Chapter 1638: Guardian City

to do your business, so get out of here. I'm going to continue to play cards." Fu Youwei said that he was about to leave. The father and daughter of Ji Dongshan besidelook ugly.they didn't expect's hard to imagine what it would be like when Boulevard Eye fully lifted its restrictions.

but Fang Yu has been quite shocked by this kind of vision.

the field of vision is clearer than the main road eye in the past.

it was as if everything had been cut open and displayed before his eyes.

Fang Yu looked at the city in front of him, which was shrouded in ash. As soon as his heart moved, his vision penetrated the fog and entered the city.

everything in the city falls into Fang Yu's view.

did not see normal houses, all barracks

Fang Yu's mind moved again, the original direct vision changed to overlooking, and the field of vision shifted to the high altitude.

from the top down, you can see that the whole city is a huge barracks.

and in the heart of the city, there is a huge military field.

at this time, there are still more than 100,000 soldiers on the battlefield undergoing daily training.

in other parts of the city, all kinds of soldiers stood still and looked awed.

they are fully armed, ready to go, and on standby.

the whole city has at least more than 500000 troops and a variety of services, and five hundred heavy artillery vehicles are stacked at the end of the city.

in the ancient times of the earth, such a fine army was enough to start a dynasty.

and in the shadow clan on the upper plane, so many troops are actually just a small border defense city.

Fang Yu thought about it, no longer looking at the situation inside the city, but looking out of the city.

with the city as the center, a boundary line released by the legal front is like a city wall, covering the mountain vein area behind.

just as Chen Qianan said, the area covered by this legal front is so large that even if it takes away its breath, as long as it comes into contact with this wall, it will inevitably cause vigilance in the city, thus attracting hundreds of thousands of troops.

if you want to easily enter the mountain vein area, you still have to eliminate this legal array.

as soon as Fang Yu's idea appeared, the golden cross sword in the pupil began to rotate rapidly.

the visual field in front of my eyes begins to change.

in his field of vision, he could see the invisible wall condensed in front of him, like lit paper, beginning to burn.

was quickly burned out from beginning to end.

the entire legal front just disappears in the invisible.

solved in this way

was just an idea, and the Eye of the Avenue solved the problem for him

Fang Yu was even a little unresponsive.

but neither Tianjidao man nor Chen Qianan, who was next to him, said anything but looked at Fang Yu silently.

after a few seconds, Fang Yu said, "I have lifted the legal array, and we can directly enter the Xichong Mountain vein area."

as soon as this remark came out, Chen Qianan and Tianjidao people froze.

in their view, Fang Yu obviously didn't do anything.

not to say that the breath had not changed, that is, without even moving his hands and feet,

stood in place, stared at it, and then lifted the legal front


you know, the frontier city ahead is at least five kilometers away from them.

"Let's go."

without much explanation, Fang Yu leaped forward and flew forward.

he reined in his breath and flew at neither fast nor slow speed.

Tianji Taoist had already seen the strength of Fang Yu's bottomless pit, and was only surprised at the present situation for a while, and immediately followed.

Chen Qianan, on the other hand, never regained consciousness.

but in this case, he chose to trust Fang Yu and followed.

the three men are so close to the Xichong mountain vein area.

soon, they came to the Xichong mountain area, parallel to the city.

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Fang Yu was the first to cross the line of the original legal array, followed by Tianji Taoist and Chen Qianan.

the three men officially entered the Xichong Mountains without causing any anomalies.

that legal array really does not exist.

Chen Qianan's eyes are full of shock.

he has never seen such an understatement.

he stood beside Fang Yu, unaware of it, but the phalanx was indeed lifted.

how on earth did this

Chen Qianan looked at Fang Yu flying in front, and his eyes were full of shock.

and the Tianjidao man on the other side also glanced at Fang Yu with a strange twinkle in his eyes.

in this way, the three men successfully passed the first line of defense and really entered the Xichong Mountains.

here, the terrain is completely different from the previous flat rivers, and the hillsides and valleys continue to appear, like waves on the ground.

Fang Yu flew north, not a single city in sight, but mountains in sight.

these mountains are not particularly high, with a maximum height of no more than a kilometer.

but there are so many concave valleys and gullies that if you look down from above, you will feel whether this area has been trampled by some kind of huge creature.

all the way forward, time goes by.

the day passes and night falls.

at night, I finally saw a city at the top of the mountain ahead.

unlike the previous frontier cities, this city is not shrouded in gray fog.

but its appearance is more strange, not like a city, but like a huge fort.

the gate is a big hole, and a large number of black armour soldiers stand guard beside the gate.

plus the city was originally built on a higher mountain.

this seems to be like the invisible wall pulled up by the frontier city before, but one is virtual and the other is solid.

"this is the Dharma City," Fang Yu said with a slight movement of his eyes.

"Yes." Chen Qianan replied.

"what's the difference between a dharma city and a border city" Fang Yu asked with a frown.

"Frontier cities are used to defend the edge of an area." On the other hand, the role of the Dharma City is very simple. It only serves the important cities it protects, and does not care about other things at all. " Chen Qianan said, "to put it bluntly, the Dharma City was only built to protect the main city of bone erosion."

"it is too extravagant to cross a total of seven dharma cities to get to the main city of bone erosion." Fang Yu said in surprise, "it is normal for a main city of bone erosion to set up seven Dharma cities to protect" br ". I have heard that there are dozens of Dharma cities in the main areas of some big ethnic groups." Chen Qianan said.

"what about the main city of our Terran boundary" Fang Yu asked curiously. "there are several cities protecting the Dharma."

when he heard this question, the man of Tianji Road next to him showed a faint sarcastic smile, while Chen Qianan looked stagnant.

"there is no dharma city in the Terran boundary." With a twinkle of bitterness in his eyes, Chen Qianan shook his head and said, "We don't need to protect the Dharma City."

"to set up a city to protect the Dharma requires a great territory, as well as great manpower and material resources. I am afraid that the Terrans at present do not have such ability." The man of Tianjidao said.

Chen Qianan glanced at Tianjiedao and said in a cold voice, "do you Honghe people have such manpower and material resources"

"of course we are not as strong as these tribes, but at least we are United." Tianji Taoist smiled and said.

as soon as this remark came out, Chen Qianan's expression changed again and he was speechless.

Fang Yu squinted slightly and glanced at Chen Qianan.

Chen Qianan opened his mouth and finally said nothing and turned to look at the Dharma City in front of him.

.different from that on Earth.and the power seems to be more powerful than when it was on Earth, and it's not like being split in two at all."fortunately, nothing has changed." Fang Yu looked at the sw...