Chapter 1895: Unmatched

could vaguely feel the red glow in the distance, as well as the frightening breath of the mind.(adsbygoogle = indo.adsbygoogle | | []). Ush ({});the breath of a fairy!this shows that the immortals ha...Dust Ye has retreated to the end of the hall.

he looked at the big hole in front of him with awe-inspiring eyes.

the mountain seal is suspended in front of the body of Yin and Yang.

he doesn't know how powerful the sacred artifact, which is obtained from the Great Shadow Devil, is.

but to be sure, none of the artifacts that can be rated as the top ten sacred instruments are weak!

Yin and Yang Dazun is still laughing, his momentum is constantly rising, and he is extremely strong.

and the three elements present have already stepped aside, with a look of excitement in his face.

they are the most loyal followers of Yin and Yang.

but they have never seen Yin and Yang actually do it!

Today, I finally have the opportunity to see the strength of Yin and Yang Dazun!


but the next second, Fang Yu flashed out of the crushed ground.

"is this the broken mountain seal"

Fang Yu looked at the square instrument suspended in front of Yinyang Dazun, and his eyes twinkled slightly.

some gray characters on the surface of the mountain seal are shining, containing a special flavor of law.

is more direct than the Law of Power and can form extremely terrifying mana powers in an instant.

to put it simply, it is explosive power.

the mountain seal has a strong explosive power.

"it turns out to be an offensive weapon." When I heard the name, I thought it was a magic weapon such as breaking a legal array. " Fang Yu Xin Tao.


while Fang Yu was still thinking, Yin and Yang suddenly raised his left hand and pressed it behind the broken mountain seal.


is like a dull bell.

the moment the left palm of Yin and Yang touched the broken mountain seal, the broken mountain seal immediately burst into a more powerful mana surge.


the destructive power blasted the square feather head on.

Fang Yu frowned slightly and raised his right fist.


the golden cross sword mark on the back of the fist is shining.


the mark of the Golden Cross Sword suddenly expands to form a shield in front of Fang Yu.


the destructive mana power of the broken mountain seal exploded on the shield formed by the mark of the golden cross sword, and made a deafening sound.


the whole hall collapsed instantly!

". No! "

three elements make you feel the attack of power, change your face greatly, and immediately release a large amount of Reiki as protection.

however, the power of fury still blows them out in an instant.

Dust Ye, who retreated to the back of the main hall, also performed several protective techniques, setting up shields one by one.


but when the spreading power came, he still couldn't hold it and was blown out.


A building inside the Grand Hall was destroyed instantly, and the ground was shaking and sinking violently.

the whole temple was affected, and clouds of smoke rising into the air could be seen in every corner.

above the ruins, in the smoke. Fang Yu stood where he was, motionless.

Yin and Yang Dazong did not retreat, and his back was as bright as fireworks.

he stared at Fang Yu with a cruel smile on the corners of his mouth.

"Fang Yu, we know the secret of your power." Yinyang Dazun said coldly.

"I don't even know the secret, but you do" Fang Yu raised his eyebrow and asked.

"are these the eyes you rely on" Yin and Yang narrowed his eyes slightly, stared at Fang Yu's faint golden eyes, and said, "these eyes should be the strongest inheritance left by the Blessed one. After being inherited by you, you have naturally become the head of the feathering door."... "

"you suddenly rise because of the blessing of these eyes." Without these eyes, you are nothing, just like before. Unknown. "

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"our conjecture, right"

"Huh" Fang Yu froze.

he really didn't expect that the other party could still draw such an inference.

however, seeing the confident appearance of Yin and Yang, Fang Yu nodded and smiled and said, "you are so smart. You have all been guessed right."

"the inheritance of the overbearing Blessed one, such a divine thing …" It is outrageous to let such a humble person inherit you. " Yin and Yang shook his head and said, "the divine contact lenses that can exert such great power on you, if placed on this body." We will be invincible in the world. "

"so. You want my eyes " Fang Yu asked with the corners of his mouth raised.

Yin and Yang Dazong stopped talking and opened his right hand.


the golden scepter shines and flies into his right palm.


the moment he held the scepter, the breath of Yin and Yang rose again, and a rainbow light on his head went straight to the sky!

this is the peak of momentum, so as to produce a vision of heaven and earth!

all the staff in the Yin and Yang Hall can see the rainbow light rising from the sky!

they know that Dazun is going to show his power!


the Great Master of Yin and Yang is suspended in mid-air, lifting the mountain seal with his left hand and holding the scepter with his right hand.

double Hallows in hand!

this is rare luck in the world!

the figure of Yin and Yang has not changed, but now it gives people a sense of powerlessness as in the face of giants.

is unattainable and unmatched.

surrounded by divine light, such as the birth of God!

there used to be the Yin and Yang Dazu, who is free from the earthly world, but now the breath is close to the saint!

if anyone stood in front of him, his heart would be broken by this awe!

however, his opponent is Fang Yu.

Fang Yu's face is expressionless, looking at Yin and Yang Dazun, and his eyes are calm.

in fact, he really doesn't want to fight with Yin and Yang.

because once you start, Wandao Pavilion's plot will be considered a success.

however, things are not always going well.

now, we can only do it.

Fang Yu raised his right hand.


Silver glow.

the halberd of Heaven appears on Fang Yu's right hand.

"since you use the holy vessel, then I have to use the holy instrument, and the heavenly halberd is also made from the great temple." Is it all right to say it's a sacred instrument " Fang Yu said in his heart.

"We give you the sound of a holy instrument to help you wash your soul and catch it."

Yin and Yang sneered, raised his scepter in his right hand and struck the broken seal of his left hand lift!


the two collided with each other with a crisp sound!


this sound is the sound of the Holy instrument!

it is not just a collision sound, it contains a very strong destructive power, straight into the depths of the soul!

Fang Yu stood where he was, with a strong golden awn on his body!

at the moment of the sound of the Holy instrument, he suddenly lifted the heavenly halberd and turned it like a huge fan!

at the same time, the mind moves and runs the laws of the wind.


extreme storm, from scratch, formed in an instant, from the rapid rotation of the sky in front of the halberd!

before the sound of the Holy instrument touched Fang Yu, he was turned by this storm and rushed to the position of Yin and Yang Dazun!

the face of Yin and Yang changed slightly, and the scepter moved forward.

"Heaven and Earth are silent."


in this moment, everything between heaven and earth stands still.

the storm, the sound of the Holy instrument, and even the smoke floating around them, all stopped on the original track.

this is a super ability that combines the laws of space and time!d happily and gratefully.and at this time, her eyes obviously flashed a red glow.Fang Yu noticed this and frowned slightly."what's the matter, Lord Fang" Cold Miaoyi noticed the change in the look of...