Chapter 1592: The Mystery of the Gate of Immortality

});but even in ancient times, the refinery clan was extremely, in the back. Fang Yu's physical skills basically rely on his own groping, forming a system of his own.but up to now, Fang Yu has...hearing Fang Yu's words, everyone present breathed a sigh of relief.

if other people say this sentence, they may not believe it.

but from Fang Yukou, the meaning is different.

the alien mountain has been on the chest of each of them for nearly two years.

before Fang Yu returned, they had nothing but despair.

even the alien creatures of the ancient kings have been able to crush them.

until Fang Yu returned and killed a large number of alien races, that sense of despair gradually dissipated.

but with the passage of time, the existence behind the alien race continues to emerge, one more powerful than the other.

to those behind the emergence of the ancient gods, Shenhai Emperor, and even the will of the sanctuary.

these exist, and without Fang Yu, it would be easy to destroy the murderers.

but Fang Yu did it, killing all these beings!

to this day, the alien mountain. Finally smashed!

the shadow that has shrouded them for a long time has dissipated.

from now on, summer and the whole world will finally be able to restore their former calm and no longer have to be afraid.

"Brother Fang, thank you for your help."

Huaixu took the lead in standing up, then knelt down to Fang Yu.

the others in the room glanced at each other and knelt down together.

"all right." Fang Yu's heart moved, released a breath, held everyone around him, and said faintly, "maybe you think I'm great, or you think I'm a so-called hero."

"but I tell you honestly, I kill aliens... In fact, it is just to protect every vegetable garden, medicine garden, and even every green vegetable in my mansion from being damaged. "

"I really don't have that many thoughts, and you don't have to thank me."

"Boss, no matter what you think, you have saved countless people all over the world." Su Changge's eyes flushed slightly and said, "your feats are enough to go down in history, and they should be remembered no matter how many years later!"

"I don't want to be remembered." Fang Yu waved his hand and said.

"Damn it, these aliens have finally been cleaned up, and you don't have to see these disgusting creatures anymore." Yuan Sanquan also had red eyes and looked up to the sky and scolded, "these nonsense aliens, how many of us have been killed!"

at this time, he seemed to think of many monks who had died tragically at the hands of alien creatures, and could not help but burst into tears.

all the other monks present were infected, their eyes red and tears twinkling.

they all remembered the tragic death of some of their brothers and disciples of the same clan at the beginning of the alien invasion.

Life is really fragile in the face of absolute power.

many people who think that there is still a long time to come will just stop at yesterday and will never come back.

Fang Yu looked at the tears-filled monks in front of her and could not help remembering the original Heavenly way Gate.

those disciples who died at the hands of Ziyan Palace could not come back either.

"Yu, I'm here." Leng Xunshuang seemed to notice the change in Fang Yu's mood and immediately bowed his head and spoke softly in Fang Yu's ear.

Fang Yu was stupefied for a moment, then turned his head to look for a pair of cold.

up to now, he feels a little unreal.

Leng Xunshuang, who died to guard the gate of Heaven, is now standing right in front of him.

"Don't think too much. You've done a great job. No one will blame you." Leng Xun whispered and rubbed Fang Yu's ear with his hand. Su Lengyun, standing behind

, looked at Leng Xunshuang, who was intimate with Fang Yu, and her beautiful eyes twinkled slightly.

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in the evening, most of the people of the Tiandao League left, except Huaixu, Su Changge and Bai ran.

"Brother Fang, your next goal... It should be to rob and fly up and get out of here. " Huaixu opened his mouth.

hearing this, everyone present looked at Fang Yu.

Fang Yu took a sip of tea calmly and said, "I don't know how to fly up yet."

it is a natural thing to put it in the Xiuxian world in the past, and there is no need to be deliberate.

as long as the realm reaches the peak of the hijacking period and its strength exceeds the level allowed by the plane, there will be a thunderstorm.

Thunder robbery is like a test of the ability of monks.

if he cannot survive the thunderstorm, he will lose his form and spirit, and his lifetime of practice will come to naught.

if you successfully survive the thunderstorm, it means that the strength has reached the requirement of soaring, immediately leaving the earth and rising to the immortal world, that is, the so-called upper plane.

this process has not changed since ancient times.

until Reiki is thin and the gate of immortal is closed, no one can cause thunderstorm, let alone soar.

although Reiki has been revived, the fairy gate has not been opened yet.

so far at least, no friar at the peak of the hijacking period has caused thunder. Of course, one hundred thousand thunder attracted by Fang Yu when he was at war with the plane law had to be removed.

"Boss, when you say so... Something really isn't right. " Su Changge frowned, "with your strength, you should have gone through the robbery a long time ago. Why is there no thunderstorm coming"

"I'm a special case, so you can't take me as an example." Fang Yu's eyes moved slightly, looked at Huaixu and said, "now that Reiki is reviving, I want to know if the fairy gate has been opened." You have to let the normal peak monk in the period of robbery as an example. "

"Huaixu, are you approaching the peak of the hijacking period by now"

". Yes, I still need a kick in the door, and I can't break through the last bottleneck all the time. " He said solemnly with an empty face.

"you have to work hard to get to the peak of the robbery." Fang Yu said.

"I will try my best." Huaixu replied.

"Boss, I feel like I have a chance, too. I'm at the peak of my fit now." Su Changge said.

"No problem. If you open the fairy door and practice for another 30 to 50 years, you should be able to become an immortal steadily." Fang Yu nodded.

"Thirty or fifty years." Su Changge froze. The rapid breakthrough in the previous realm of

is due to the illusion caused by the improvement in the quality and quantity of Reiki. Therefore, even if all the monks have a rapid ascension, this ascension is relatively empty, fat, and the foundation is very unstable. " Bai ran said, "the higher the realm, the higher the requirements for the foundation."

"therefore, you now feel very easy and fast to break through. But keep going up... The speed will suddenly slow down a lot. "

"Brother Fang said that he has been very optimistic about you for 30 to 50 years. I think it will take at least a hundred years with your nature."

"you farted! I want a hundred years With my gift, it has been more than thirty years! " Su Changge retorted roughly with a red face and neck.

"Bai ran is right. The revival of Reiki has made your repair become fat." Fang Yu also said at this time, "Don't think that the current breakthrough speed can be maintained all the time, it's impossible."

"anyway, for the time being, there is only false repair, which is closest to the peak of the robbery period."

"as for others, there is still a long way to go."

"Brother Fang, I will practice behind closed doors from now on." Huaixu said in a quiet out slowly. That's why death Wheel Star is infamous""Fang Yu still wants to talk."wait, wait,at the same time, extremely strong pressure was exerted on Fang Yu and Chen Qianan."Boom"Chen Qianan ga...