Chapter 151: The Dragon Comes from the East!

h as falling into Fairy Valley, Star Gate and Fang Yu have never even heard of it."Damn it, I'm no different from an 18-year-old hothead now. I'm getting more and more alive." Fang Yu patted his head...Gu Rulong looked at the mountain and squinted slightly.

"this bow does not need a bow and arrow, as long as it draws the bow, it will condense the true qi into the shape of a bow and arrow, and then shoot it out. The power of an arrow depends on the strength of the owner who uses it. " At this time, the real person Jubao in the rear said.

Gu Rulong takes a step back and pulls down the bowstring.

A mighty power emanates from the sun-eating bow.

everyone present had a change of face!

the purple gas is entangled on the sun bow, slowly condensing the appearance of a bow and arrow!

Bows and arrows condensed from true qi!

how terrifying is the power contained in this arrow

before it was shot out, it already suffocated everyone present!

Gu Ru long squinted slightly and pointed his bow at the distant mountain.

then he released the bowstring.


in the same place where the dragon is, a powerful burst of energy erupts.

the ground behind him was cracked by the shock!

A lot of people are directly shocked out!


A purple awn crossed the sky, accompanied by a shrill sound boom!

within two seconds, the bow and arrow condensed with true qi fell into the mountain!


the next second, everyone's eyes are wide open.

they saw the mountain two thousand meters away, starting to burst from the hillside! It collapsed!

A moment later, smoke and dust rose everywhere and gravel was flying all over the sky.

the whole mountain is half gone.

this... Is it the strength of Wuzun

the crowd looked at the indifferent Gu Rulong standing in the same place, and there was nothing but fear in his eyes.

who else is the opponent of Gu Rulong with such a terrible strength

"Brother Gu, are you satisfied with this gift" Real Jubao asked with a smile on his face.

Gu Rulong looked at the sun-eating bow with purple light in his hand, and his eyes lit up with golden awn, and he couldn't help laughing: "Ha..." Thank you for your gift! I like it very much! "

after owning this high-quality magic weapon, his strength has climbed to a higher level.

he believes that with his current strength, he ranks top not only in the Jiangnan martial arts circle, but also in the whole Chinese martial arts circle!

tomorrow, on Yuexin Lake, he wants to let the whole south of the Yangtze River, and even the surrounding areas, see his ancient dragon strength!

he wants the name Gu Rulong, and the name Longmen, Megatron!


the day of engagement has come.

Yuexin Lake is crowded with people, even more than the last Jiangnan Wudao Family Summit.

Today, not only people from the martial arts circles in the south of the Yangtze River have come, but many people from the martial arts circles in Huaibei have also come when they got wind of it.

everyone wants to see with their own eyes how strong the Wuzun realm is, how strong it is!

in addition to the people in the martial arts circle, many secular elites who received the news also came to Yuexin Lake.

Tang Mingde and Ji Rumei are also among them.

"what a big battle." All the people present are big shots at the giant level. " Tang Mingde looked around and said quietly.

Tang Si followed Tang Mingde beside him, looking at the dense crowd on Yuexin Lake, his eyes horrified.

this is the first time he has felt so many powerful smells.

on Yuexin Lake, there are not less than 40 strong masters in the realm!

Ji Ru's eyes are full of worry.

with such a formation, if Fang Yu really came today, it would be impossible for him to leave safely.

most of the people on Yuexin Lake probably want to be friends with Wuzun Gu Rulong, right

"Oh, Mr. Fang, why must we accept the declaration of war"

Ji Rumei is very uneasy inside.

she believes in Fang Yu's strength, and she knows that Fang Yu has been breaking her expectations.

however, Fang Yu's opponent today is not at all the same level as before.

the opponent is Gu Rulong, the strongest one in Jiangnan!

"Mr. Tang, Miss Ji, you are here so early." At this time, Qin Yimo came over.

"Miss Qin." Tang Mingde and Ji Rumei greeted Qin with foam.

"Yuexin Lake is full of people. It seems that we can only stay by the lake. " Qin Yimo looked at the crowd on Yuexin Lake and said.

seeing that Qin Yimao was so calm, Ji Rumei could not help asking, "Miss Qin." Are you sure about your husband

seeing the worry on Ji Rumei's face, Qin Yimo said, "I'm not sure, but Fang Yu is sure of himself."

"alas, I always feel that Mr. Fang should not accept." Ji said, wringing her hands with her eyebrows and biting her pink lips.

Ji Rumei was so anxious that Qin reached out and patted her on the shoulder and said, "Miss Ji, at this time we can only choose to trust Fang Yu."

before, Qin Yimo also felt that Fang Yu was too conceited and that he could not be the opponent of Gu Rulong.

so, when she got home, she called her grandfather Qin Wudao.

"fight with Wu Zun... After living in seclusion for so many years... He's finally going to reappear in front of the world. " Qin Wudao murmured to himself.

"Grandpa, should he be forcibly protected" Qin Yimo asked.

