Kneel down and shine your shoes!

ack of the crowd, his eyes extremely fierce!everyone was stupefied, and then they turned their heads along Zheng Yan's line of sight and saw Fang Yu and Qin this time, Fang Yuzheng looks at Zh...Dong Zhenyu smiled indifferently.

"come on, I'll show you around." Zhu Chao said.

then Zhu Chao took Dong Zhenyu to the clubhouse.

at this time, Xiao Changan immediately went forward to meet him.

"Hello, Dong Shao and Master Zhu."

seeing Xiao Changan, Zhu Chao frowned slightly and asked, "you are."

"I'm Xiao Changan. We met at the last gathering of the Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce, when my father and your father had a hot chat." Xiao Changan smiled obsequiously.

"Xiao Changan... Oh, I kind of remember. " Zhu Chao nodded.

then, several rich second generations came forward to say hello to Zhu Chao and Dong Zhenyu.

as soon as the two men appeared, they immediately became the focus of attention, and the other rich second generations present wanted to lean on them and get familiar in front of them.

although these rich second generations have strong family backgrounds, they are still not good enough compared with these two people.

after all, one of them is the son of the richest man in Jiangnan, and the other is the son of the boss of the underground leader.

surrounded by the rich second generation, Dong Zhenyu and Zhu Chao walked into the clubhouse.

"here is a cafeteria on the first floor and a place of leisure and entertainment on the second floor." Zhu Chao said, directly taking Dong Zhenyu upstairs.


in the cafeteria, when Liu Fangzi and Li Bingyan heard such a noise in the rear, they turned around and saw Dong Zhenyu and Zhu Chao.

"who are those two Why are you surrounded by so many people Like a star. " Liu Fangzi wondered.

Li Bingyan recognized Dong Zhenyu's face and said in surprise, "Damn it!" Even Dong Zhenyu is here. "

"Dong Zhenyu I think I've heard that name somewhere. " Fatty Liu frowned and said.

"is the son of the richest man in Jiangnan." Li Bingyan said.

"the richest man in Jiangnan Isn't that. Do you have more money than the Tang Xiaorou family " Liu Fangzi glanced at Fang Yu and said.

"that's not a comparison. The rich list mainly looks at the assets of a single enterprise, which is linked to the stock price during this period and the development momentum of the enterprise. "

"A powerful family like the Tang Xiaorou family has a strong background, many enterprises under the family, and its assets are all solid assets, so its actual financial resources must be far stronger than Dong Zhiwei." Li Bingyan said.

"is it so good" Fat Liu opened his eyes wide and said.

"Oh, Tang Xiaorou is the eldest woman, she is not strong, and the boss will look up to her." Li Bingyan didn't finish his words when he was interrupted by a faint look in Fang Yu's eyes.

"I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding." Li Bingyan smiled sarcastically.

Fang Yu was about to say something, but the cell phone in his trouser pocket rang.

Fang Yu took out his cell phone and saw that it was a strange number.

however, since his previous mobile phone broke down and changed to a new one, many numbers have not been saved in the address book.

"answer the phone."

Fang Yu stood up and walked out of the cafeteria to the outside of the clubhouse.

"Fang Yu, this is Xia Xiaoying." After getting on the phone, the other party said.

"what's wrong" Fang Yu asked.

"I have gathered relevant information about the genetics laboratory." Xia Xiaoying said.

"did you find out its exact location" Fang Yu asked.

". It's not there yet, but I've investigated the whereabouts of several genetically modified people who start from different locations, but they all pass through the same location. "

"that location is located in a small country in central Europe. And I sent intelligence agents to that location to make sure that it used to be a stronghold. "

"it's just that there's nobody there now." Xia Xiaoying said.

"having said so much, there is still no exact location." Fang Yu said. "

" but this at least shows that the location of the gene laboratory is constantly changing. This is why they have been able to avoid being wanted by various countries for so many years. " Xia Xiaoying said.

"Oh, is there anything else" Fang Yu asked.

Xia Xiaoying was silent for a moment, obviously angry by Fang Yu's attitude.

"one more thing, about what you said, people who can master the purple flame method." After collecting intelligence, we did find such a person. "

when he heard this, Fang Yu's face changed, and his momentum immediately became fierce.

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"who and where"


when Fang Yu was on the phone with Xia Xiaoying, inside the clubhouse, Zhu Chao and Dong Zhenyu finished shopping on the upper floor and walked down to the first floor.

at this time, Li Bingyan and Fatty Liu of the cafeteria, who had had enough to eat, got up and went out.

