Chapter 1990: Such a coward

l water handed to him by Song Liuge, poured it with his head up, and drank more than half of it.Song Liuge watched Fang Yu drink water, and her eyes flashed with success."Let's go!" Tang Xiaorou the end, Dayang Emperor Zun could only lie on the ground, sobbing like a piece of mud.

Fang Yu then stopped and looked around.

when he came into contact with Fang Yu's line of sight, all the commanders and guards trembled and fell back again and again.

there was silence all around.

No one dares to say anything, and no one knows what to say.

even Xu Jialu and Mu Qingran in the air are in a daze at the moment.

as fellow travelers, they are well aware of the strength of Fang Yu.

but the problem is. It's too fast.

it's so fast!

how long did it take to rush in through the gate of the imperial palace Not for five minutes!

they have just felt the scene of Fang Yu beating Dayang Emperor Zun in front of this hall!

you know, this rumor of Dayang Emperor Zun is the top power of stepping into the realm of saints!

but... At the moment, the superior man fell to the ground, his bones shattered and dying.

is so brutal.

is so brutal!

Xu Jialu looked at Fang Yu below, her face pale and her eyes filled with fear.

what would have happened if he had chosen to be the enemy of Fang Yu

I'm afraid even the ashes have been lifted!

and the side of the pastoral light, looking at Fang Yu, beautiful eyes in addition to shock, but also flashing strange colors.

the charm of a powerful man is naturally strong enough.

"all right." Fang Yu clapped his hands, looked at Dayang Dizun on the ground, smiled and said, "now I can tell you who I am."

Emperor Dayang opened his eyes wide and looked at Fang Yu, only begging and fear in his eyes.

from stepping into the road of practice to becoming the most respected person in the world, he has never been hit as hard as he is today.

now, there is no anger and hatred in his heart, only fear and memories!

once upon a time, he felt that he was not afraid of anyone but a saint, and even if he could not defeat him, the other party could not do anything to him.

but at the moment, he clearly felt the impending death.

in front of this seemingly ordinary man, he can really kill him.

as long as you take one more step, it is death!

he doesn't want to die!

he must not die!

"I am Fang Yu, the Fang Yu of Yuanmen." Fang Yu said faintly, "maybe you don't know me. After all, you are far from the boundary of Dayangmen."

Fang Yu.

when he heard the name, Dayang Emperor Zun only sounded familiar.

thought for a moment, and his heart shook.

Fang Yu, Fang Yu of Yuanmen!

he has heard of this name recently, but he just doesn't care!

at that time, he still felt that this Fang Yu was a man fishing for fame and fame. Will be killed sooner or later.

but now Fang Yu really came to him and beat him so much that he couldn't stand up!

"Let me tell you again, the girl who was absorbed by you just now is my friend." Fang Yu looked down at Dayang Emperor Zun, raised his right foot and stepped on his face. "I wanted to discuss something peacefully with you, but I didn't want you to force me to do it."

Dayang Emperor Zun was in great pain and shouted, "Let me go, let me go."

the Reiki in his body has been released in large quantities and is being repaired.

however, the pain continues to increase.

"now, I'll tell you why I came to see you." Fang Yu said, "I order you to dismantle the Wandao Pavilion within the boundary of Dayangmen in the shortest possible time."

hearing this, Dayang Emperor Zun was obviously stunned for a moment.

"do you still need to think about it" Fang Yu raised his eyebrow and exerted his right foot.

"Ah, ah. I see! I'll do it! " Cried Dayang Emperor in pain.

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"OK, go and give the order now." Fang Yu loosened his feet, took a step back, squinted and said, "I'll wait for you here until you tear down all the Wandao pavilions."

"I, I need some time." Dayang Emperor Zun was still lying on the ground, unable to move.

his Reiki is rapidly repairing his body, but there are so many injuries and so serious that it takes a lot of time to get rid of the seven-day practice.

Fang Yu was in no hurry and took a few steps back.

more than two thousand soldiers and commanders have been gathered around.

but at the moment, no one dared to move and could only look at Fang Yu with fear.

"what are you doing here Emperor Chuanben ordered that the Wandao Pavilion in all regions should be dismantled immediately, and the sooner the better! " Dayang Emperor Zun roared.

". Yes! "

many leaders around them came to their senses and immediately turned around and flew out.

Fang Yu retreated to the rear and summoned the red lotus in the storage space.

Honglian is still in a coma.

Fang Yu placed her on the ground with her right hand on her forehead.


the light shines.

Red lotus is still in a very weak physical condition, but fortunately... After all, she has been inherited by the Shenghuang, and her physical body has been transformed and resilient, and now she is rapidly recovering her flesh and blood.

ordinary creatures have already died suddenly because they have absorbed so much fine blood.

Fang Yu infuses the red lotus with true qi and recovers some obvious injuries.

gradually, the red lotus's face was as pale as paper and regained its color.

in this way, there is almost no problem.

Fang Yusong opened his hand, stood up and looked at Dayang Emperor Zun.

at this time, Dayang Emperor Zun's body also recovered well and was able to struggle to stand up.

"although the detached physical body is maintained by Reiki, the effect is really good." Fang Yu squinted slightly and said to his heart, "ordinary monks encounter injuries like that. It's useless if they don't die."

Dayang Emperor Zun stood up and looked at Fang Yu, the fear in his eyes still not gone away.

he is still afraid of death.

he knew Fang Yu wanted to do it now, and he was doomed to die.


at this moment, Fang Yu suddenly opened his mouth.

Dayang Emperor Zun was so scared that his feet softened and rolled directly on the ground.

"I can give you everything!" As long as you don't kill me. " Dayang Emperor knelt down and begged for mercy, and even began to kowtow.

seeing this scene, many guards around them opened their eyes wide and their psychology was on the verge of collapse.

the invincible Dayang Emperor in their eyes. I begged for mercy on my knees.

have they ever imagined such a scene

Fang Yu walked slowly to Dayang Emperor Zun until he stopped in front of him.

"you said. Anything you want " Fang Yu asked with a smile.

"Yes! You can ask for anything, just keep me alive. " Dayang Emperor Zun said.

"well, give me your throne." Fang Yu said.

Dayang Emperor Zun shook his body, but he looked up and said, "Yes, I can give you the throne right away!"

Fang Yu looked at the look of Dayang Emperor Zun, and the fear above was not a disguise.

obviously, I met a wimp this time.

the superior of the world behaved so badly that it was a devastating blow to the group of people around him.

it's just that Dayang Dizun doesn't seem to care.

Fang Yu doesn't care even more.

"forget it. I'm just kidding. The throne is still left to you. It's just that you have to accept a blood bond. " Fang Yu looked calm and said faintly, "from now on, you must completely obey me, otherwise." I will erase you. "w do you feel" Fang Yu asked.". Very good. " Zhao Zinan raised his head and replied in a low voice."aren't you homesick" Fang Yu asked."A little bit... I miss my brother. " Zhao Zinan whispered."you c...