Chapter 2119: Blood of the Devil

ed man and said with a smile."it's a far cry from Lord Chen." The triangle-eyed man shook his head. "what I admire most about Mr. Chen is... Lord Chen, you do not rely on repair for strength, nor on b...this kind of quarrel in the past will never stop if he doesn't open his mouth to stop it.

but now, Li Huoyu has taken the initiative to shut up and seems to feel that he has said the wrong thing.

and about the owner.

Fang Yu recalled that the tears of extreme cold had said... Her last master seemed to be dead, so that's why she was out of town.

but the last time I mentioned this, the tears of extreme cold did not react abnormally.

Why did Li Huoyu shut up automatically this time

doesn't he want to talk about the death of the previous owner, but something else

but at the moment, it doesn't matter what Fang Yu thinks.

because no matter it is Li Huoyu or extremely cold tears, they are silent and fall into silence.

the two sides, who seemed to be quarreling again, unexpectedly formed a tacit understanding and stopped talking.

this makes Fang Yu very uncomfortable.

he knew that since Li Huoyu didn't say it, it was useless for him to ask.

"forget it. Let's continue to mess with the twenty-four tribes. Let's put these things aside for a while. There will be plenty of time in the future." Fang Yu shook his head and looked ahead.


the next second, he rushed forward like a light arrow, leaving a shadow in the air.


Shadow Hall.

Shadow Emperor of Heaven is pale and his hands are trembling.

he has heard the news from the front through the intelligence of Wandaoge.

Fang Yu has wiped out millions of legion soldiers on his own.

the fate of other legions is basically the same as that of the Shadow Legion. All were wiped out.

in the past, he must have been happy to hear the news.

but now, there is a kind of sad feeling of rabbit dead fox.

Twenty-four ethnic groups are the most powerful force they have assembled.

this force is enough to flatten the entire star.

but who would have thought. But when they attacked the southern region, they were all destroyed

and they have not even successfully invaded the boundary of the southern region!

this result... It's unacceptable.

what is even more unacceptable is that. The strength of Fang Yu! Update the fastest mobile phone::

Today's Fang Yu is a blend of Wang Zhili and has great momentum!

he is now coming towards all the major ethnic groups.

as long as you are found, there is only a dead end!

the Shadow Emperor has contacted the highest authorities of other great clans, such as the absolute Fog God, the Huangsha Emperor, and so on.

but there's nothing they can do about it!

they were already terrified when they heard about Fang Yu's terrible achievements.

but at the same time they also understand that they have no way out.

if you go back, there will be nothing left.

Shadow Emperor clenched his fists, took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down.

there must be a way, there must be a way!

"your Majesty, Tiange has always been unreachable, but Wandao Pavilion... It is reported that the cabinet master Gao Yuan has disappeared. "

A crony ran up to the Shadow Emperor and reported in panic.


hearing the news, the Shadow Emperor slapped the stone statues next to him to pieces.

"Damn it! Wandao Pavilion Tian GE deserves to die! They led us to a dead end, and now they stay out of it! These bastards. " The Shadow Emperor of Heaven's veins are beating, his blood is rising, and his eyes are red.

extreme anger and fear make it difficult for him to keep calm.

"your Majesty, your Majesty... You can't hide the fact that the Legion was completely wiped out. Now the whole temple has heard about it, and many ministers want to see you. " Said the crony in a trembling voice.

"get them out of here!" The Shadow Emperor said angrily.

". Yes, it's. " The cronies were so scared that they immediately turned around and ran out.

Shadow Emperor of Heaven was left alone in the temple, his body trembling unstoppably.

he has never encountered a situation like this in his life.


just then, a dark shadow flashed outside the hall.

A cold breath flashed by.


even though the Shadow Emperor was in a state of chaos, he still felt the presence of the breath and shouted wildly.

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the shadow flashed again, already appeared in front of the Shadow Emperor of Heaven, only one step away.

Shadow Emperor of Heaven changed his face and took two steps back, so he was about to release his power of practice.

"Don't be nervous, I'm here to help you."

at this time, the man in black said.

Shadow Emperor changed his face and stared at the man in black in front of him.

the man had a cloak, covered his face, and showed only a pair of eyes.

the pupils in these eyes are flashing with a touch of purple. Take a closer look. You will find that what appears in the pupil is a semilunar mark, which is particularly strange.

"what are you doing" The Shadow Emperor asked with an ugly face, "how did you invade here"

"time is running out. You don't have to guess who I am. You won't know who I am." The man in black said faintly, "I'm here to give you some presents." Between the

words, he raised his left hand.

the palm of the left hand comes out, which is a small medicine bottle.

"what is this" The Shadow Emperor stared at the man in black, his eyes full of vigilance, and asked.

"if you want to fight Fang Yu, you must rebuild your bloodline." The man in black said calmly, "otherwise, you can't defeat him, because your blood is naturally restrained by the present him."

"rebuilding the bloodline." The Shadow Emperor was short of breath, opened his eyes wide, and said angrily, "do you think I would casually trust a man like you with an unknown origin"

"of course you don't have to believe it. But I'm telling you, there's only one chance. " The man in black said coldly, "if you don't believe me, then you just stay here and die." Trust me, you take what's in the bottle, and I'm sure you'll get a promotion you've never seen before. "

"and then have the strength to fight with Fang Yu."

hearing this, the Shadow Emperor twinkled in his eyes and stared at the medicine bottle in the hands of the man in black.

"what's in the bottle" The Shadow Emperor clenched his teeth and asked in a deep voice.

"A drop of blood." Said the man in black.

"Blood" The Shadow Emperor's face changed, "what blood" Whose blood "

"you want to know" Asked the man in black.

"of course I should know!" The Shadow Emperor replied firmly.

"well, I'll tell you, this drop of blood... It's the blood of heaven and demons. " The man in black replied.

"Blood of Heaven and Devil... Demon, big shadow demon! " The Shadow Emperor's face changed completely and took a few steps back.

the most famous name for celestial demons is the Great Shadow Devil.

"Heavenly demons are a general term, not just big shadow demons." The man in black said faintly, "but I can tell you that the original owner of this drop of blood is more powerful than the big shadow demon. As long as you take this drop of demon blood, the blood on your body will be rebuilt."... "

"after that, you restrain Fang Yu, not Fang Yu."

after saying this, the man in black threw the medicine bottle directly at the Shadow Emperor.

Shadow Emperor catches the medicine bottle immediately.

the man in black glanced at the Shadow Emperor, turned around and said, "well, I have to send the next one." In short, the choice is yours, I do not interfere, but I still have to remind you, the opportunity... Only once. "

"whoosh!" As soon as the voice of

fell, the man in black turned into a black light and disappeared in the temple.

the Shadow Emperor looked at the medicine bottle in his hand, and his whole body was trembling.

his heart is full of hesitation.

what to do!

how should he choose

as the Emperor of Heaven, he naturally understood the harm of association with demons.

at the same time, he also knows very well that after taking the blood of the devil, he is likely to lose his mind.

but does he have any other options

Shadow Emperor of Heaven stood where he was. After thinking for a moment, his eyes became resolute.

even if he loses his mind, he doesn't want to die!

Shadow Emperor of Heaven opened the medicine bottle and looked up to take the blood of demons inside the medicine bottle!


the crisp sound of broken medicine bottles sounded in the temple.ath.even if you kill the ancient demon emperor, you will not go there!what happens if you get close to Fang Yu He had seen it clearly before!"Fang Yu! I don't hold a grudge against you! You and I are...