Chapter 1668: Three copper coins

re wrong it becomes.stood at the entrance of the Dazhao tribe and looked inside, but he didn't see supposed to be the event of the past few days, which affected the tribe.after all, many peo...the town faces to the west.

the streets are busy with people coming and going.

this kind of city life makes Fang Yu feel cordial, which is completely different from what he felt in the city of the Shadow clan before.

not only because the people you see have normal human skin color, but also because the whole area does not have that kind of vague sense of oppression and bondage.

soldiers covered with armor can be seen everywhere in cities with large ethnic boundaries of the Shadow.

this makes most of the shadow people on the street look like they are in a hurry and have no feeling of leisure.

but now, walking on the street facing the small town to the west, Fang Yu is very relaxed.

"Brother Fang, go faster, you can't keep up with me!"

the brook walking in front turned around and waved to Fang Yu.

Fang Yu really seems to have brought her sister to town to play.


Fang Yu followed.

after arriving in town, Xiao Xier's big watery eyes sparkled with black eyes and kept looking around.

she is full of curiosity about all the new things and stops for a while in front of each booth.

this is probably the nature of children.

whether it is Ling er, Xiao Xi er, and little wind chime... It's all the same after going out.

"if you see anything you like, you can buy it." Fang Yu said.

Xiao Xier looked up at Fang Yu and said, "Brother Fang, I'm not old enough to use money." I'll just have a look. "

Fang Yu smiled and was about to say that he could pay for it.

but before he could say it, Fang Yu suddenly realized. This is no longer the earth.

and he doesn't have the currency used here.

speaking, he may be poorer than Xiao Xier.

"Let's have a look." Fang Yu had to say.

"Hmm!" Xiao Xier was not depressed, but still bounced forward.

the streets are bustling with stalls selling all kinds of goods.

some sell small toys, some sell snacks, and some sell some jewelry.


Xiao Xier stopped in front of a booth again.

there is a string of wind chimes hanging on the small sign of the stall.

when the breeze blows, these little wind chimes ring ethereally and melodiously.

there are a lot of sugar people dressed with wooden sticks on this booth, each of which is different and exquisite.

the owner of the stall is an elderly lady who sits on a bamboo stool, bowing her head and continuing to be a sugar man.

Xiao Xier stood in front of the stall, staring at the little sugar people on the stall.

Fang Yu remembers that before she came to Xilin town, Xiao Xier had been talking about this stall selling sugar people.

obviously, she likes these little sugar people very much.

Fang Yu thought for a moment and went forward.

"how much is this little sugar man" Fang Yu asked.

the old lady looked up at Fang Yu and Xiao Xier and said with a smile, "three copper coins."

"three copper coins." Fang Yu scratched his head.

he glanced at the storage space. There is nothing of value in


Fang Yu thought for a moment and looked around.

then he looked at the small jar in front of the old lady.

there are a lot of copper coins in the small jar.

Fang Yu's eyes twinkled slightly and quickly remembered all the details of the copper coin.

"Brother Fang, let's go." Xiao Xier turned his head and said, "next time I come out, I will ask the second elder to buy it for me, hehe."

"Don't worry." Fang Yu said.

the pupil of Fang Yu's eyes twinkled with a touch of gold.

the golden cross sword appeared in his eye contact lenses.

then Fang Yu turned his head and looked back.

that location seems to be the home of an adult in town.

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on both sides of the gate are two bronze lion statues.

the golden cross sword in Fang Yu's pupil turns slightly.

A small gap immediately appeared under one of the bronze lion statues.

and at this time, Fang Yu raised his right palm.

three copper coins, thus condensed in the palm of his hand.

the whole process took less than ten seconds.

the light in Fang Yu's pupil dissipated, and there were three more copper coins on his right hand.

"I want a little sugar man." Fang Yu put three copper coins in front of the old lady and said.

the old lady smiled and said, "OK, choose the one you like."

Fang Yu looked at Xiao Xier and said, "choose."

Xiao Xier, whose face was full of surprise and joy, asked, "really"

"all the money has been given, of course it's true." Fang Yu replied.

Xiao Xier obviously took a fancy to one of the little sugar people and immediately reached out to take the little sugar man away.

"Thank you Brother Fang!" Xiao Xier said.

"come on, find a place to have a rest." Fang Yu said.

"good!" Xiao Xier replied happily.

they walked to the end of the street. After turning the corner, they could see a path lined with trees.

Fang Yu is going to take the brook to enjoy the cool in the shade of the tree and wait for Tianjidao to come to him.

but as he was walking along the path, he suddenly stopped, his eyes slightly changed.

in an instant, he felt that. The imprint of the soul left on the man of Tianjidao has dissipated.

Soul Seal dissipates, there are only two possibilities.

either Tianji or someone else has found a way to release the soul seal.

either. Something happened to someone in Tianjidao.

the first possibility is very small, first of all. The soul seal is so complicated that it is difficult for them to remove it on their own.

in addition, even if they do have a way to remove it, there is absolutely no need to do so.

because once you lift the seal, it means you don't want to cooperate with Fang Yu any more.

and Tianjidao people also let Xiao Xier follow Fang Yu to Xilin Town.

whatever you think, it's contradictory.

then there is only the second possibility.

Tianjidao people. something happened.

Fang Yu glanced at the brook with a slight Rin in his eyes.

Xiao Xier is still walking forward on his own, happily playing with the little sugar man in his hand, and seems reluctant to eat it.

it's not safe to leave Xiao Xier here alone.

Fang Yu thought for a moment and said, "Xiao Xier, we have to go back to the three Xuanmen."

"huh Why Didn't the second elder say that he would come later. " Xiao Xier turned his head and asked questioningly.

"it's urgent. I'll take you back with me." Fang Yu said.

"Oh, well... I'm done shopping anyway. " Xiao Xier said with a smile.

Fang Yu stepped forward and picked up Xiao Xier with one hand.

"you've flown before, haven't you" Fang Yu asked.

"well, the second elder flew me over." Xiao Xier replied in a low voice.

after being picked up by Fang Yu, she felt a little different.

after all, this is the first time I've met Fang Yu, so I'm not very familiar with it.

but Xiao Xier has a feeling in her heart that the big brother in front of her must not be a bad person.

"Let's go."

Fang Yu said.

"whoosh!" As soon as the voice of

dropped, Fang Yu soared into the air and returned to the gate of the three links at great speed.


although Xiao Xier has flown with Tianji Taoist, she has never experienced such a rapid speed and can't help screaming.

but her voice was completely overshadowed by the sound of breaking space.

"whew." In the middle of the sky, Fang Yu took the brook into a golden awn and flew rapidly in the direction of the three-way gate.ything.and Fang Yu's punch is to collide with these forces.Fang Yu's bones shook during the explosion, and his body flew out like a kite with a broken thread.and the chaotic mana energy of the star de...