Chapter 1544-Torch Dragon Appears

a saying," catch the thief and get the king first. ""now, I'll show you clearly.""there is a huge gap between me and you humble humans." As soon as the voice offell, the fingertip of the immortal king...[]

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the Empress wanted to turn around, but the severe pain in her body made it difficult for her to move!

A powerful breath of true qi poured into her body, blocking all her meridians.

even if it is a masterpiece of soul jade on the forehead, it is difficult to break free from this terrible power!

the Empress was shocked.

she never expected to be attacked at a time like this!

"Empress, Empress, you were supposed to be smart, but how could you be such a jerk at a critical time" Fang Yu's right hand pressed on the center of the queen's back, releasing bursts of golden light.

Dharma seals are imposed on the Empress to block all the breath in her body.

at this time, Fang Yu went around to the queen's body.

the Emperor looked at the road of glory in front of her, her eyes wide open, full of shock and confusion.

"what did you expect"

Fang Yu, with a smile on her face, removes the mystery and reveals her original face.

"it's you." Fang Yu! " The queen gritted her teeth and uttered a voice of resentment.

at this moment, she immediately realized that something was wrong.

Rong Road. It turned out to be Fang Yu's camouflage, no wonder it suddenly became stronger!

but at the beginning, she clearly left a blood bond on Rong Dao!

the Emperor immediately tried to run the blood bond, but there was no response.

Blood bond. It's not working.

"you seem to think that blood bond is an inexplicable art, but in fact. That's not the case. " Fang Yu said faintly, "at least for me, erasing blood deeds is as easy as drinking water."

at the moment, the Empress was in a complete state of mind.

originally she had a plan and thought everything was under control.

didn't think about it. But she made a huge mistake!

she unexpectedly let Fang Yu mix in front of her, without precaution.

this is a fatal mistake.

the Emperor breathed heavily and was confused.

she keeps trying to release her power, but the breath all over her body has lost contact with her and can't be controlled at all!

as for the soul jade on the forehead... It doesn't work either!

"what to do, what to do..." The queen roared in her heart.

she is close to completing the plan, but she kills a Fang Yu on the way!

"Let me see your real face." Fang Yu raised his hand and removed the veil from the emperor's face.


the veil was torn off by Fang Yu, revealing the beautiful face of the emperor.

"it's not ugly. Why don't you dare to meet people with your real face on weekdays" Fang Yu frowned and asked curiously.

"you. What do you want " The Empress was so nervous that her lips turned white and asked.

"hand over the holy fruit." Fang Yu said faintly.

"Holy Fruit." The queen's face changed, shut up and stopped talking.

Fang Yu didn't say anything, just the operating formula.


the queen only felt severe pain from all parts of her body, like countless insects with sharp teeth biting flesh and blood!


the queen screamed and her body twitched slightly.

and this sharp pain is still rising, the pain is getting stronger and stronger, and it continues to spread.


the Empress screamed louder and louder, and the body twitched more and more.

seeing this, the cornite in the rear swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and her eyes were filled with horror and fear.

he never dreamed of. In his eyes, the Emperor, who is always high above, will reveal such a fragile moment.

in the face of Fang Yu, the Emperor did not even have a chance to resist and could only be tortured.

in front of Fang Yu, no matter he is a loser or an empress. There doesn't seem to be much difference.

this can only explain one thing.

Fang Yu's strength is already on another level.

thinking in this way, Cangyu's eyes looked at Fang Yu with more fear.

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while using magic tricks to torture the Emperor, Fang Yu is also searching for the Emperor's whole body with his mind.

the four sacred fruits should all be on the emperor's body.

but we still have to find out where she hid it.

the screams of the Empress became more and more mournful and almost unbearable.

but Fang Yu still hasn't found the location of the holy fruit.

"King, help me."

the Emperor shouted with all her strength in a torn voice.

Fang Yu was stupefied for a moment, thinking that she was calling Shenhai the Great, so she turned to look at the position in the distance.


at the moment, the location of Shenhai the Great is still shrouded in the sea, and there is a constant sound of explosions inside.

obviously, it is impossible for Shenhai the Great to pull out his hand to help the Empress.

"calculate others every day, and now when you are in danger, you want others to save you" You really are. " Fang Yu said.

the voice is still intact.


A terrifying power is coming from above!

at the moment of feeling the breath, Fang Yu flashed and hid to the side.


Black Mang falls from the sky and falls on the sea below, stirring up thousands of layers of spray!

"she really called for reinforcements."

Fang Yu raised her head and looked up into the sky.

A figure appeared in the sky.

from the point of view of appearance, it is not much different from ordinary people.

it is dressed in black robes, its surface is shrouded in black and red light, and its breath is cold.

at the same time, there is a very familiar breath.

belongs to the breath of dragons!

Fang Yu's eyes flashed and looked at the figure floating in the air.

at this time, the inverted figure also slowly raised its head, revealing its face.

there are many scales growing on his face, and the gap between the scales flows through the dark golden light.

A pair of pupil covered with complex lines twinkles with a strange awn that makes the liver and gallbladder break!

this is.

Zulong one pulse, candle nine yin!

the word popped up in Fang Yu's mind, with a look of surprise on his face.

the figure in front of me is the owner of the origin of Candle Nine Yin.

at this moment, the figure in the air raised his left hand.


the Emperor ascended into the air and reached his body.

it raised its left hand and pressed it on the queen's head.

"bang, bang, bang."

the Dharma seal imposed by Fang Yu on the Emperor's body was all shattered at this moment!

the Emperor regained her ability and breath of action and looked at Fang Yu's position with resentment and a trace of fear in her eyes.

she was afraid of the extreme pain she had just suffered.

"Wang, please forgive me for my mistake." The queen knelt down on one knee in front of the black man, bowed her head and said.

the black robed man ignored the Emperor and stared straight at Fang Yu.

double pupil covered with striations, twinkling with different awns.

"bang, bang, bang."

at this time, the whole space is making a bang.

"it turns out that you have something to do with Zulong's pulse." Fang Yu looked at the Emperor with a twinkle in her eyes.

but if the emperor is a dragon, why doesn't she have the smell of dragons

"you don't have to be a dragon to take orders from Candle Nine Yin." Li Huoyu said, "but I really didn't expect it." The emperor of the Shenhai Dynasty should have something to do with Candle Nine Yin. "

"is not just about such an understatement." I am afraid it is also for the sake of candle Jiuyin that the Empress wants to assassinate the Great and subvert the Shenhai Dynasty. " Fang Yu said faintly.

on the other side, Beryl looked at the terrifying figure in the air and was scared out of her wits.

the smell! That's the smell!

when he accidentally saw the shadow of terror behind the Empress, he felt a similar smell!o the East Palace, close down in the Little Ling Hill in the East Palace, and try again to break through the bottleneck." The man replied."Yes, it is said that Zhi Yunzhen also equipped him with an el...