"would you like something to eat Dong Shao. " Zhu Chao took Dong Zhenyu to the cafeteria.

Li Bingyan and Liu Fangzi met Zhu Chao and Dong Zhenyu head-on.

look at each other.

thinking that this man is the richest man in Jiangnan, Fatty Liu was a little nervous and bowed his head and quickly wanted to go out.

Zhu Chao and Dong Zhenyu are heading for the cafeteria.

when both sides passed by, because they were a little confused and walked too fast, one of them didn't pay attention, and Fatty Liu stepped on Dong Zhenyu's leather shoes.

A shoe print appears above the shiny black shoes.

"Sorry, sorry." Fat Liu changed his face and apologized again and again.

Dong Zhenyu looked down at the shoe prints on his leather shoes and his face darkened.

he is addicted to cleanliness.

the most annoying thing is that other people get his things dirty!

beside Li Bingyan, his heart thumped when he saw Fatty Liu step on Dong Zhenyu's shoes.

this is a big problem!

"Sorry, Dong Shao! He didn't mean to. " Li Bingyan quickly bowed and apologized to Dong Zhenyu.

Fatty Liu also bowed and apologized.

but Dong Zhenyu still looks gloomy.

"Don't you have eyes The road is so big that you won't go around to the side when you see us coming. How dare you step on Dong Shao's foot " Zhu Chao on one side, his eyes wide open, said angrily.

Li Bingyan and Fatty Liu apologized one after another.

"stepping on my shoes, do you think you can just apologize" Dong Zhenyu said in a cold voice.

at this time, Xiao Changan in the rear noticed what was happening on Dong Zhenyu's side and hurriedly came over.

Xiao Changan's face was full of banter when he saw Li Bingyan bowing and apologizing.

Li Bingyan, Li Bingyan, who should provoke the son of the richest man what are you going to do

"Dong Shao, he just made an inadvertent mistake. Please forgive me." Li Bingyan said, looking pale.

at this time, the whole clubhouse noticed what happened on Dong Zhenyu's side, and Qi Qi watched it come back to life.

"what are your names" Dong Zhenyu asked in a cold voice.

the guru's personal bodyguard standing behind him exudes a touch of authority.

Li Bingyan and Fatty Liu had never seen such a scene before, and they were too scared to speak at this time.

"Dong Shao, I know this man. His name is Li Bingyan, the son of Li Jiang of Hongtu Industrial Co., Ltd." Xiao Changan, who watched from the sidelines, said loudly.

"I haven't heard of any grand vision industry." Dong Zhenyu glanced at Xiao Changan.

"it's just a small business. It's normal that Dong Shao has never heard of it." Xiao Changan smiled.

"doesn't it mean that the threshold here is very high How did such people get in here " Dong Zhenyu looked at Zhu Chao and frowned slightly.

Zhu Chao is about to speak.

"the old man of this boy is desperate to save face, pretending to be a big head, and does not hesitate to pay 500000 of his monthly membership fee to maintain his membership of the club. But I guess they will stop paying recently, because their family can hardly afford it. " Xiao Changan said jokingly.

when he saw Xiao Changan's sarcasm beside him, Li Bingyan felt extremely suffocated and his eyes were red.

he wants to give Xiao Changan a good beating if he can!

but now, he has no flawless consideration for Xiao Changan.

Dong Zhenyu's temper is notoriously bad. If he insists on pursuing Fatty Liu, the consequences will be unimaginable.

at this time, Fatty Liu was pale, bowed his head, and dared not say another word.

"Dong Shao, we really didn't mean it. Please don't remember the villain's mistakes and forgive us for once." Li Bingyan continued to bow and said humbly.

"do you think an apology is enough Get down on your knees and wipe Dong Shao's shoes clean. Maybe Dong Shao will feel compassion and cut you some slack. " Xiao Changan incited the flames by the side.

"you." Li Bingyan couldn't help it. He raised his head and glared at Xiao Changan.

"what Is it difficult for you to get down on your knees and shine Dong Shao's shoes " At this time, Zhu Chao, standing beside Dong Zhenyu, said in a cold tone.y a trace of mystery, he can not use the magic weapon to explore the anomalies around him."wait, he should be back soon." Lin Batian is not worried about Fang Yu's safety at this time, Fang Yu...