Chapter 2084: The stronger the better

tic place like the Xuyuan realm, intelligence capability becomes even more important."now, follow them to the Capitol stronghold." Fang Yu has made up his present, he is not in a hurry to do, they can bypass Fang Yu and invade directly into the boundary of Dayangmen!

as for the back, even if Fang Yu wakes up, he still has the strength of the Eleventh National Legion waiting for him!

Fang Yu, no matter how powerful he is, has only one person's strength, and he lacks the skill to split up.

he could not stop the Eleventh Legion from rushing into the rear boundary of Dayangmen.

"Fang Yu, you are still too conceited. Just one person is like blocking thousands of troops." As the King of Kill said, he flew forward.

he wants to fly past Fang Yu and really enter the boundary of Dayangmen.

in this way, their Shadow Legion is still the first to enter the Terran realm!

Glory still belongs to them!

Kill Heavenly King is so fast that he has to skim past Fang Yu.

but at this moment, a cool breeze came from behind him.

at the same time, with a very strong pressure.

the King of Kill was surprised and subconsciously released Reiki as a barrier.

but the next second, he only felt a sharp pain in the back of his head.


Fang Yu, holding a magic stick, smashed it down with one stick.

the power of this stick not only instantly broke through the Reiki shield used by the King of Kill to protect the body, but also took the whole head of the King of Kill. Smashed to pieces.


this dull sound symbolizes the sudden death of the King of Kill.

and behind him, King Dongzhao and King Chong Yuan, as well as a large number of soldiers who are going to follow adults into the boundary of Dayangmen. To see this with my own eyes.

there was blood spattering in the air.

the body of the Kill King also split into several pieces and flew in all directions.

at this point, the smell of the King of Kill. Completely disappeared.

Kill Heavenly King is indeed dead.

the leader of the Shadow Legion is dead!

just died!

didn't even say a word, not even a muffled hum.

this is the saddest way to die.

No sign, no consciousness.

from birth to death, from joy to despair. It happened in just two seconds.

Wang Chong Yuan and Wang Dongzhao stood in the air, their bodies stiff and their eyes round.

they. I can't believe what I'm seeing.

"No way, it's impossible."

Wang Chong Yuan and Wang Dongzhao look at the original location of Fang Yu. In the

position, there is indeed a dull-eyed Fang Yu who looks straight ahead.

seeing this scene, the two of them are split in heart!

they realized what had happened.

Fang Yu lifted the magic stick on his shoulder and sneered, "who on earth got the illusion" You should know that. "

"Ah, ah."

when he regained his senses, he made a scream with bloodshot eyes and clasped his head.

the mentality of Dongzhao Wang also collapsed, and his body was getting weak and out of control.

because of the extreme techniques used before, their physical condition is already very poor.

now, after discovering that Fang Yu is not trapped by illusions at all. They were completely devastated.

even to the point of insanity.


Fang Yu rushed to the two, clutching the magic stick in his hand.

he lifted the magic wand and intended to give each of them one stick.

but looking at the look of the two men, there is no resistance.

"forget it, don't waste it."

Fang Yu put away the magic stick and grabbed the heads of the two men with both hands.


Red light swirls appear in both palms, resulting in a very strong suction.

the repair of the two men was absorbed by Fang Yu at a very fast speed.

and in this process, their realm continues to fall, and eventually become mortal, losing their vitality.

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the two cronies of the King of Kill, the two kings of Dongzhao and Chongyuan, who also have great status in the Shadow clan. Fall together! After absorbing

, Fang Yu threw their bodies away at random.

so far, the entire Shadow Legion has only 70, 000 or 80, 000 scattered soldiers.

is said to be scattered, but the power of this group of scattered soldiers, placed anywhere in the southern region, can start a massacre.

but in front of Fang Yu, he said that they were scattered soldiers and praised them.

is actually an ant colony huddled together.

at this moment, everything is silent.

these remaining soldiers no longer know what to do.

they watched their leaders die one by one.

even the Great Leader Kill Heavenly King was smashed to the head by Fang Yu and died silently without even screaming.

how can I play this

I can't fight at all.

they want to be the first big people to successfully invade the Terran boundary. It turned out to be an act of pure suicide.

"run, run, run! Run away. "

the collapse of a soldier caused a group of soldiers to collapse one after another.

they don't want to fight anymore, they just want to live!

tens of thousands of scattered troops, so routed, scattered and fled like headless flies.

Fang Yu looked at the group of shadow warriors who began to flee, shook his head and said, "even this is an elite"

saying, Fang Yu raised his hands.


A huge red light cyclone appears on both palms, triggering heaven and earth and erupting a huge pulling force!

Fang Yu at this moment, the whole body was bathed in the red light, as if the devil had been born.

as for those soldiers who fled, they were so dared that they did not have the courage to turn back and fight them.

at this moment, on the hillside of the mountain on the left, a beautiful figure stands in the air.

the strong wind blew her long hair, which was ethereal.

this person is Hua Yan.

only she saw the complete process of the battle in front of the canyon.

the beauty of this moment finally understands why Fang Yu has been acting so calm.

indeed, just like Fang Yu said, ants are grouped together. Still ants.

the whole Shadow Legion is broken like tofu in front of Fang Yu.

has no resistance.

from this point of view, Fang Yu alone guards the boundary of the distant mountains. There's no problem at all.

as for her as a logistics, she has no chance to play.

Hua Yan looked at the figure of Fang Yu in the distance, and complex emotions appeared in her beautiful eyes.

sometimes gratified, sometimes joyful, sometimes. Sadness.

various emotions mingled in her mind.

as far as beauty is concerned, it has been a long time since there have been such mood swings.

"the stronger you are, the better." The stronger the better. " Hua Yan looked at Fang Yu with soft eyes, bit her red lips and said in a low voice.


unlike the distant mountains where great wars have taken place, the Terran side of the ancient world. Still in silence.

as time goes by, the atmosphere becomes more and more dignified.

some monks could no longer bear the pressure and broke down and cried and wanted to leave.

but it is a taboo for strategists to run away from the battle.

these noisy monks who are about to run are all under control to make an example.

and in the front of the assembled battle strength, Night Song, Shi Yuan, Yin and Yang Dazun and others looked dignified.

although they are outwardly calm, in fact, they are equally nervous.

they don't know what's going on in the distant mountains.

but for now, they can only focus on the present.


the gale swept through, bringing more chill to the already desolate area. air.even if you pass right in front of your eyes, you can't see it.with the passage of time, the ninth most of the planets are getting closer and closer.was about to reach the outer layer when he saw...