Chapter 1563: The End of Horrors

ered from a graceful woman to an octopus with many cyan scales!there is a sharp contrast in appearance between the two sides."Prince Rongdao really has a strong taste."the hidden Fang Yu shook his hea..."the final test"

Fang Yu did not ponder the meaning of this sentence carefully.

but it is rare that Ruoyu and tears of extreme cold agree.

obviously, the opponent this time is really strong.

Fang Yu stared at the giant object in the sky and thought.


the illusion of the Avenue Spirit expands rapidly on the surface of his body.

at this time, Fang Yu's figure increased more than a hundredfold.

however, in front of this giant in the air, it is still not worth mentioning.

but this is not the first time Fang Yu has seen such a huge thing.

in the passage of the ruins of the Feng nationality, he inexplicably fell into some strange space and met the so-called daughter of vanity.

that was the biggest creature he had ever seen.

the abyss is only the length of the mouth of the daughter of vanity.

compared with the daughter of vanity, the existence of this suspected sanctuary will is not so terrible.


the will of the sanctuary over the sky suddenly bowed its head!

it seems to be wearing a helmet on its head and can only see a big eye on its face.

this eye is vertical, with a purplish-red glow, in which diamond-shaped pupil can be clearly seen.


while its eyes looked directly at Fang Yu, a powerful force that could not be described exploded in front of Fang Yu!

this is a blink of an eye, not a process that happened!

Fang Yu only felt his whole body bony for a while, and his body was covered with a strong golden awn, and quickly fell down.


Fang Yu fell into the snow field of the ground, smashed into a deep pit, and splashed countless gravel and dust.

High in the air, the eye of the will of the sanctuary was still fixed on Fang Yu.

the diamond light flashed in the pupil of the eye.


where Fang Yu is located, there is another explosion!

the smell of destruction destroyed the snow fields nearly 100 kilometers around, and the whole world was shrouded in rising snowflakes and dust.

Tianjidao people have now operated the method, pulling out an area a hundred kilometers away.

but even if he is far away from the center, he can still feel the smell of terror!

is so powerful!

such a breath, should not appear in this plane!

the Tianjidao man looked up at the sky, his face dignified and his eyes startled.

"plane rule... Why haven't you shown up yet " Tianjidao frowned.

for him, the situation is not optimistic.

it took a lot of energy and through layers of resistance to come to this plane of the earth. The goal of

is for Yuanjing!

but now, this attempt to destroy the existence of Yuanjing is far more powerful than he imagined!

although the attention of this existence is still focused on Fang Yu.

according to its strength, Fang Yu simply can't support it for long.

once Fang Yu is solved, this existence is bound to find out the source crystal.

if the source crystal does not appear, it may directly raise its hand and destroy the whole planet!

at that time, Tianjidao people will not be able to get the source, but they will not be able to guarantee their own safety.

"what on earth is going on" The Tianjidao man looked ugly and stared at the horrible colossus in the distance.


on the other side, the monk's face was equally shocked.

A random blow, not even aware of the process, has been destroyed within a hundred kilometers!

such strength... It's too scary.

is this the true strength of the will of the Holy Court

the mood of the monk, who was slightly uneasy, has calmed down.

he has a heart in mind.

now, you only need to appreciate how the will of the sanctuary destroys the source crystal.



in the underground, Fang Yu stood up, twisted his neck, and exercised his muscles and bones.

two consecutive blows shook his bones.

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and let him feel the pain he hasn't seen for a long time.

but Fang Yu was not too surprised or panicked.

"finally meet. Enemies that I need to take seriously. " Fang Yu's eyes glowed with gold, and the golden cross sword turned slowly.

he bent his legs slightly and gave him a sharp kick.


there was a roar in the ground, and Fang Yu's body rose into the air like a rocket!

he is rapidly approaching the will of the sanctuary above!

at the moment, the will of the sanctuary was motionless, and the diamond-shaped pupil suddenly turned into a square in the big, purplish eye.


A dull sound!

the body of Fang Yu, who is rushing into the sky, suddenly appears an invisible force of restraint!

this force locks the whole space down, so that Fang Yu loses speed and stays still in the air.

the square space is like being cut out separately, there is no space inside, and it is full of extreme pressure.


Fang Yu's body surface burst into bursts of brittleness.

at this time, he can clearly feel the squeeze.

the bones in the body are shining, bearing unprecedented horrors.

Fang Yu clenched his fists.


his body smelled of terror.

the anti-heavenly force supported him to carry the pressure in the space and suddenly threw a punch up!


this, the whole square space explodes!

the pressure bound to the body of Fang Yu dissipates immediately.


but at this time, a huge gray object like a giant hair suddenly fell from the sky and slapped on Fang Yu.


Fang Yu was hit hard and flew out.

at the same time, the shape of the pupil in the center of the big eye changed again and became a five-pointed star!


A purple light method can burst out of the eye and hit Fang Yu directly!

Fang Yu flying upside down in the air, the golden cross sword in the double pupil turned rapidly, condensing a golden shield in front of him.


the Purple Light method can detonate above this shield, bursting out the power to shatter space.

even if the shield is not broken, the square feather in the rear can still feel the smell of crushing.

like hitting a bull across the mountain, his body was hit twice in the air.

the feeling of pain is especially obvious.


at this time, the extremely long hair on the back of the will of the sanctuary straightened up.


A deafening noise came from the sky.

when the wind blew, a huge pillar of thunder suddenly fell from the sky and was chopping on Fang Yu.


Fang Yu falls to the ground again.

at this moment, heaven and earth are shaking.


although the far north is far away from Beidu, at this moment, that terrible smell has spread to the whole Beidu!

all the people in the main hall of Tiandaomeng looked pale.

because, through the surveillance device of peeping into the sky, they saw the terrible giant monster over the far north.

at this time, the whole far north is shaking.

they can even feel the pressure!

know that they are at least thousands of kilometers from the far north!

however, even where they are, they can feel the breath and pressure.

it is conceivable that this giant monster in the air. How terrible the strength is.

No other race can be compared with it.

"what on earth is this... What is it How can there be such a powerful monster when so many foreigners have been wiped out by the boss " Su Changge, who was a little emotional, shouted.lm to the right."Boom!"the furious true gas blasted out, facing a dozen elders in the right direction!these elders are still condensing the formula, but Fang Yu will suddenly explode."Boom."the real g...