Chapter 1826: The immortals gathered together

dao man."you have to think clearly, we are not really Shadow people." Acting in such a high profile, or even getting close to the owner of the city, is likely to be exposed. " Chen Qianan said."it doe..."well, let's go down and lead the way." Xu Tianlong said.

"how long does it usually take" Fang Yu asked.

"er. The Imperial City is located in the heart of the southern border, and it will take about half a day to pass from our side. " Xu Tianlong replied.

"not now." Fang Yu smiled and took out the amulet.

Xu Tianlong looked surprised when he saw the rune in Fang Yu's hand and waved his hand: "Fang Palm door, your Majesty should not be in such a hurry to see you, but there is no need to use such a valuable rune as Fu Di."

"the rune is valuable to you, but in our feathering door, this is the basic prop for travel." Xu Jialu said with a smile, "Old Man, I said you haven't seen the world, have you"

"son of a bitch, you." Xu Tianlong is ready to fight again.

"Let's go. Business is important." Xu Jialu immediately ran to Fang Yu's body.

in this way, a few minutes later, the three men used the rune to go to the central imperial city of the Eternal Emperor.


in the central area of the southern border lies a huge city.

it is not difficult to see from the layers of imperial guards on the periphery of the city. How important it is.

this is the imperial city! The heartland of power!

many high-ranking members of the Eternal Emperor stayed inside the Imperial City.

at this moment, the gates of the Imperial City were open and thousands of guards knelt down on one knee in a gesture of greeting.

A small team is passing among them.

there are only seven people in this team, all dressed in white are better than snow, exudes a unique and lofty temperament.

the man walking at the front of the line has a handsome face, swordface and arrogance.

is the crown prince!

A sweet-looking girl dressed in white took the prince's left arm and looked around, her eyes full of novelty.

"Brother, this city looks so big. Is this your home" Peach blinked and asked.

"Yes, but although it is big, it is incomparable to our heavenly palace, especially in terms of Reiki." The prince smiled and replied.

"this is the first time I have come to such a big city." Peach said.

"if you are curious, you can ask some of your brothers to hang out with you later, but don't bother your brother, he will come back this time." The main thing is to change the environment to break through the bottleneck. " At this time, walking on the other side, the man with a beard smiled.

"Elder Chang, I know. I certainly won't let my brother waste his time playing with me." Peach beeps.

"it's good to know." Chang Jian said.

"meet your Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

at this time, a garrison commander dressed in platinum robes walked up to the crown prince with four of his own soldiers and bowed.

"what's wrong" The prince stopped and asked.

"when his Majesty heard that his Royal Highness the Crown Prince came with the elders of the Heavenly Palace and several disciples, he specially invited you to come into the palace to have a chat." The commander-in-chief of the city said.

the prince squinted slightly and was about to answer.

"Thank you for the emperor's kindness, but what we have done before this trip is only the bottleneck of the son. For the time being, we do not have time to go to the palace to meet the emperor. Please understand." Chang Jian on one side opened his mouth.

when he heard this, the leader of the city guard twinkled in front of him, then nodded and said, "in that case..." I will inform your Majesty. "

"No, we will meet the father." At this time, the prince suddenly opened his mouth.

when he heard this, Chang Jian next to him moved his eyes slightly and looked at the prince.

"Elder Chang, this won't take much time." The prince said.

Chang Jian nodded and said nothing more.

the prince's current position in the Heavenly Palace, as long as he can successfully break through the bottleneck and get out of the ordinary. The future will at least be at the same level as him.

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and the age of the prince has long been regarded as the future training of the Heavenly Palace.

Zhi Yunzhen is even more ambitious, and he seems to want the crown prince to be the first person in southern Xinjiang to be on the road list.

therefore, although Chang Jian is an elder, he only acts as a guardian of the Dharma and does not have much say when he comes to the Imperial City.

everything is dominated by the crown prince.

"well, then, please go to the palace with your Highness." The commander-in-chief of the city said.

"Let's go." The prince smiled and said.

the commander of the city immediately turned around and went to the interior of the imperial city.

while the prince and others followed behind and walked forward without hurrying or slowing down.

in the depths of the imperial city, a magnificent palace is their destination.

that's the palace!

along the way, people who meet the crown prince, both monks and civilians, have to stop and bow their heads to show respect for the prince, or the eternal dynasty.

the prince returned to the palace with the elders and disciples of the Heavenly Palace!

this is great news for the Imperial City, where the tide is already surging and the situation is obvious.

No one knows exactly what will happen.


through the amulet, Fang Yu came to the Imperial City quickly.

three people landed in front of the gate.

"Lord of Tian long, was ordered to bring people into the palace to see your Majesty." Xu Tianlong showed a bronze token and said.

"who will you bring into the palace" Asked the chief guard.

"feathering door, square feather palm door." Xu Tianlong introduced.

the whole team of guards changed their faces when they heard the name.

although they have not met Fang Yu himself, they can't have heard the name Fang Yu!

recently, the name has caused too much sensation!

"Fang Yu."

the guard stared at Fang Yu standing behind Xu Tianlong with a look of shock in his eyes.

"is there a problem" Xu Tianlong asked.

". No, please come in. " The guard regained consciousness, looked full of respect, and bent down to signal Xu Tianlong and Fang Yu to go in.

"Thank you." Xu Tianlong nodded and walked into the imperial city with Fang Yu and Xu Jialu.

the guards looked at Fang Yu's back with a look of surprise in their eyes.

what day is it today Why is it that Fang Yu of Yuhua Gate is about to enter the palace when the prince's forefoot has just returned to the palace

what a gathering of immortals in this palace.


"or the name of Fangzhangmen works. Except for a few big wrists, these guards usually look like uncles. How could they welcome us in with such a respectful look" Xu Tianlong said as he walked.

Fang Yu smiled, glanced at the large buildings on both sides and said, "this imperial city is really different, that is, ordinary buildings are much bigger than other cities."

"the Imperial City is completely renovated every year." Xu Tianlong said, "your Majesty attaches great importance to facade."

"is the palace on the inside" Fang Yu looked straight ahead.

from his position, you can see a large expanse of golden steps.

the palace is as high as floating in mid-air.

"it took a lot of manpower and financial resources to build this palace at that time." Xu Tianlong also looked at the palace and said, "your Majesty wants to walk out of the palace and overlook the whole imperial city, so the level of the imperial city is more than 300 meters."... This is hard for us. Every time we enter the palace, we have to walk for half an hour just by walking a step. "l load, exploded with a loud roar, and disappeared.and in the same position, the monks finally breathed a sigh of relief.they are really afraid that Fang Yu will continue to shoot and kill them all.Fo...