Chapter 2062 Chapter 2062

shed quickly into Fang Yu's body.and Xuanyuan sacred stone is turned into gravel and powder, floating in the air.everyone around him changed his face when he saw this.includes Su Changge.the divine st...Fang Yu looked at the contract, and there was no breath on it. It seemed to be an ordinary paper contract.

this kind of contract is normal in the secular mortal world of the earth.

but in the grand plane of all monks, in the virtual realm of the law of the jungle. I can't believe you use this kind of ordinary paper contract.

for many monks, isn't this a piece of paper that can be torn off at any time

but Fang Yu did not delve into this problem. After giving the four hundred Lingjing to the man, he took the Xingyu boat into the bag.

"Daoyou can deliver the rest of the coins in advance and exchange them for 400 Lingjing at any time." The man made a deal with a smile all over his face. "if there is something wrong during Xing Yuzhou, you can also come back here for repair and warranty for half a year."

"OK, is there any way to get the money quickly" Fang Yu asked.

"make money quickly" The man glanced up and down at Fang Yu's body and said, "look at the Taoist friend's body. I'm afraid the way to make money quickly is not suitable for you."... "

"is there really a quick way to make money Tell me about it. " Fang Yu raised his eyebrows.

"personal monks actually want to make money faster than the order of monks, that is, to see if they are bold enough to really risk their lives." The man said, "Wealth is acquired from risk, which is never out of date."

"I'm brave enough." Fang Yu said, "tell me what to do."

"Taoist friend. Have you just arrived in Xuyuan, or have you just arrived on our side of the mountain alliance " The man asked doubtfully, "in fact, most monks should know these things."... "

"I'm really new here." Fang Yu replied.

"well... Let me tell you, if you want to make money, go directly to the mission area and pick up the task in the innermost old tower. " The man replied, "the old tower is called the Underworld Tower, in which there is a middleman who specializes in private tasks, most of which are well paid." Of course, the corresponding task is also exaggerated. "

"but if you want to take over the task in the hands of that middleman, you must sign a blood deed to ensure that the task will be carried out. As for success or not... It's up to fate. "

"therefore, those who take up the task in the Underground are basically on the brink of death. Of course, anyone who dares to take up a mission in the underworld building... I don't care much about life anymore. "

said here, the man looked at Fang Yu again and said: "Fang Daoyou, although I say this, I really do not recommend you to go there to take the task. There are many ways to make money. It is better to go directly to the alliance to take the official task. Those who have difficulty can choose and act according to their ability."

"is the mission area heading north" Fang Yu asked.

"Yes, directly from the north gate of the material resources area, less than three kilometers is the mission area, which is divided into five pavilions on the first floor, of which five pavilions are official sites of the Kai Shan Alliance, but they are different according to the type of task. As for that floor. It's the Underground Building I just told you about. When you hear the name, it's very unlucky. " The man shook his head and said.

"Thank you. I'll go over and have a look." With that, Fang Yu turned and left.

"OK. Please don't go to the Underworld Building! " The man shouted to Fang Yu's back.


leaving the place where Xingyuzhou was sold, Fang Yu headed north.

the material area sells not only Xing Yuzhou, but also burning stones, magic tools, enchantment stones, and even all kinds of weapons.

in fact, the material area can also be regarded as a trading area, but it is not a stall transaction, and the seller is not an individual.

in this place, people who sell goods seem to have something to do with the alliance.

Fang Yu soon came to the north gate and went out again.

continue along the main road and soon come to the mission area.

unlike the trading area and the material area, it is not surrounded.

from afar, you can see the five pavilions in the mouth of Xingyuzhou's shopping guide.

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the five pavilions are located in different directions with different architectural styles and different names.

but Fang Yu doesn't care about the five Pavilions now.

his eyes looked directly at the rear of the five pavilions, the so-called deepest part of the mission area.

A tower can be vaguely seen in that direction.

is said vaguely because there is a layer of fog floating in front of the tower.

this layer of fog looks very abnormal.

because it doesn't exist anywhere else, only in front of this tower.

"this underworld building seems to be a little interesting."

Fang Yu immediately became interested and walked on.

Mission area is crowded with people.

the gate of the five pavilions is crowded with all kinds of monks.

Fang Yu squeezed through the crowd and walked toward the innermost building.

the more you go forward, the fewer monks there will be.

when he was far away from the five pavilions, there were no other monks around him, only empty dirt paths.

at this time, you can clearly see the Underworld Tower hidden in the gray fog ahead.

does look extremely gloomy and does not seem to exist in the Yang world.

but Fang Yu still didn't stop and walked toward the haze.

after a while, he went into the fog.

at the moment of entering the fog, Fang Yu felt a cold smell coming from all directions.

this piercing cold can frighten people's courage.

is usually just a curious monk, who is bound to be scared and run away.

Fang Yu was still walking slowly forward and looked up.

at the moment, the whole tower is clear.

is a dilapidated tower, made of some kind of red wood, with only three stories.

but there is no plaque or stone in the tower.

therefore, the tower itself may not have a name, and the Underworld Tower is just a nickname given to it by monks outside.

Fang Yu walks to the gate of the tower.

this is a wooden door with a slight opening. There is a slight chill in the gap of


without hesitation, Fang Yu reached out and pushed open the wooden door.


there was a sound of wood rubbing.

Fang Yu stepped into the gate of the Underworld Building.


at this time, a cloudy wind rushed in the face.

Fang Yu frowned slightly.

because he even smelled a trace of blood.

"Dang! Dang! Dang! "

then there was a dull noise upstairs.

is very much like the sound of cutting something hard with a butcher's knife.

the space on the ground floor is not large, just what the interior of an abandoned tower looks like.

there are tables and chairs in the hall, but they are all dusty and obviously haven't been used for a long time.

the whole floor is extremely dim and the temperature is very low.

Fang Yu turned and looked to the left.

that place is the step up the stairs.

"Dang! Dang. "

the chopping sound is still coming from upstairs.

Fang Yu didn't stay on the first floor for too long, so he went straight up the steps to the second floor.

Ta! Tap! Tap! "

Fang Yu also has no intention of hiding footsteps.

in the quiet tower, the sound of his footsteps was extremely obvious.

soon, he came to the second floor.

and at this moment, the original chopping sound also came to an abrupt end.

Fang Yu stood at the top of the stairs, looking at the situation on the second floor.

then he saw the ground on the second floor. Covered with a layer of bright red.whole eight gods!"I have heard that you are not from the Yaochi shrine." Mo Tu stared at Fang Yu's eyes and whispered, "so if I kill you here, it won't affect my relationship with Yaochi Holy Land.""t...