Chapter 1752: The Law of the Wind

enly he smiled and said, "listen to him, but Grandpa has given you a task.".it's 03:20 in the afternoon when I get back to Jianghai.Fang Yu didn't go back to school, but went home directly.Wang Yan re..."whoo."

Fang Yu's ear is only the roaring wind, the whole person has been in the whirlwind, constantly spinning.

he wanted to stop, but he couldn't do it at all. His body was spinning at the speed of the whirlwind.

Fang Yu thought for a moment and calmed down.

this whirlwind is also the product of his practice for ascension.

therefore, the situation at this time should also be a process of understanding.

"how can I stop the whirlwind" Fang Yu thought while spinning rapidly with the wind.

"you have to use the force of the law to make it stop." Fang Yu's eyes twinkled and her heart twinkled.

Fang Yu has actually mastered a lot of rules after being completely integrated with the Avenue Spirit.

however, the control of these rules is still in the application of the Eye of the Avenue, not a substantive mastery.

moreover, there are still not enough kinds of rules to be mastered.

such as the law of wind, the law of earth, the law of water.

these elements can be cast in the form of magic, but if you master the most basic rules, then the power can be increased dozens of times.

just like Fang Yu's gale formula to those disciples at Jiuxing Tianmen, it is actually a gale created by true qi, and there is no law to stir up the wind.

if the law of the wind had been mastered at that time, then the power of the formula of the wind. Naturally, it is even more frightening.

"it seems that this is the fruit of my understanding of the law of the wind." Fang Yu knows in his heart.

he closed his eyes, and some techniques about the wind soon appeared in his mind.

but this kind of time uses the operation method, naturally does not have the slightest effect.

"how do you want to understand the law of the wind is it just the whirlwind that keeps spinning in it" Fang Yu opened his eyes and frowned.


the whistling sound in my ear continues, and the speed of rotation is accelerating.

in this case, the average monk simply cannot keep a calm mind, and the physical body will be under great pressure.

but as far as the other feather is concerned, it doesn't feel this way, just as comfortable as lying in bed.

"that's all. Since it lets me into the whirlwind, I'll follow its meaning and see what happens." Fang Yu emptied his brain and moved with the wind.

after a while, the speed of the whirlwind increased to the extreme.

Fang Yu still did not move or think.

but in the process of moving with the wind, he slowly became aware of the whirlwind around him.

even if he doesn't open his eyes, he can clearly know where he is from an overlooking angle.

and the energy contained in each wisp of wind, their direction. You can know.

this perception continues to improve with the passage of time.

in the back, Fang Yu can even sense the direction and strength of each wisp of wind.

in this process, the surrounding wind gradually becomes transparent and seems to be integrated with Fang Yu.

Fang Yu knows that this is the feeling of the law of controlling the wind!

as his perception deepened and became clearer, he gradually became able to control the whirling wind.

"Speed up."

as soon as the idea of Fang Yu came out, the speed of the surrounding wind reached its extreme and roared past.


as soon as Fang Yu's heart moves, the whirlwind around her stops and no longer rotates.

the whistling sound in my ear stopped abruptly.

and Fang Yu is back on the ground.

in front of him, the little whirlwind had disappeared.

while Fang Yu stood where he was, his body didn't change much.

but he knew that he had mastered the law of the wind.

Fang Yu thought for a moment, raised his right hand and moved his heart.


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above his right palm, a small whirlwind immediately appeared!

"it seems that the master has understood." Said the tears of extreme cold.


Fang Yu dispersed the little whirlwind, put down his hand and answered.

he looked ahead at the clouds, feeling a little mixed.

on the one hand, continuous understanding of the law of boxing and wind is an obvious improvement for him, which is something to be happy about.

on the other hand, he almost absorbed the entire repair of Jiuxing Tianmen and opened up such a space of about 30 square meters on the first floor of Qiankun Pagoda, which made him feel a little distressed.

such a large number of repairs, unexpectedly can only open up such a small place, only get these two repairs into fruit.

how much does it take to remove all the clouds from the first layer

Fang Yu put his hands on his hips and shook his head.

"what else do you want if you get two pieces of fruit in a row In the course of practice, how can it be achieved overnight " At this time, the humanoid creature transformed from Huoyu appeared in front of Fang Yu and said

"the master is not in a hurry, just sighing." Tears of extreme cold stared at Li Huoyu without expression and said.

"Oh, they are tears of extreme cold." Li Huoyu turned to look at the tears of extreme cold, in a strange tone, "I haven't seen you take shape for a long time."

tears of extreme cold glanced at Lihuoyu and said nothing.

Li Huoyu flew in front of the extremely cold tears and turned around the extremely cold tears twice.

A pair of white eyebrows of extremely cold tears frowned slightly, obviously unhappy.

"I feel like you're not as strong as you used to be." Leave the jade hand to hold the chin, commented.

"I'm definitely better than you." Said the tears of extreme cold without expression.

"better than me Ha. " Li Huoyu laughed and said, "are you kidding me"

"Don't smile in front of me." The brow of the tears of extreme cold frowned more tightly.

"what should I do if you make me laugh first, but don't let me laugh" Get away from the fire jade stall.

Fang Yu, not far away, looked at the cheap appearance of Huoyu and shook his head slightly.

he didn't know what was going on between the fiery jade and the tears of extreme cold.

anyway, when these two appear at the same time, there will definitely be a quarrel.

but now in the Qiankun Pagoda, their quarrels will not disturb Fang Yu.

so Fang Yu is not going to take care of it, so let them continue to wrangle with each other.

"time to go out."

Fang Yu meditated in place and closed her eyes.


consciousness leaves, opens his eyes, and Fang Yu returns to reality.

after standing up, Fang Yu first raised her right hand.

A change of heart.


the mark of the golden cross sword quickly appeared on the back of his right hand.

Fang Yu put down his hand, raised his eyes and looked ahead.


citing the law of the wind, Fang Yu immediately blew a gust of wind on the island, setting off waves in the calm green sea around him.

"No problem. I've really mastered both." Fang Yu put down his hand with satisfaction, jumped in shape, and jumped off the top of his statue.

on the way to the Dongfu of Dust Ye, Fang Yu saw that he was still in front of the Dongfu, learning that set of alchemy.

Fang Yu didn't want to disturb the end, so he passed by directly.

when he came to the cave mansion of Dust Ye, Dust Ye was meditating and seemed to be practicing some kung fu.

hearing footsteps, Dust Ye opened his eyes and immediately stopped practicing and stood up.


"I worked hard. I was practicing as soon as I got back." Fang Yu said.

"I must improve my strength quickly. In the next battle, I hope to be able to help the boss instead of just being a spectator." Dust Ye bowed his head slightly and said.tionthis method is really beyond the grasp of human monks, and only spirits like Little Wind chimes can do it.then there was a silence.the location of the Observatory is relatively high. Looking ahead...