Chapter 1930-Disregard Everything

little excited.if Fang Yu could sweep the Zheng family today, it would be great news for both of them!originally in the Huaibei martial arts circle, the Zheng family was dominant!if the Zheng the small world.

Fang Yu looked at Wu Daozi and said, "Open the portal."

Wu Daozi looked pale, with fear and hesitation in his eyes.

as long as he doesn't open the portal, he can keep Fang Yu in this small world forever.

but in this way, there is a good chance that he will die himself!

is it worth exchanging like this

is obviously not worth it!

Life is the most important thing at any time!

once dead, it's all over.

and he knows very well that the noise made by Fang Yu just now must have alarmed the headquarters of Tiange.

now, outside the small world. There must have been a heavy siege!

is just... Can Fang Yu be taken down if there are too many people

Wu Daozi's heart is still full of unease.

he and Chongyang are both strong men who stand out of the ordinary.

but in front of Fang Yu, they don't even have a chance to do it!

and although there are more than a dozen chief executives in Tiange headquarters. But Xiuwei is just like them.

can you really take down Fang Yu

Wu Daozi's heart beats fast.

he knew that once Fang Yu was released, the situation would be difficult to predict.

if the whole Heavenly Pavilion is no match for Fang Yu. What should I do

"hurry up!" Fang Yu said in a cold voice.

Wu Daozi was shocked by Fang Yu's voice.

he stopped hesitating and made up his mind!

he has to live anyway!

Wu Daozi immediately memorized the formula by mouth.


the light rises, and a portal gathers in front of Fang Yu.

Fang Yu glanced at Huaixu, grabbed Wu Daozi in his left hand and walked into the portal.

Huaixu took a deep breath and followed into the portal.


after a short space passage, Fang Yu and Huaixu. Back to thousand fathom compound!

below are the ruins formed by the collapse of the tower, and there is still a lot of smoke moving.

but at this time, Fang Yu's attention is not on these side details.

the breath of Xiuqi emanates from all directions, more than 200 channels.

and the cultivation of each Tao is not weak, and the worst is above the enlightened environment.

obviously, this is the most powerful force of Tiange.

with this force alone, it is easy to crush ten first-class fairy gates.

this... Is the essence of Wandao Pavilion.

is really strong.

at the moment, many chief executives stared at Fang Yu and Wu Daozi, whose face was extremely gloomy and his eyes flashed with horror, as well as Wu Daozi, who was caught by Fang Yu.

they had no idea that it was not long before they had just finished a meeting for Fang Yu. Fang Yu killed the Heavenly Pavilion in their southwest district!

No matter how Fang Yu got in... In short, allowing an outsider to enter the Tiange headquarters is in itself a great mistake.

at this time, if it is spread to the Tiangge in other districts, or to the ears of the adults above. Their entire district Tiange will be severely punished!

but right now, there's no time to think about anything else.

they must take Fang Yu down!

never let Fang Yu leave here alive!

"Fang Yu, you are too defiant! Do you know what it means to break into our Tiange headquarters " The chief executive was furious and said.

"cut the crap." Fang Yu said faintly, "what does this mean" Don't you understand now "

"since I came in here, I have to tear down your heavenly pavilion."

hearing this, the faces of some people in the place changed.

Fang Yu dared to be so arrogant and talk nonsense even though he was surrounded by a lot of people.

does he really turn a blind eye to so many big executives in front of him

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"the crimes you have committed are enough for us to destroy everything about you!" Another chief executive, Shen Yu, said angrily, "the people you have something to do with, and the feathering door behind you."... All of them will be killed by our Tiange, and none of them can escape! "

"you are already a turtle in the urn, you can't escape!" Another executive roared, "release Lord Wu Daozi immediately!"

"you deserve to die."

there were many shouts and angry curses coming from all directions.

Fang Yu's face is expressionless, while the Huaixu in the rear is dignified.

when he arrived at the Great Heavenly Star, the monk of the highest realm he had ever come into contact with was only Tianji.

and now these executives, CEOs. It has been so high that it is unimaginable.

but Fang Yu still looks calm and calm.

this makes me feel very humble.

after coming to the Great Star, a lot of things are different.

in his past knowledge, there were fairies above the hijacking period, but on the Great Star. The hijacking period is just an ordinary realm, and there are more great realms up there.

the hijacking period, which is extremely rare on earth, is also rare here, but the monks above the hijacking period are unified, Taoist, and even the heavenly extremes. But quite a lot.

if a monk in such a realm were placed on earth. All can crush the existence of sentient beings.

as for the reiki and resources between heaven and earth. Are far higher than the earth, even without comparability.

until I saw Fang Yu today, Huaixu found that everything didn't seem to be much different from before.

on earth, Fang Yu ignores all powerful enemies.

Today, in the big star, this is still the case.

"just to be on the safe side, I'll put you in the storage space, get out of here and let you out." Fang Yu turned his head and said to Huaixu.

"good." Huaixu nodded.

Fang Yu raised his hand and released a burst of space power.


the power of space hangs over the empty body, instantly bringing him into the storage space.

in this way, Fang Yu has nothing to worry about.

he looked around and squinted slightly.

he could see clearly that behind the encirclement, there was a group of monks. A certain technique is being initiated.

"No wonder it's just to stall for time. I'm sorry." Fang Yu raised the corners of his mouth and raised his hands.


A bright light flashed between his hands.

A long bow glowing with platinum and feathered at both ends appeared in his hands.

Silver feather bow!

Fang Yu has tried the power of this longbow before.

such great lethality is best when it is used in the face of many enemies.

"Alert!" Seeing the long bow in Fang Yu's hands, the faces of all the chief executives changed, their hairs stood up and shouted.

at this time, Fang Yu has raised the silver feather bow and pulled the arrow string!


the furious true qi condenses into a divine arrow with bursts of golden light!

at this moment, you can feel the terror of the silver feather bow itself!

the faces of many chief executives and executives directly in front of Fang Yu instantly change color!

Fang Yu's face was expressionless, pulling the right hand of the arrow string and releasing it.


in an instant, the golden arrow, which contains the power of the dragon and Phoenix, exploded like a cannonball.

the huge recoil blew the whole thousand fathom compound in the rear to pieces!

and the Golden Arrow has brought the hurricane to the many executives directly in front of it!


this group of executives shouted and released the whole body of Xiuwei, trying to stop the arrow!ord is also tantamount to chopping at Sinan Qianli's body, making his spirit break down completely."Boom."Sinan roared thousands of miles, condensing the last fairy power in his body."they won't let m...