level of earth immortals.

so, what method did this old woman use to save Si Nan Xin

you can't think about a result just by thinking.

as the saying goes, true knowledge comes from practice.

Fang Yu raised his right hand.


A sword sounded.

White light flashes.

Baiyu Divine Sword appears in Fang Yu's right palm.

"I heard that your mistress wants my sword very much, so I'll give you a chance to take it away." Fang Yu smiled and said.

he raised the white jade sword in his hand and pointed straight at the limestone.


with a tight grip of the right hand, the tip of the blade explodes into a mighty sword!

the sword gas is like a tornado, where the limestone is located, and the speed is quite fast.

in terms of distance, limestone has little room to dodge.

but she has no intention of dodging at all.

when the fury of the sword was about to hit her, her body suddenly fell apart.

just like dust suddenly scattered, turned into innumerable dust, scattered in the air.


the sword blows, and the limestone disappears.

"bang, bang, bang."

the bombardment caused by this directly blew half of the whole secret room to pieces!

the isolation array previously set by Fang Yu could no longer hold up and collapsed.

"Bang long."

the spirit of Baiyu Divine Sword is still rushing forward, leaving a huge gully on the ground of the city mansion.

for the monks and guards in the mansion, the explosion was sudden.

they all shook with fear, then yelled and ran out to check on the situation. 166

"there is an attack! Attack! Alert! Be on guard! "

"tell the young master!"

"the explosion came from the young master's secret room!" Get over there! "

many monks and guards are shouting, but they don't even know who the opponent is.

and in the secret room, Fang Yu stood in place, inserted the Baiyu Divine Sword into the ground, frowned and looked ahead.

the blow just now was just a test.

and he did test the results.

the moment the limestone body broke apart, he opened the eyes of the avenue.

the process of dispersing the limestone body slows down under the view of the Boulevard Eye.

then Fang Yu found out. It's not an illusion, nor is it a puppet split or anything like that.

when the limestone body is scattered. Her physical body did spread out, turned into countless tiny particles, and then melted directly into the air.

in this way, the blow just made by Fang Yu was naturally hollowed out.

as for limestone, the flesh blends directly into the air.

Limestone has spread over a large area in the field of vision.

without the Eye of the Boulevard, this method is almost insoluble, at least in terms of concealment.

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she can put the flesh into the air and sneak anywhere without causing the slightest notice.

"what kind of operation is this" Fang Yu's eyes sparkled with surprise.

compared with all kinds of concealment techniques, the means used by this old woman in front of him seem to him. Much better.


the flesh of limestone is quickly reassembled in the air and condensed into shape.

the whole process is quite wonderful.

it would be impossible to see it if it were not for the eye of the road.

this is exactly the ability that the old woman has!

"is it a question of ethnic groups is this old woman not a Terran, not a heavenly clan, or some alien race" And the means she uses is the gift of her ethnic group, or …... A unique ability. " Fang Yu looked at the old woman in front of her, narrowed her eyes and thought to herself.

"if you seriously hurt the second lady, it is bound to arouse the endless anger of the master of the Sinan family! His anger is enough to devour you and make you miserable! " Said the limestone in a cold voice.

"Don't worry. If I take care of you, I will naturally take care of him." Fang Yu glanced behind the limestone.

half of the secret room of Zhong Huang Road was blown away by him, and there were loud shouts outside, releasing a lot of breath.

obviously, what happened here has shocked the whole city mansion.

originally, Fang Yu wanted to handle the matter in a relatively low profile.

but now that it's out, that's all.

how to come directly!

Fang Yu clenched the Baiyu magic sword, lifted it up, and pointed it at the direction of the limestone again.

"you'll never touch me." The limestone face spoke impassively.

"I don't think so."

Fang Yu clenched the Baiyu magic sword and chopped forward.


the sword is like Changhong, flashing in the sky in an instant, and its majesty is like splitting heaven and earth!


the sword was chopped down like a roar.

the limestone body once again scattered in the air and melted into the air to avoid the bombardment of swordsmanship.

but the target of this sword is not limestone.

but the guards and monks of the mansion that are rushing behind the limestone!


the guards of these city mansions only had time to let out the screams of fear before death.


the destructive power of the sword creates huge cracks in the ground, the sound is loud, and the power is extremely frightening. 78 Chinese net

none of the monks and guards of the mansion in this direction are spared!

"I told you, you can't even touch me." The sound of limestone sounded sadly in Fang Yu's ear.

"Don't worry. I've seen a lot of people desperate for life, but I've never seen anyone eager to die." Oh, you're not Terran. I'm sorry. " Fang Yu smiled coldly. In the

words, the golden light in his pupil twinkled slightly.


all of a sudden, a large golden flame burned around him above his head!


the flame burns so vigorously that it makes a 'babbling' sound.


in the process, the limestone let out a scream of pain.

Fang Yu stood in place, pressed his hands on the hilt of Baiyu God's sword, looked up at the flame above his head, and smiled and said, "what do you think" Does it touch you now "

where else can limestone respond to Fang Yu's words


in the most miserable screams, her voice grew weaker and weaker until it completely disappeared.

at this point, the limestone body died away, leaving not even a trace.

at the moment of her death, she did not understand why Fang Yu could accurately cover her scattered body with fire!e from an ordinary monk to the master of the half-spirit clan today. In particular, the art of obtaining the origin of the spirit beast and thus strengthening his own body is obviously passed on by hi...