Chapter 2260-Not More Than Half a Month

let me do it!" These two bastards from Beidu, we must pry the truth out of them. " Songwei stared too hard at Fang Yu, his eyes were red and shouted.the response from the audience is even more enthusi...and the vicious result of an oversight is irreversible for the victim.

"if you divide the Xuan coin and Lingjing in the ring equally, it will be enough for you to practice behind closed doors for a long time. As for the Xuan coin, I think it will be enough for you to use it for a long time." At least for a while, you won't have to go out and work hard. " Fang Yu said, "but remember, the money is not exposed, do not make the same mistake again."

with that, Fang Yu had to turn around and leave.

many monks from the distant friar looked at Fang Yu's back and wanted to say something.

"Thank you, Lord Fang!"

"Thank you Lord Fang for your help! Our distant friar will not forget your kindness! "

"Thank you."

many monks came to their senses and kowtowed gratefully to Fang Yu.

because they know that Fang Yu can take all his belongings with him.

these belongings were acquired because of Fang Yu.

however, Fang Yu gave his belongings to them.

they. Don't be too greedy.

if he wants to continue to follow Fang Yu, he naturally has the selfishness of hugging his thighs in order to get a better harvest.

but their strength, which is too far behind Fang Yu, will only slow them down.

just like Fang Yu said, what they are going to do now. It is to separate Xuan coin from Lingjing, and then practice behind closed doors.

when their strength can match the upper feather, so as not to slow them down. It's not too late to find Fang Yu.


after giving the storage ring to the distant friar, Fang Yu returned to the trading area and to the street where the Lingjing Pavilion is located.

at the moment, Lingjing Pavilion is being quickly repaired.

Fang Yu ignored the Lingjing Pavilion and returned to the booth where the old lady was located.

he withdrew 100, 000 yuan and 500 pieces of Lingjing from the property compensated by Lingjing Pavilion.

now he can pay for the strange copper in the old lady's hand.

however, when Fang Yu returned to the booth, he found that the old lady had long since disappeared and the booth had disappeared.

"she has left."

at this time, the stall owner looked at Fang Yu and said.

at this time, the stall owner looked at Fang Yu with complicated eyes.

because of a series of things that happened before, he saw it in his eyes.

although he has experienced a lot, he has never seen a monk make so much noise in the trading area. Still safe and sound.

"but she left the copper you wanted." The stall owner added.

"Oh Where is it " Fang Yu asked immediately.

"here it is." The stall owner stepped aside and revealed the copper behind him.

Fang Yu looked at the copper, her eyes moved slightly, and said, "how can I give her money"

"she said to give it to you for free." The stall owner said, looking at the copper on the ground and frowning, "this thing is a little strange. I can't pick it up, but the old lady can pick it up easily."... "

Fang Yu stepped forward and picked up the copper.

sure enough, I can still feel the heaviness.

it's just that he didn't expect that the stall owner couldn't even pick it up.

"she doesn't charge, but I still have to pay." Fang Yu said, took out five thousand yuan, gave it to the stall owner, and said, "when you see her next time, let me know that the money is for you."

"OK, how can I inform you" The stall owner asked.

Fang Yu took out a Fu Di from the storage ring with a mark he had set.

"just tear open this Fudi." Fang Yu said.

"good." The stall owner nodded and replied.


Fang Yu took the copper and left the trading area again.

it is called copper, but it is actually a piece of copper, but it is a bit thick.

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and irregular shape, it seems to be just part of a large object.

but from the breath point of view, it is extremely complete.

in addition, Fang Yu was surprised that the stall owner could not pick up the copper.

this shows that copper blocks do have a lot of weight.

so much so that in Fang Yu's hand, the copper is a little heavy.

but the old lady, who seems to be dying, can easily pick up the copper.

"does this copper block recognize the owner"

Fang Yu carefully studied the copper blocks and opened the eyes of the road.

in the view of the Eye of the Boulevard, there is a strange and disordered power inside the copper.

presents a translucent color with internal wireless interweaving.

appears to be in a sealed state.

however, it is impossible to determine what force this group of dharma can be sealed by.

because of the outside of the mana, there is no exception.

at the same time, this piece of copper is not a magic weapon, and there is no recognition of the Lord.

"how strange..." Fang Yu frowned and scratched his forehead.

Copper gives off a rather old smell. Does

have anything to do with the fragment the judge is looking for

but in terms of appearance, it is not such a fragment.

after thinking about it, there was no result.

Fang Yu put the copper into the colorful ring and soon left the trading area again.

"in response to what happened in Lingjing Pavilion today, the culprit has been punished, and the people involved have been dealt with. As an apology, the cabinet owner specially paid three times the property to Fang Yu, the companion of the two deceased, for a total of 6.9 million yuan. "

shortly after Fang Yu left, there was a sudden broadcast in the trading area, which rang all over the trading area!

the content seems to be an explanation of what happened in Lingjing Pavilion.

but mentioned three times the compensation, and said the exact amount.

as for the false image of Fang Yu, it also appears on the walls of various streets in the trading area.

"three times as much property, close to 7 million yuan and more than 40, 000 pieces of Lingjing. Oh, my God, how could I give him so much"

"this guy is a blessing in disguise!"

"that's too much compensation." Many monks in the

trading area began to talk in shock.

many of the monks turned to look at the virtual image of the feathers above the wall, their eyes glowing fiery red.

it's hard not to be jealous of such a huge number!


another domain, within the room.

"since everything that happens will get out, why don't we just make it public and put an end to the rumors!" Yuan Tao sat in his chair with a sneer, "by the way, I also pulled Fang Yu into the water."

"such a huge number is enough to attract many outlaws, and the anger of the order of the first monks will also focus on him."

"as for the reputation of Lingjing Pavilion, because of the huge compensation, it will not be affected by any negative impact, but will be louder!"

"the Lord of Yuan Pavilion is really easy to calculate. He can not only clean up our reputation of Lingjing Pavilion, but also get back at that Fang Yu." It's killing two birds with one stone. " A woman in a tulle dress stood beside Yuan Tao and said, "she is indeed the master of the cabinet."

"that's it. I don't care what happens next." Yuan Tao smiled proudly and said, "but I don't think Fang Yu's life will be easy."

"Master Yuan, we can make a bet on how long he will live." The woman blinked and said.

"OK." Yuan Tao looked at the woman and smiled, "I bet he can't live for three months."

"three months, that's too long, I bet him." You can't live for more than half a month. " The woman smiled softly and and closer to Fang Yu.just before reaching the Tower of extreme Fire, there was a huge fence.the fence is ten meters high, and lightning flashes above it.the fence surrounds the whole extremely hot...