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"Oh, protection I don't need it. With foam, no matter what Fang Yu does in the future, you don't need to question it. Believe me, the decision he made was definitely better than that made by anyone else. " Qin Wudao smiled and said.


on the other side of Yuexin Lake, on a high pavilion, stood a man and a woman.

is Zheng Xiuchen and Yang Yinzhu.

"Jiangnan is indeed a barren land, just a new Wu Zun, who can attract so many people." Zheng Xiuchen looked at the dense crowd on Yuexin Lake and smiled contemptuously.

Wu Zun is indeed powerful, and quite rare.

but they, the Zheng family, produced a total of four Wuzun.

therefore, in Zheng Xiuchen's eyes, Wu Zun is not a rare existence.

he was amused when he looked at these martial arts in the south of the Yangtze River and almost worshipped Wu Zun as a god.

is really a bunch of lowly people who have never seen the world before.

Yang Yinzhu doesn't care what Zheng Xiuchen is talking about, she only cares about the life or death of Fang Yu.

she came here today to see Fang Yu ravaged and killed by Gu Rulong.

in this way, she can get rid of her demons and get back to life!

"Daotian, will you come today" I haven't avenged my last revenge yet. " Zheng Xiudun's eyes glowed with ferocious light, looking at the crowd on Yuexin Lake, looking for a figure.


on Yuexin Lake, warriors from all over the south of the Yangtze River talked one after another, and the atmosphere was extremely warm.

"who on earth is this Fang Yu I can't believe you can let the ancient honorable people declare war by name! "

"whoever he is, he's going to die later. Aren't we here to see the majesty of the ancient honors "

"as a matter of fact, that Fang Yu was worth it in his life. He was able to die at the hands of the ancient venerable." For the average martial arts, I'm afraid he won't have a chance to have a word with the ancient monarch all his life, will he "

on a pavilion near the middle of the lake, representatives of Zhong Jia, Wu Jia and Luo Jia, the three strongest martial arts families in the south of the Yangtze River, are all standing here.

the purpose of their coming here is very clear, that is, to see the strength and extent of Gu Rulong.

this will affect the family's future strategy of dealing with ancient dragons.

Zhong Yuan and Zhong Liyu are representatives of the Zhong family this time.

Fang Yu.

Zhong Liyu is quite familiar with the name.

but she is not sure whether Fang Yu, who Gu Rulong declared war, is the Fang Yu she knows.

"Wu Zun, the strong... How strong is it At present, the elder of our family has also touched the ceiling of the realm of the master. I don't know when he will be able to break through to the realm of Wuzun. By then, we, the Zhong family, will also be able to enjoy such an honor that has attracted so much attention. " Zhong Yuan looked at the bustling crowd on Yuexin Lake and sighed.

just then, there was an uproar on Yuexin Lake.

"that Fang Yu is here!"

I saw only a figure standing on the platform in the center of Yuexin Lake.

is Fang Yu.

"so many people. If I had known, I would have used the identity of Daotian to abolish Yang Xu and kill Guyan. " Fang Yu sighed.

on Yuexin Lake, including everyone on the periphery of Yuexin Lake, their eyes are focused on Fang Yu.

is this man the opponent of the venerable Gulong today

this... It's too weak.

an innate warrior!

is just an innate warrior!

they thought that the opponent who could get Gu Rulong to declare war himself must at least be a guru.

did not expect that Fang Yu was just an innate warrior!

there is a difference between the innate warriors and Wuzun, and the gap in strength is one day and one earth!

many people are disappointed.

they want to see Gu Rulong show Wuzun's strength, but their opponent is Fang Yu.

what strength does it show

as long as Gu Rulong reaches out a finger, he may be able to press Fang Yu to death!

what's so interesting about such a disparity in strength There was an uproar around


"Boy, what are you doing on the stage You're not Fang Yu, are you Hurry down! "

some people even did not believe that Fang Yu was standing on the stage and shouted.

but if it wasn't for Fang Yu, who would stand on stage

the opponent is Gu Rulong! Standing on the stage is no joke!

"I can't believe it's you." In the pavilion not far away, Zhong Liyu looked at Fang Yu and looked shocked.

"Liyu, do you know this Fang Yu" Zhong Yuan asked on one side.

Zhong Liyu shook his head, nodded and said, "I..."

before she uttered her words, she felt an extremely powerful breath that enveloped the whole Moon Heart Lake!

the faces of the people changed and looked up.

A dragon covered with gold appeared in the eastern sky.

the dragon body of this dragon is constantly extending and elongating, while the huge bibcock is flying towards Yuexin Lake!

Longkou is wide open and magnificent!


A long dragon song is introduced into everyone's ears, deterring everyone's mind!

Gu Rulong, coming! power. ""Immortals."Fang Yu looked at Zu Tian in front of him, and there was a sense of war in his eyes.for all monks, immortals are elusive, ethereal and illusory beings.Fang Yu is no exception.he h...